In certain markets, Uber will charge a “surge” rate during busy times that is in excess of what a passenger normally pays for a ride. But one Chicago Uber customer says she had no idea she’d be charged $925, nearly eight times the standard rate, for her lengthy trip. [More]
say whatnow?

Update: Philly Family With No Heat Says PGW Is Demanding $14K To Return Gas Meter
On Wednesday, we wrote about Consumerist reader Norma, whose family has been without gas service in Philadelphia — which means no heat — in their apartment for a few days. Since then, Norma says the local utility has demanded they pay $14,000 in order to get their meter returned and service turned back on. [More]

Alexa Has Very Explicit Response To Toddler’s Seemingly Innocent Song Request
In what could either be an innocent mistake or a set-up by wise adults, Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa gave one toddler a very interesting answer to his request to hear a specific song. [More]

Airmule: Odd Name For A Real Service That Swears It’s Not A Shipping Company
Hear the word “mule” in any context other than the barnyard and you’ll likely think of people shoving illegal drugs or other contraband in bodily cavities in order to smuggle it past the authorities. So when we heard about a new “peer-to-peer” courier service called AirMule, we had to take a closer look. [More]

“The Sea Is Too Blue” And 9 Other Wackadoodle Things Hotel Staff Have Heard From Guests
Staying the night in new surroundings can be a stressful experience, so it’s totally understandable that some hotel guests might have a few requests to make temporary lodgings feel a bit homier, or a couple complaints if something just isn’t right. But when you’re complaining that the “sea is too blue,” you’ve got other problems. [More]

High School Students Blow The Lid Off Oreo’s Double Stuf: There’s Only 1.86 Times The Stuf
If you’re the kind of person whose world can come crashing down when a long-held snack belief is blown into a million pieces, well first of all — don’t be so dramatic. But second — you might not like to hear that Double Stuf and Mega Stuf Oreos are not, in fact, doubly stuffed and the mega amount has been called into question as well. Maybe you should sit down for this. [More]