
Which Internet Provider Is The Best For Streaming Netflix?

Which Internet Provider Is The Best For Streaming Netflix?

How well you’ll be able to stream season two of Breaking Bad on Netflix may depend largely on which company you’re paying to provide internet service to your home. Netflix has just released the results of its own study on network performance and the results may not surprise you. [More]

Woot Mocks Netflix Over Qwikster Debacle, Sells Computers At The Same Time

Woot Mocks Netflix Over Qwikster Debacle, Sells Computers At The Same Time

Remember those brief few weeks when Netflix said it was actually going to rename its DVD service “Qwikster” and separate it from the Netflix website? Ah, those were the days… And now the deal-minded folks at Woot have put together a bit of prose that allows them to poke fun at Netflix, all while trying to sell some Lenovo Notebooks. [More]

Netflix Cancels Qwikster DVD Service, Goes Back To All-In-One Site

Netflix Cancels Qwikster DVD Service, Goes Back To All-In-One Site

Well, that was fast: Less than a month after Netflix announced it’d be splitting into two sites — Netflix for streaming movies and Qwikster for DVDs — it’s decided that that maybe isn’t the best idea. For those of you who were outraged, your roars have been heard. [More]

Another Postal Worker Caught Stealing Netflix DVDs

Another Postal Worker Caught Stealing Netflix DVDs

It’s been over five years since we first wrote about postal workers being busted for detouring Netflix DVDs into their own private stashes, and yet there are apparently still some USPS staffers out there who think they can steal more than 100 DVDs and not have it set off alarm bells. [More]

Imagine Being Deaf And Only "Breaking Bad's" Season Finale Isn't Subtitled On Netflix Streaming

Imagine Being Deaf And Only "Breaking Bad's" Season Finale Isn't Subtitled On Netflix Streaming

Imagine watching the first season of Breaking Bad, getting hooked, and then all of a sudden the last 10 minutes of the season finale are cut off. You have no idea how it ends. You’d be all like, what is this, The Sopranos? That’s similar to what happened to Patrick. He’s hearing-impaired and enjoyed watching Breaking Bad on Netflix Instant Streaming with subtitles. That is, until he got to the season finale, which had no subtitles. Netflix doesn’t offer Patrick much of a way to make his voice heard, so he’s writing here. [More]

Netflix CEO Jokes That Irked Investors May Be Trying To Poison Him

Netflix CEO Jokes That Irked Investors May Be Trying To Poison Him

It’s been a downer of a week for Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, whose attempt to soften the blow of deciding to split off his company’s DVD-by-mail division into the questionably named Qwikster was met with much derision and an initial dip in the company’s stock price. But Hastings has either been able to maintain a sense of humor about the situation or he wants the world to know he fears angry investors are out to poison him. [More]

Oops: Pot-Smoking Elmo Already Claimed @Qwikster On Twitter

Oops: Pot-Smoking Elmo Already Claimed @Qwikster On Twitter

Netflix might have flubbed on its due diligence when checking out if there were any a priori uses of the name “Qwikster.” (Whether or not just picking that name itself is a flub is another discussion.) It seems there was already an entity out there using Qwikster, and it’ll make it hard for the DVD by mail service to have a good Twitter profile. Yep, @Qwikster is a joint-smoking Elmo who gets bored in English class, harbors negative feelings about his ex-girlfriend, and recently attained level 25 in the Original Gangstaz game for iPhone. [More]

Netflix DVD Service To Be Renamed Qwikster, Will Offer Video Games

Netflix DVD Service To Be Renamed Qwikster, Will Offer Video Games

Over on the Netflix blog, CEO Reed Hastings offers a lengthy “my bad” about the way the video delivery service abruptly announced the fracturing of its services into separate streaming and DVD-by-mail offerings. But that doesn’t mean Netflix is going back to its old pricing model. In fact, Hastings announced that the DVD delivery service will soon become even more distinct from Netflix’s streaming side. [More]

Netflix Expecting 1 Million More Customers To Flee Following Price Hike

Netflix Expecting 1 Million More Customers To Flee Following Price Hike

It appears that the folks at Netflix underestimated the potential consumer blowback from its decision to split streaming and DVD delivery into two services, effectively increasing the price on customers by upward of 60%. While the company had originally estimated it wouldn’t see too huge of a defection this quarter, it has since changed its tune. [More]

Netflix: Restricting Streams To One Per Account Was A Glitch

Netflix: Restricting Streams To One Per Account Was A Glitch

Netflix continued its recent tightening and price-raising by making it so there can only be one streaming video feed per account. UPDATE: Netflix has clarified and said that all accounts can support at least two concurrent streams. The users who saw/heard that they could only have one stream were experiencing a glitch which Netflix is fixing. [More]

Updated Post: Netflix's Post-Price Hike Messages For Gift
Subscription Customers Are Confusing

Updated Post: Netflix's Post-Price Hike Messages For Gift Subscription Customers Are Confusing

Amanda and her husband found the news that Netflix was un-bundling DVD and streaming video packages and raising prices disappointing, as did most other customers. They figured that they didn’t have to worry about canceling or changing their subscription until early 2012, though, because they had received a one-year subscription as a gift. Twelve prepaid months is twelve prepaid months, right? Nope. From Netflix’s point of view, the gift giver didn’t pay for a fixed number of months for the couple–he prepaid a certain amount of money, and the length of their subscription was readjusted once the price went up. Amanda got some clarification from Netflix on this issue. Her prepaid subscription is being left just as it is. [More]

Netflix Testing Kid-Friendly User Interface

Netflix Testing Kid-Friendly User Interface

We never thought of the Netflix user interface as being overly complicated, but then again, none of us are 5-year-old kids searching for an episode of That’s So Raven. For those youngsters, the online video service has begun offering certain members a “Just For Kids” tab on its website that has a UI optimized for the elementary school set. [More]

Netflix Is Sorry You're Pissed, Glad You Don't Have Many Other Options

Netflix Is Sorry You're Pissed, Glad You Don't Have Many Other Options

Yesterday, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings reiterated what has been the party line since announcing its controversial price hike earlier this month, that the company is unhappy that you’re unhappy, but that it’s all going to be better in the long-haul. And it looks like, for now, customers are giving the company the benefit of a doubt. [More]

Netflix Emails 3% Discount To Apologize For Streaming Outage

Netflix Emails 3% Discount To Apologize For Streaming Outage

To say sorry for a outage to their streaming service on Sunday night, Netflix sent around an apology email this morning with a link to click on to get 3% credit off your next bill. Reader Stephen says, “Interesting that Netflix is willing to offer the discount but only to those who open the email and click the link. Wouldn’t the right thing be to give the discount to everyone?” [More]

What Are Your Non-Netflix Options For Streaming Video & DVDs?

What Are Your Non-Netflix Options For Streaming Video & DVDs?

With many Netflix subscribers less than pleased about that company’s decision to effectively raise rates by 60% for customers who want streaming videos and DVDs, people are starting to take a look at other options. [More]

Want Both Netflix Streaming And DVDs? That Will Now Be $15.98

Want Both Netflix Streaming And DVDs? That Will Now Be $15.98

If you’ve been enjoying paying $9.99 for unlimited streaming and DVDs from Netflix, get ready to pay more — or have to choose between watching movies online or through your DVD player. [More]

Netflix Expanding To 43 More Countries Later This Year

Netflix Expanding To 43 More Countries Later This Year

Only a year after Netflix went international by invading Canada, the video service says it now has plans to expand even farther beyond these borders. [More]

Would You Pay $50 A Month To Watch All The Movies In Theaters You Want?

Would You Pay $50 A Month To Watch All The Movies In Theaters You Want?

MoviePass is a new in-beta service that lets movie buffs watch as many movies in theaters as they want for $50 a month. [More]