
ESPN No Longer "Ready For Some Football"

ESPN No Longer "Ready For Some Football"

In the aftermath of a politically-tinged controversy, the days in which Hank Williams Jr. introduces Monday Night Football games with “Are you ready for some football?” theme songs have come to an end. Depending on who you believe, Williams either quit or was fired. Maybe both happened. But in any case, fans who are sick of the tired jingle came out ahead. [More]

NFL: All 16.6 Million Ticket-Holders Should Receive Additional Frisking Before Entering Stadium

NFL: All 16.6 Million Ticket-Holders Should Receive Additional Frisking Before Entering Stadium

In the NFL, an illegal touching penalty will set your team back five yards. But the league has absolutely no problem with telling all 32 of its franchises that every fan should be frisked from the ankles-to-knees and then again from the waist up. [More]

RedZone Channel, NFL Sunday Ticket Are Free Sunday

RedZone Channel, NFL Sunday Ticket Are Free Sunday

In an effort to hook viewers into ponying up for subscriptions, the powers that be have made the NFL RedZone Channel and NFL Sunday Ticket — which grant viewers godlike powers to scope out the action on Sundays — free this weekend. Sunday Ticket is available to DirecTV customers, while RedZone, usually packaged with NFL Network, is accessible via most major cable providers. [More]

Seven Former Players Sue NFL Over Concussions

Seven Former Players Sue NFL Over Concussions

One of the dark sides of pro football is the toll the game takes on players, leaving some with permanent brain injuries brought on by concussions. Seven former NFL players are suing the league over its handling of concussion-related injuries, alleging teams trained players to hit in ways that led to head injuries, failed to properly treat concussions and tried to hide links between the game and brain injuries. [More]

Rushing To Buy NFL Tickets Now May End Up Sacking Your Wallet

Rushing To Buy NFL Tickets Now May End Up Sacking Your Wallet

With the NFL lockout no longer in place, fans have been rushing to scoop up tickets. But experts say that frugal football fanatics could save more by waiting out this first wave of ticket-buying. [More]

NFL Lockout Over As Players Approve Deal

NFL Lockout Over As Players Approve Deal

As anticipated, the NFL Players Association has signed off on a deal ending the 4 1/2-month football lockout. The deal was approved by owners last week. Teams will be begin reporting to training camps on Wednesday. [More]

7 Months After Collapse, Metrodome Gets New Roof

7 Months After Collapse, Metrodome Gets New Roof

Everything fell apart for the Minnesota Vikings last year, in a disastrous season that saw its star quarterback fall from grace and snow obliterate the roof of their home stadium, the Metrodome. It’s been more than half a year since the collapse, but the Metrodome finally has a new roof. [More]

NFL Makes Contingency Plan For 8-Game Season

NFL Makes Contingency Plan For 8-Game Season

Should the NFL and its players be unable to work out their differences in a timely manner, the league is ready to go all Solomon-like and cut its regular season in half. While fans may be disappointed and team employees could be out half a season’s worth of pay, at least the Bills and Lions have hope of avoiding their traditional double-digit loss campaigns. [More]

Court Lets NFL Continue Lockout

Court Lets NFL Continue Lockout

After a couple early victories in court by players, the NFL has had its way in recent rulings involving its labor dispute. On Monday the league won a permanent stay of an injunction that forced the league to temporarily end its lockout. [More]

Courts Allow NFL To Resume Lockout, Fewer Fans Watch Draft

Courts Allow NFL To Resume Lockout, Fewer Fans Watch Draft

Football fans, we hope you enjoyed that one full day last week in which the NFL followed court orders to rescind its lockout. Because the work stoppage is back on. [More]

Judge Unlocks NFL, But League Will Push To Quickly Lock Back Down

Judge Unlocks NFL, But League Will Push To Quickly Lock Back Down

The NFL’s ugly labor dispute took a promising turn for fans hoping they don’t miss football this year on Monday, when a U.S. District judge ended the owners’ lockout. [More]

Pro Football Player Accused Of Stealing Beer From Casino Deli

Pro Football Player Accused Of Stealing Beer From Casino Deli

No matter how tough things may be for out-of-work pro football players, it’s doubtful they’re hard up enough for cash that they have to resort to swiping beer. [More]

Cleveland Browns Fan Sues Team, NFL Over Lockout

Cleveland Browns Fan Sues Team, NFL Over Lockout

Even though an NFL work stoppage is the one thing that keeps the Cleveland Browns from embarrassing themselves, a fan of the team is suing the team and league over its lockout, claiming the league violated his personal seat license contract, which grants him the right to buy tickets. [More]

No NFL Season Could Clip The Chicken Wing Industry

No NFL Season Could Clip The Chicken Wing Industry

Don’t buy that 780-count of wet naps just yet: If the NFL lockout drags on and results in no season this year, the chicken wing industry could suffer massively, a producer of the game-day snack favorite says. [More]

Disappointed Cincinnati Bengals Season Ticket Owners Send Bill To Team Owners

Disappointed Cincinnati Bengals Season Ticket Owners Send Bill To Team Owners

After yet another massive letdown of a season by the Cincinnati Bengals, two brothers in Ohio have decided not only to not renew their season tickets but to invoice the team’s owners for past games and related expenses. [More]

Madden Video Game Will Come Out Whether Or Not There's An NFL Season

Madden Video Game Will Come Out Whether Or Not There's An NFL Season

Regardless of whether or not NFL owners and players can make nice in time for there to be a football season, all will proceed as normal in video game world. [More]

Judge: NFL's TV Contract Won't Fly

Judge: NFL's TV Contract Won't Fly

If it didn’t seem fair to you that the NFL would be allowed to collect TV revenue while it locked out players, take heart, because a federal judge felt the same way. [More]

Report: NFL Could Survive 2-Year Lockout

Report: NFL Could Survive 2-Year Lockout

When billionaires are locked in a labor struggle with millionaires, bet on the billionaires — especially if they’ve got guaranteed continuing revenue streams. NFL owners, who are expected to lock players out later this week due to a labor dispute, are in decent shape to last two seasons without any actual football, predicts Standard & Poor’s. [More]