
Netflix Lets You Downgrade Video Quality So You Don't Hit Bandwidth Caps

Netflix Lets You Downgrade Video Quality So You Don't Hit Bandwidth Caps

With providers like AT&T and Comcast adding on limits to how much bandwidth you can use per month, Netflix has rolled out a feature that lets you downgrade the streaming video quality so you don’t use as much data and incur overages. [More]

DirecTV Sends Coupons Designed To Look Like Netflix Envelopes

DirecTV Sends Coupons Designed To Look Like Netflix Envelopes

How scared are the satellite and cable providers of Netflix? So much so that DirecTV recently sent out a coupon to customers designed to look exactly like a Netflix mailer, except in blue. You know what they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery. [More]

Netflix Suggests That Your Child Watch A Very Educational Documentary About Porn

Netflix Suggests That Your Child Watch A Very Educational Documentary About Porn

Okay, the category Dan and his family were browsing on Netflix is called “Feel-Good Movies.” Not “Feel-Good G-Rated Movies,” or “Feel-Good Kids’ Movies.” Still, he was still a little alarmed to see an R-rated documentary on the porn industry between the Rugrats and Leapfrog features recommended for his young son.

“Look what they suggest as ‘a feel good movie’ right in between Rugrats and Leap Frog,” he writes. “Both children’s programming and age appropriate for our son. Unlike their suggestion…”

Tennessee Lawmakers Pass Bill Making It A Crime To Share Your Netflix Password

Tennessee Lawmakers Pass Bill Making It A Crime To Share Your Netflix Password

If you’ve ever let a friend or family member know your password for subscription services like Netflix or Rhapsody so they can watch a movie or listen to a song, we hope you don’t live in Tennessee, where state legislators have passed a bill making it a crime. [More]

Install Netflix On Nearly Any Android Device

Install Netflix On Nearly Any Android Device

A Netflix app finally came out last week for Android, but due to the complications of the plethora of devices running Android, it only came out for a few of them. Netflix says they’ll slowly but surely roll out the app to other devices, but if you don’t feel like waiting you can do a little cellphone hackery and get it on your phone now. [More]

Netflix Releases App For Some Android Devices

Netflix Releases App For Some Android Devices

(Some) Android users can now finally get in on the instant-streaming candy train with the long-awaited release of a Netflix app on their platform. For now the app is only available for a relatively thin number of phones, HTC’s Incredible, Nexus One, Samsung’s Nexus S, Evo 4G, and G2, but the company says they’re working diligently to roll it out to more phones. There’s just damn many of them. [More]

Well, At Least Netflix Is Being Realistic

Well, At Least Netflix Is Being Realistic

Say what you will about this exit survey for unsubscribing Netflix customers, but at least it’s realistic about why people cancel Netflix. It’s especially thoughtful of Netflix to include the addresses of still-functioning torrent sites for those users who aren’t yet familiar with them. (Thanks, MedicallyNeedy!)

Netflix Now Has More Subscribers Than Comcast

Netflix Now Has More Subscribers Than Comcast

The Rubicon has been crossed. Netflix now has more people subscribed to it than Comcast. Netflix reported 23.6 million subscribers at the end of the 2011 first quarter, while Comcast ended 2010 with 22.8 million. (They could still possibly report more but considering that they’ve been dropping the past few quarters, it’s unlikely). See, we don’t need to worry about hegemony or legal monopolies, they’ll just obsolete themselves out of business. [More]

Netflix Wants To Charge Extra For Multiple Video Streams, Swim In Piles Of Cash

Netflix Wants To Charge Extra For Multiple Video Streams, Swim In Piles Of Cash

Netflix was sitting around looking at its money when it realized that it didn’t quite have enough to do the whole Scrooge McDuck swimming maneuver, so the video giant has come up with an idea: “family plans” that allow you to stream more than one program at once. [More]

Netflix CEO: Pay-Per-View Not In Company's Future

Netflix CEO: Pay-Per-View Not In Company's Future

While Amazon now offers both a subscription streaming video selection and pay-per-view movies, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings says that is a road his company has no plans on going down right now. [More]

Is A Worldwide Netflix Expansion Coming Soon?

Is A Worldwide Netflix Expansion Coming Soon?

If you envy your American and Canadian friends’ access to Netflix, you may not have much longer to wait until you receive red envelopes of your very own. Our friends at Hacking Netflix noticed something interesting in “employment” section of the company’s website. They’re looking for quality assurance analysts who speak one of many languages, which signals a massive Netflix rollout in Asia, South America, and Europe. [More]

Report: Netflix & Miramax To Make Pulp Fiction And 700 More Movies Available For Streaming

Report: Netflix & Miramax To Make Pulp Fiction And 700 More Movies Available For Streaming

With every big dotcom, electronics manufacturer and cable provider suddenly jumping on the streaming video bandwagon in the last 18 months, it’s safe to say that industry leader Netflix is experiencing some big changes. The company’s mainstay content providers, Showtime and Starz getting skimpy with their shows, Netflix is looking to make friends elsewhere. And according to the Wall Street Journal, the video service is oh-so-close to making a deal with Miramax that would stream the studio’s library of more than 700 films to customers. [More]

Starz To Delay Putting Its Shows On Netflix

Starz To Delay Putting Its Shows On Netflix

A day after hearing that Showtime will be pulling its show archive from Netflix comes bad news for fans of violent, orgy-filled TV shows about gladiators — Pay cable channel Starz won’t be rushing to put all of its original content on Netflix anymore. [More]

Netflix Will Stream CBS Shows Starting In April

Netflix Will Stream CBS Shows Starting In April

Now that Netflix will face some formidable video streaming competition in the form of Redbox and Amazon, it will need to keep adding content to remain in the front of the pack. [More]

Amazon To Battle Netflix, Offer Unlimited Streaming To Prime Members

Amazon To Battle Netflix, Offer Unlimited Streaming To Prime Members

Nearly six months after the initial reports that it was working on a subscription video streaming service, Amazon announced today that it was joining the group of companies trying to unseat Netflix as the king of video streaming services by offering a “new benefit” to Amazon Prime members — unlimited video streaming from a library of 5,000 titles. [More]

Netflix Tops Customer Loyalty List

Netflix Tops Customer Loyalty List

The results of Brand Keys’ annual survey of customer loyalty have been released and in its first year of inclusion, Netflix came out on top of the list of all 528 brands, beating out reigning champ Apple. [More]

Best Buy Using 28-Day Netflix Delay To Push DVD

Best Buy Using 28-Day Netflix Delay To Push DVD Sales

Since Netflix began making agreements with movie studios to wait 28 days before renting out new releases, Blockbuster has been making the biggest deal about its ability to rent movies on the release date. But now it looks like Best Buy has decided to remind movie watchers that it still sells DVDs and that they don’t have to wait to get them. [More]

Netflix Coming Soon To Your Remote Control

Netflix Coming Soon To Your Remote Control

Because accessing Netflix isn’t easy enough, the video company announced earlier today that it has partnered with the makers of several devices to integrate a Netflix-specific button on remote controls. [More]