Say it isn’t so: just hours after we reported that a shortage of orange gourds could lead to a perfunctory pumpkin beer season, we get news that Champagne makers are preparing for a shortage of the bubbly beverage. [More]

Good Weather Means Bad Sales For Clothing Retailers, Great Sales For Consumers
In climates with four distinct seasons, most people appreciate when winter shows up a little late. Who doesn’t? Plow services getting paid by the job, regional ski resorts, and clothing retailers that sell winter coats. Retailers are stuck with a lot of cold-weather clothing right now that nobody is interested in because the weather isn’t cold. [More]

Spirit Confirms Delays & Cancellations Are Due To Weather, Not Strike
Earlier today we heard from several Spirit Airlines passengers who had been stranded at airports, sometimes for several days this week, for what they thought was an unofficial pilot strike. After hearing back from Spirit, the company has confirmed there is no strike. [More]

If You’re Flying Anywhere Near The Northeast Today Or Tomorrow, Call Your Airline Now
If you watch TV, read newspapers, or consume any news source at all on the internet up to and including Facebook and Twitter, you’ve probably heard that there’s a monster snowstorm bearing down on the northeast. And that means bad times at the airport: over 2000 flights for today have already been cancelled, along with nearly as many tomorrow. [More]

About To Break Down And Buy A Snowblower? You May Be Too Late
Some people plan ahead, and a few people plan way ahead. For example, they go shopping for a snowblower in August, months before snow even thinks about forming. Most regular people don’t have this level of foresight, though, which is why there aren’t any snowblowers left in stores after a massive storm hits your region. [More]

Hurry And Pick Up A Top Snowblower Before The Snow Comes
If you live in a part of the country that gets snow, you might be thinking about buying a snowblower…um, sometime in the next few hours if you live in the Northeast. Fortunately, our bundled-up colleagues over at Consumer Reports has already done the heavy plowing for you and picked out the best machines on the market. [More]

UPS Driver Delivers Package, Fixes Screen Door, Warms Hearts
The weather was bad, and Sergio’s family all left the house in a hurry. They didn’t secure the screen door properly, and the wind caught it, tearing it off the hinges. When UPS stopped by with an Amazon package, the driver could have said, “Aw, that’s a shame,” tossed their package on his porch, and then gone on with his day. He did not. [More]

Winter Is Coming, And This Year It’ll Be Cold Enough To Increase Your Home Heating Bills
Wrap up in that bear fur, Jon Snow: Winter is coming and this year it’s going to be a lot less friendly than it was last year. The federal government says American households are going to use more heating fuel this winter than last year because temperatures are going to actually be cold, instead of the balmy weather much of the country experienced last year. Makes sense. [More]

When Tropical Storm Threatens Tropical Paradise, Hotel Won't Let Me Cancel
William’s dilemma with Priceline and Westin is what we’re guessing will be the first of very many travel problems caused by what is now Tropical Storm Isaac. William used to live in New Orleans, and knows better than to be anywhere near the projected path of a hurricane if he doesn’t have to. He had plans to travel to a vacation spot in Florida right in Isaac’s predicted path this weekend, and was probably supposed to be in the air right now. He was able to cancel his normally non-refundable AirTran flight, but the hotel, a Westin, won’t budge. He paid through Priceline, which has a no-refunds policy. That’s common knowledge. The problem is that Westin wouldn’t cancel his reservation anyway until an actual evacuation order is issued for the area. [More]

7 Months After Collapse, Metrodome Gets New Roof
Everything fell apart for the Minnesota Vikings last year, in a disastrous season that saw its star quarterback fall from grace and snow obliterate the roof of their home stadium, the Metrodome. It’s been more than half a year since the collapse, but the Metrodome finally has a new roof. [More]

Get Your Airline Ticket Changed For Free Because Of Massive Midwest Storm
The Superbowl of storms is headed for the Midwest with 20″ snow and 45 mph winds predicted for Chicago. Thankfully, a lot of airlines are waiving their usual ticket change fees for travelers who could be affected. 3,000 flights have already been canceled in advance of the potentially deadly weather. Don’t go to the airport to see if you can make your flight, don’t get stuck in an airport, stay home, stay over at your friend’s house an extra day or two, and take advantage of this leniency. Here are links to the various airlines and their waiver and winter update pages and policies: [More]

Weather Knocks Out My DirecTV, Rep Tells Us We'll Suffer Long Wait, Get Little Credit (Updated)
UPDATE: DirecTV has says it will get Steve’s service going again soon and give him six months of credit. [More]

Snow Lays Waste To Metrodome, Sends Football Game To Detroit
A colossal snowstorm in Minnesota did to the Metrodome what other teams have been doing to the Vikings most of the season, making it collapse under intense pressure. Snow punctured the puffy, Teflon roof of the 28-year-old structure, forcing tonight’s Vikings-Giants game to be played in Detroit. The game had already been delayed because the Giants couldn’t get a flight into Minneapolis. [More]

Starbucks Kicks Customers Out Into New York's Crazy Storm?
Talk about pouring a bitter cup. The Post reports that eight customers inside a Long Island Starbucks were unceremoniously kicked out at the peak of yesterday’s lethal storm. [More]

Delta Gets Creative, Fakes Out Passenger With Reverse Cancellation Trick
Nelson is a Silver Medallion frequent flyer on Delta, so clearly he’s got some experience with the airline’s usual bag of tricks. This time Delta out-smarted him, though, by cancelling an 8:30 flight and then re-confirming it after he’d seen that it was cancelled. As far as Delta is concerned, it’s not their problem–the weather made them do it, and he should have kept checking in all morning yesterday. [More]

United Airlines Calls Up Delayed Traveler, Offers Compensation
We’ve brought you plenty of airline horror stories recently, but Marine officer Christopher’s experience is positively heartwarming in comparison. After the East coast snowpocalypse canceled his original flight and he was forced to wait on the tarmac for three hours due to a baggage handler shortage, United Airlines contacted him to offer a $250 travel voucher. No EECB needed. [More]

Yeah, It's Pretty Much Chaos At Delta/Northwest Right Now
Adding to the problems caused by snowstorms, travel delays, and a general lack of communication in the skies today, readers report that Delta’s and Northwest’s computer systems are still not integrated, resulting in some completely un-hilarious travel snafus. [More]