It’s been almost two years since women’s safety advocates began pushing online dating sites to begin screening their customers against available info for registered sex offenders. Yesterday, the operators of a handful of the most popular dating sites signed an agreement to do their best with the information they have access to. [More]
online dating's 6-Month Guarantee Does Not Transfer To is a dating site that is separate from, but owned by, Meredith learned this the hard way when she clicked over to Chemistry from a page on Match, then found that all of her information was already in their system. Assuming that it was all part of the same site and that Match’s advertised six-month guarantee was in effect, she signed up for a membership. After six months passed with neither chemistry nor matches, she learned that the guarantee doesn’t extend to memberships. [More] Thinks You Have 7-Year Itch
After years of happy marriage, has decided that one of our readers has probably had enough and emailed them a selection of potential mates. Our reader met the man they would eventually marry on in 2001 and both of them believed they deleted their profiles together in 2002. In 2005, they were married. But using sophisticated algorithms, has tried to hook our reader up again. Maybe there’s a built-in 7-Year Itch protocol that automatically detects when you’ve hit the 7-year mark and would potentially be interested in the dating site’s services again? [More] Just Got A Little Less Sex Offender Friendly
In news that could set a precedent for online dating sites, announced over the weekend that it plans to begin screening users to see if they have a history of being sex offenders. [More]

Should Online Dating Sites Be Required To Do Background Checks?
Almost anyone who has ever visited — let alone actually joined — an online dating site knows going in, or quickly learns, to take everything they read and see with a grain of salt. A really, really big grain of salt. But the recent case of a convicted killer, awaiting trial for yet another murder, who posted a profile on has gotten some people talking about adding regulations to these sites. [More]

OKCupid Is Hiding The Good-Looking People From Us Ugly Freaks
We’ve received e-mails from a handful of readers in recent weeks who also have profiles on the popular dating site They had been sent messages by the matchmakers informing them of the good news that they were among the site’s more attractive users. Which meant they now have the privilege of seeing other hotties that are apparently being held back from the slack-jawed masses. [More]

Dating Site eHarmony Settles Same-Sex Class Action For $2 Million
In 2008, eHarmony responded to complaints that it wasn’t serving gay and lesbian customers by setting up a second website, Compatible Partners, and keeping those customers separate from the official site. Some users sued the company, saying anyone with bisexual interests were being forced to pay twice for the same service. Now eHarmony has settled the class action and will allow members of either site to participate on the other one without having to pay a second time. [More]

Recession Boon Time For Online-Dating Sites
eHarmony says they’ve noticed their site traffic increases on days when the Dow drops by more than 100 points. I guess add them to auto parts stores as another counter-cyclical investment. [Economist] (Photo: andronicusmax) Joins The 19th Century has sagely decided to stop requiring you to send a telegram to cancel your subscription.

Shockingly, E-Harmony Found Electronic, Harmonious
We’ve ragged on E-Harmony, the online dating service accused of having a vaguely creepy religious aura, and several months ago, we were plucking e-Harmony’s harp pretty hard.

Confessions of a Former eHarmony Worker
An ex customer service rep and atheist wrote in. She reveals more about the matchmaking site’s inner workings, including the old guy who sat behind her with a bible on her desk.

More Discrimination Victims
Online dating site does not want Tamsem (pictured) as a member. Based on its extensive personality profile, eHarmony found her unsuitable for any of its tens of thousands of members.

Married Man Sues For a Date
Last month we wrote about a lady who was upset with, an online matchmaking service. L.D. spent over an hour filling out the in-depth personality profile, only to be told at the end that e-harmony doesn’t let people who are legally separated to use its service.
re not fit to date any of our members, the number one online relationship site told her.