
Netflix CEO Rips Comcast On Net Neutrality

Netflix CEO Rips Comcast On Net Neutrality

It’s been a few weeks since Comcast announced that data chewed up by customers who use the cable company’s Xfinity Xbox app won’t count toward their monthly data cap. The move ignited a debate over whether or not Comcast was unfairly making its product more readily available than those provided by others, like perhaps… Netflix. Well, yesterday, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings decided it was time to make his position known. [More]

At Least Netflix Streaming Doesn't Take 6 Weeks To Reach My House

At Least Netflix Streaming Doesn't Take 6 Weeks To Reach My House

Like many other Netflix customers last year, Chris was frustrated with the service’s price hikes, loss of content, and wacky re-branding efforts. He canceled and took advantage of a free trial offer from competitor Blockbuster. His happiness about switching didn’t last long, especially when it took Blockbuster six weeks to get his first DVD to him. Sure, he lives in Alaska, but it’s not like they were delivering it on horseback. [More]

Netflix Proves That It Still Cares About DVDs, Buys URL

Netflix Proves That It Still Cares About DVDs, Buys URL

In spite of the fact that Netflix has done an awful lot in the last year to distance itself from the disc-by-mail service that made it a household name, the company apparently still wants to be associated with the shiny discs. [More]

Which Worst Company Contenders Force Customers Into Mandatory Arbitration?

Which Worst Company Contenders Force Customers Into Mandatory Arbitration?

As we sifted through the mountain of nominations for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament, we noticed a trend of readers who cited companies’ mandatory binding arbitration clauses as a reason for nominating. And while it’s businesses like AT&T and Sony that have made all the headlines for effectively banning class action lawsuits, there are a lot of other WCIA contenders who are forcing customers into signing away their rights. [More]

Worst Company In America Round One: Netflix Vs. GameStop

Worst Company In America Round One: Netflix Vs. GameStop

Everyone else might be thanking God it’s Friday, but not the companies that had to start off their weekend by beating the ever-loving crud out of each other in the Worst Company America Thunderdome. [More]

Here It Is, Your Lineup For Worst Company In America 2012!

Here It Is, Your Lineup For Worst Company In America 2012!

Welcome to Consumerist’s 7th Annual Worst Company In America tournament, where the businesses you nominated face off for a title that none of them will publicly admit to wanting — but which all of them try their hardest to earn. So it’s time to fill in the brackets and start another office pool. That is, unless you work at one of the 32 companies competing in the tournament. [More]

Netflix Saves The Day, Overrides Disc Limit To Send Me Martial Arts Movie To Watch With The Guys

Netflix Saves The Day, Overrides Disc Limit To Send Me Martial Arts Movie To Watch With The Guys

For all the rotting fruit hurled at Netflix over the whole price-doubling thing and the Qwikster debacle, it is easy to forget how much some people used to adore the company and its customer service. [More]

Would You Pay Extra For Those Services That Use The Most Data On Your Smartphone?

As wireless carriers try to balance the growing demand from smartphone customers with the constant demand from investors to make a profit, some say the future of wireless data plans might stray away from the current tiered structure and toward a model that has customers paying for the services they use the most. [More]

Satisfaction Among Consumers Runs High For Amazon While Walmart & Netflix Flail

The results of a new study reveal that we’re all pretty happy when shopping at Amazon, Costco, Publix and Nordstrom — but that Walmart and Netflix have some serious work to do when it comes to pleasing customers. [More]

Comcast Launching Subscription Streaming Service For $4.99/Month

Comcast has officially declared war on Netflix, announcing the launch of its Xfinity Streampix subscription video service that is cheaper than Netflix but which will only be available for Comcast customers. [More]

Man Unwittingly Lets Grandkids Run Up $10,000 In Roaming Charges By Streaming Netflix

Doting grandparents know how to keep kids distracted on a family vacation — let’em watch videos to their hearts’ content so they quit whining about visiting boring monuments. Unfortunately for one Canadian man, he wasn’t banking on the roaming charges he’d rack up to stream Netflix in the states. [More]

I Stuck With Netflix Through Thick And Thin And All I Got Was This Broken Game Disc

I Stuck With Netflix Through Thick And Thin And All I Got Was This Broken Game Disc

It was Wayne’s fault for accidentally sending Netflix his WWE’12 instead of returning The Magnificent Seven, that much he knows. But he had some hope things would be resolved pleasantly when he called the same day he sent it out, and was assured they’d return it to him. [More]

If Netflix Wants To Rent Out HBO DVDs, It Will Have To Get Them Elsewhere

If Netflix Wants To Rent Out HBO DVDs, It Will Have To Get Them Elsewhere

The war of words between HBO and Netflix may have just escalated into an actual slap-fight, with HBO announcing that it will no longer be selling DVDs of its shows to the rent-by-mail company. [More]

Netflix Customers Spent 2 Billion Hours Watching Streaming Video In The Last Part Of 2011

Netflix Customers Spent 2 Billion Hours Watching Streaming Video In The Last Part Of 2011

All that time spent in front of computer screens devouring hour after hour of Downton Abbey/Breaking Bad/That Move You Won’t Admit You Watched have added up. Neftlix has announced that its members have watched over two billion hours of streaming video — just in the fourth quarter of last year. [More]

Gap & Netflix Customers Weren't Happy With Them This Holiday Season

Gap & Netflix Customers Weren't Happy With Them This Holiday Season

Tis the season to get mad at companies for not living up to our standards! Netflix, and Gap were just a few of the holiday disappointments this year in the realm of online shopping, according to a new survey of consumers. [More]


Walmart Offers $27 Million Settlement In Netflix Class-Action Suit

If you’ve received an email saying you’re entitled to make a claim in a class-action lawsuit against Netflix and Walmart, don’t toss it. Walmart has thrown in the towel and is offering to settle with customers who sued the retail giant and Netflix after the two companies made a deal to promote each other’s DVD businesses. [More]

Netflix CEO Explains Qwikster Fracas To Catty NYTM Reporter

Netflix CEO Explains Qwikster Fracas To Catty NYTM Reporter

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings stopped off at the New York Times Magazine to engage with a very ornery reporter on what the whole deal with Qwikster was. If the reporter really asked these questions and didn’t just spice them up later to make himself look like a badass, I’m surprised Hastings didn’t punch him in the face. [More]

Watch Out For This Netflix Phishing Scam

Watch Out For This Netflix Phishing Scam

There’s an email that’s been going around that pretends like it’s from Netflix and they’re having trouble with your credit card. Actually, it’s from scammers and they want to steal your credit card. [More]