There’s this new towel technology that Steve here is showing off, and it’s got us pretty impressed. We may have finally found something to replace all of our ShamWows.

Dan Hesse, You Can Keep Making Commercials Forever
Tonya emailed us a video clip of a cute little piggy with a robot voice complaining about being trapped on hold. We appreciated the rant, but were even more fascinated with the technology that allowed her friend to turn a long, written diatribe into an instant cartoon. You know who needs this? Dan Hesse, shunned pitchman and CEO for Sprint! You’ll never have to stop making commercials now. Also, we’ve decided to make you British.

Check Out The New Commercial For Citibank!
Here’s what you can expect from a nationalized Citibank, courtesy of Funny or Die. NSFW warning: this thing is full of f-bombs, and even an r-mine. (Full video after the jump.)

Maryland Comptroller Unveils "Real Taxpayers Of Genius"

You Say Snuggie, I Say WTF Blanket
Though you may know and love and/or fear it as The Snuggie, it’s marketed some states north of Minnesoata and east of Kentucky as The WTF Blanket. Here is its ad [NSFW], which, according to unconfirmed outsider sources on non-attribution background, could be angling to snatch up one of the the last Super Bowl ad slots using a modified eBay snipe-bot. [via Bon Jour, Pee Wee]

Waste Your Saturday With 50 Funny Commercial Parodies has assembled a list of 50 fake commercials for everything from Tylenol BM (you’ll sleep right through your bodily functions!) to the Woomba (it cleans your noony!). There’s even some that don’t involve body parts, like Lily Tomlin’s increasingly agitated housewife hawking “G-r-r-r Detergent” in 1975. Our favorite recent commercial parody that didn’t make the list is probably the Jamie Lee Curtis commercial for Activia, because you can never get enough of women eating yogurt.
Panexa: The Best and Worst Drug Ever
Stay Free magazine ran an amusing back page goof ad for “Panexa” and also made a website. Now there’s a promotional video.