A friend of mine once showed me a photo of a guy on Tinder she was supposed go on a date with, and my initial thought was that he looked a heck of a lot like a certain actor I’d seen in various things over the years. But hey, lots of normal people look similar to celebrities, right? Maybe, but why take a chance when you could end up on a date with a total creeper? To that end, Tinder is trying to combat such rampant poserism with its new “verified” profiles. [More]

StubHub Announces New “All-In” Pricing: The Listed Ticket Price You See Is What You’ll Pay
Remember how Ticketmaster promised it was going to be all upfront and transparent about which service fees and charges you’d be paying on tickets, but then sort of dropped the ball? It’s now StubHub’s turn to promise more transparency, with its new “All-in” ticket pricing announcement today. It basically promises that the price you see for a listed ticket is the total price you’ll end up paying at checkout. [More]

Man Calls Police Because He's Unhappy With Craigslist Stripper
A man in Orange County, CA, was so displeased with the sexy dancer he’d contacted through Craigslist that he felt compelled to contact the local police when she refused to provide a refund. [More]