Eons ago, online dating services like Match.com and OKCupid were forged in the fires of the internet, only later to evolve into occupants of the app ecosystem. But Tinder was born as an app, looking down on the elder generation and generally swiping left on the idea of a “website.” Now, like a teenager who “discovers” their cool aunt’s CD collection and can’t shut up about Screaming Trees and Portishead, the swipe-centric dating app is going retro with the launch of a web-based version. [More]
online dating

Married People Ruin British Airways Promos By Flooding Dating Sites For Singles
Not content to let the unmarrieds of the world have all the free frequent flier miles, a veritable flood of married travelers overwhelmed a pair of British Airways promotions on dating sites Match.com and eHarmony. [More]

There’s Supposedly A Secret Version Of Tinder Only Available To Elite Users
The world of online dating has just become a lot more like the high school cafeteria: Because supermodels, celebrities, professional athletes, and rich CEOs are apparently above having to dip their well-heeled feet into the commoners’ dating pool, Tinder reportedly has a secret, members-only version of its app. Don’t feel too bad, we weren’t invited, either. [More]

Police: Woman Scams First Date Out Of $300 Gift Card At Dinner
We’ve heard of jerks who take advantage of folks looking for love, from dining-and-dashing to elaborate scams that swindle romantic targets out of thousands of dollars. Now, police in Connecticut say one woman fleeced her date after he paid for dinner — and used the money to go out with other men. [More]

Man Accused Of Stealing Thousands Of Dollars From Women He Met Online
There might be plenty of fish in the sea for daters to choose from, but there are a few that if caught, should probably be thrown right back. For example, a man accused of stealing thousands of dollars from women he met and wooed online. [More]

Woman Gets $163 Bill Instead Of Romance After Online Date Dines, Dashes
Have you gone on a bad date recently? Maybe he had food in his teeth the whole time, or perhaps she wouldn’t stop talking about her Precious Moments collections. It could’ve been worse, though. Your date could’ve ordered a bunch of food and drinks at a pricey steakhouse and then fled, leaving you with the bill. [More]

AshleyMadison.com, Dating Site For Cheaters, Hacked; User Info Posted Online
The parent company of AshleyMadison.com, a dating site that brazenly declares “Life is short. Have an affair,” is the latest subject of a massive data breach. Over the weekend, hackers posted a sampling of user data stolen from the site. [More]

Tinder Introduces “Verified” Profiles So You Won’t End Up On A Date With A Poser
A friend of mine once showed me a photo of a guy on Tinder she was supposed go on a date with, and my initial thought was that he looked a heck of a lot like a certain actor I’d seen in various things over the years. But hey, lots of normal people look similar to celebrities, right? Maybe, but why take a chance when you could end up on a date with a total creeper? To that end, Tinder is trying to combat such rampant poserism with its new “verified” profiles. [More]

Wait — What Did The Guy In This FarmersOnly.com Ad Just Say?
If you’re a fan of basic cable, you’ve most likely seen any number of the many ads for FarmersOnly.com, the online dating site targeting rural Americans. The ad’s recent slate of commercials are more professional-looking than some of the bottom-dollar spots that first got that darn jingle stuck in our heads, but there’s one new-ish ad that we had to rewind a few times just to make sure we heard it correctly. [More]

New Dating App Bills Itself As “Tinder, Minus The Poor People”
With so many online dating sites and apps to choose from when seeking the love of your life/tonight, newcomers on the scene must make sure to set themselves apart. One way of doing that? Immediately informing potential customers that only rich people are allowed on your app. [More]

Man Sends $70K To Online Suitor, Sues OKCupid For Not Warning Him Of Dating Dangers
Sometimes, when love is in the air, it’s like nothing matters — eating, sleeping… keeping an eye on your bank account and making sure not to send a bunch of money to someone you’ve never met. A man who was tricked into sending $70,000 to an online suitor is now suing OKCupid for not warning him that such a thing could happen. [More]

The FBI Reminds You That The Supermodel Wooing You Online May Just Be A Scammer
So that woman who began writing to you the other day — you know, the one whose photos look suspiciously like she’s a member of the Russian Ladies Curling team? The FBI says she might not be the leggy answer to your romantic dreams, but may just be looking to scam you out of your cash. [More]

The High Price Of Love: Woman Sent $500,000 To Man She Met On ChristianMingle.com
Remember, money can’t buy you love. Especially, if that love costs you more than half a million dollars. That’s how much a San Jose woman lost when she fell victim to an online dating scam. [More]

OKCupid Charging Users Extra Monthly Fee To Filter Dates By Body Type
It’s no secret that people want to date people they find attractive. That’s why online dating profiles come with photos. But when the photos fail, OKCupid users can now filter potential matches by their body types — from descriptions like “jacked” to “used up” — for a fee ranging from $4.95 to $10. [More]

OKCupid Resurrects “Crazy Blind Date” Service Because You Should Be On A Date Right Now
Ready for a true story, kids? Once upon a time, a young woman went on the Internet and set up a time and place to meet a total stranger, without ever seeing his face, for just one drink. They met, they drank, they left and that was that. It was five years ago and the online service was called Crazy Blind Date. It died off and became what we know as OKCupid. Now it’s resurrection time. [More]

Mother & Daughter Accused Of Pretending To Be Soldiers To Woo $1 Million From Online Daters
Online dating is already fraught with enough questions and anxiety over whether or not the person you’re going to meet is as charming or attractive (or has as much hair) as the person you’ve come to know through the Internet. You shouldn’t also have to worry that that soldier stationed in Afghanistan you’ve been flirting with is actually a middle-aged woman in Colorado who just wants to scam you out of your money. [More]

Online Dating Shouldn’t Involve Sending Your Loved One $25K
Attention, all ye singles looking for love in all the online places — if he/she really loves you, they most likely will not demand you send them large amounts of money and expensive stuff. So if your long-distance lover starts asking for extravagant gifts and cash, odds are it could be a scam, as a couple of women in New Hampshire have had the misfortune to figure out too late. [More]

Don't Want Your Online Dating Profile Being Used In Ads? Make Sure To Read All The Fine Print
Online dating is now so common that many people don’t care if their friends or coworkers stumble upon your profile. But that doesn’t mean you necessarily want your photo being used in an ad for the dating site. [More]