Ways To Save While Snowbound

If you find yourself snowed in, there are other things to do than drink and eat too much and lament your growing cabin fever. Blankets of snow provide ample ways to seek out savings, claims DealNews.
Here are some tips on how to use the frigid surroundings to your monetary advantage:
*Weatherstrip your home. During the summer, you can only eyeball your windows and doorways and speculate on how airtight they are. When it’s freezing outside, it’s easy to feel where the cold is sneaking through. Use your homebound time to seal up these heat and money-sucking gaps.
*Play some board games. It’s tempting to keep the TV running constantly, but boob tubes can be energy inefficient, so you may as well break out your old Monopoly and Scrabble boxes and see if you still own household bragging rights.
*Turn the thermostat down low, bundle up and revel in the frigid savings. Who says you need to be outside to bundle up in winter coats and scarves? Unless you happen to have children, there’s nothing wrong with braving the elements in the name of cutting your gas bill.
How do you pass the time when you’re snowed in?
8 Ways to Save While Snowbound in the 2011 Blizzards [DealNews]
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