Not content to let the unmarrieds of the world have all the free frequent flier miles, a veritable flood of married travelers overwhelmed a pair of British Airways promotions on dating sites and eHarmony. [More]

Married People Ruin British Airways Promos By Flooding Dating Sites For Singles

You Only Have To Call Comcast 9 Times Before You Just Give Up And Go To Their Office
Reader Adam has written in to share his maddeningly typical experience with Comcast. As he says, “They didn’t kill my first born child, but they were a big pain in the ass.”

A Tragic Tale Of Horrific, Yet Typical, Service At CVS
Reader Rachael’s description of what its like to shop at her local CVS is a good example maddening, yet typical “customer service” that you find at chain drug stores. Why is buying razor blades and photo prints so insanely difficult? Why?