While Nabisco itself has been working hard to create strange permutations of the brand, outside researchers are also pushing the boundaries of Oreo Science. First came the high school students who calculated that Double Stuf Oreos only contain 1.86 times as much Stuf as regular Oreos. Now the frosting scientists at the Onion’s A.V. Club have conducted their own experiment, wondering: what happens if you try to multiply the filling in one cookie times ten? [More]

Root Beer Float Oreos Are Now Available In Stores, We Think
The fried chicken Oreos that made the rounds online recently weren’t real. That news may have either delighted or disappointed you, but in recent years, there has always been another novelty Oreo flavor around the corner. Today we rounded that corner. Root beer float Oreos are now a thing. [More]

Shocker: Those Fake-Looking Fried Chicken Oreos Are Indeed Fake
Given the sheer number of Oreo varieties that have been dumped on store shelves in the past year — from sherbet to peanut butter cup to fruit punch to lemon and limeade — it’s almost not beyond belief that Nabisco would give fried chicken Oreos a go. Almost, but not quite. [More]

Limeade Oreos Will Be Your Refreshing Summer Cookie
Can’t get enough refreshing fruit-flavored Oreos? Have you made your way through lemon, watermelon, and fruit punch flavored sandwich cookies, and you’re ready to try a new (but not terribly different) flavor? Great news! Limeade Oreos are here. [More]

Food Companies Not Bragging About Making Products Healthier Out Of Fear You’ll Reject Change
Change can be terrifying. Just ask my brother, who ran screaming at a young age when my formerly straight-haired mom came home with a perm. That kind of reaction is exactly why the companies behind Boston Market, Hamburger Helper and even McDonald’s don’t always go bragging to customers when they change products to make them healthier — they’re worried about rejection, just like the rest of us. [More]

Stories You Might Have Missed Because You Were Too Busy Being Awesome
We post a lot of stories during the week, and we know that most of you have jobs, families, lives, hobbies, nagging itches and other more important things to do than read every single thing we write. So for those who might be playing catch-up on the weekend, here are some of the things you might have missed… [More]

Fruit Punch Oreos Exist, Are Available At Walmart
Here at Consumerist, we try to stay at the forefront of advances in cookie technology. Earlier this week, we learned that fruit punch-flavored Oreos exist. This is only the latest in a string of intriguing and/or horrifying Oreo varieties that have hit shelves in recent years. We had to know more. [More]

Oreoscape Keeps Expanding: Lemon Oreos Hit Shelves
If you’ve visited the cookie aisle recently, you might have noticed the proliferation of both year-round and seasonal Oreo flavors. We always thought that “Oreo” was the best Oreo flavor, but we must be less sophisticated than the rest of the American public. What’s Nabisco’s new addition? Lemon. [More]

Study: Oreos Are Just As Addictive As Cocaine
You might on occasion joke about how your favorite snacks are so totally and overwhelmingly delicious, they’re addictive. You just… cannot… stop. Some researchers are on your side after running rats through tests pitting Oreos and rice cakes against each other. Guess which one came out with the comparison that it’s a lot like cocaine on your brain? [More]

High School Students Blow The Lid Off Oreo’s Double Stuf: There’s Only 1.86 Times The Stuf
If you’re the kind of person whose world can come crashing down when a long-held snack belief is blown into a million pieces, well first of all — don’t be so dramatic. But second — you might not like to hear that Double Stuf and Mega Stuf Oreos are not, in fact, doubly stuffed and the mega amount has been called into question as well. Maybe you should sit down for this. [More]

Incredibly Important Poll: Would You Eat This?
Do you feel like Double-Stuf — or even Mega Stuf — Oreos simply don’t have enough cream filling to fulfill your snack-food fantasies? Or maybe you just want complete control over how much cream filling goes in your cookie? If so, this might be right up your alley. [More]

This Is Out Of Hand: Sherbet-Flavored Oreos Are A Thing
Sure, Cookies & Cream ice cream is now a standard flavor, even if the crumbled-up cookies inside aren’t officially marked as Oreo brand. What about the other way around, though? We recently learned that ice cream-flavored Oreos exist, in sherbet flavor, and we’re starting to wonder whether this whole Oreo flavor train is going a little too fast for our taste buds to handle. [More]

Watermelon Oreos Are Real, And They’re Here For The Summer
From the same deranged marketing brains that brought us gingerbread Oreos and candy corn Oreos, get ready for another seasonal-themed, frosting-filled snack cookie. Watermelon Oreos are officially a thing, America. [More]

There Is Now A Machine That Removes Unwanted Creme From The Oreo
In a world where plenty of people just continue to grumble and complain when there’s something they don’t like, it’s refreshing to know that there are enterprising minds out there willing to address life’s ills and actually do something about them. Case in point — a physicist who can’t stand the creme in Oreos. Instead of living with that snack imposition, he invented a machine to remove the stuff. [More]