

Marvel at Microsoft’s craptacular “Office Online Gift Guide 2007.” Professional backgrounds for PowerPoint for only $199! [Microsoft via BoingBoing]

Nintendo Replaces Soused DS Lite Free Of Charge

Nintendo Replaces Soused DS Lite Free Of Charge

“While moving to our new house last week a friend who was helping us accidentally spilt beer on my son’s DS lite and it stopped working. I knew that his DS was still under warranty, but I also knew that I would not cover physical damage caused by neglect. After checking Nintendo’s website, and confirming that spilling liquid on it would not be covered and that I would have to pay for the repair.”


Microsoft has said it will not participate in the upcoming wireless spectrum auction, because it wouldn’t help their business model, which is to create and sell software to handset makers. [Reuters]

How About Not Buying An iPod?

How About Not Buying An iPod?

Okay, we’ll say it, and understand that we’re writing this post on an old iBook: the iPod line is starting to look tired. Sure, that Touch is elegant in the same way as the iPhone—but its capacity is similar to the Nano, and what if don’t want to carry around a Kubrick-style slab of minimalism? There are now some really nice alternatives out there if you’re willing to walk away from the perks of being a member of the Apple camp.

Microsoft To Launch "Search-Engine Supported" Site For Health Records

Microsoft To Launch "Search-Engine Supported" Site For Health Records

Today Microsoft unveiled “Health Vault,” a “search-engine” supported service that will organize your health records, should you decide to allow your doctors to share them with Microsoft.

Not Everyone Loves Vista, XP To Remain Available Until June, 2008

Not Everyone Loves Vista, XP To Remain Available Until June, 2008

It seems people aren’t taking to Vista as quickly as Microsoft would have liked. The result? XP will remain available through June 30, 2008.

Microsoft Presents: UPS And The Case Of The Vanishing XBOX 360

Microsoft Presents: UPS And The Case Of The Vanishing XBOX 360

Reader Daniel’s XBOX 360 went missing after he shipped it back to Microsoft via UPS. UPS did not give him a receipt. Now that they’ve lost the package, Microsoft won’t send Daniel a new XBOX 360 because he has insufficient proof that he shipped it in the first place. Daniel has a signed letter from the UPS manager stating that UPS did indeed pick up the package, but that’s not good enough.

"Bill Gates, You Suck"

Dan Jouver, a self-identifying southern Floridian, is yet another customer experiencing Xbox’s notorious Red Ring of Death product failure, multiple times, but unlike others, he is eventually driven to destroy his Xbox on-camera in a series of exciting scenarios.

Apparently, You Don't Know How To Work Your XBOX 360 Or PS3

Apparently, You Don't Know How To Work Your XBOX 360 Or PS3

Next gen consoles have more features than ever before, but if you’re like many consumers, you don’t know about them.

Friendly Email To Steve Ballmer Results In New XBOX 360

Friendly Email To Steve Ballmer Results In New XBOX 360

I was a frustrated Xbox 360 owner. Long story short, I had 6 Xbox 360 since launch that needed to be replaced, 4 of them due to poor quality control with the refurbished units (only 2 fell victim to the overheating issue). I had already purchased an extended warranty, beyond the extended one Microsoft provided. On the 6th repair, I was insisting on getting a new, not-refurb, unit. I escalated the call as high as I could, to where I was given a special phone number and extension for a case worker of sorts.

XBOX 360 Gets $50 Cheaper Tomorrow

XBOX 360 Gets $50 Cheaper Tomorrow

The rumored 20 gigabyte XBOX 360 price cut goes into effect tomorrow according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. If you’re in the market for an XBOX, don’t buy one today or you’ll pay $50 more for no reason.

Microsoft Cuts Prices In Order To Compete With Chinese Pirates

Microsoft Cuts Prices In Order To Compete With Chinese Pirates

Can’t beat ’em? Compete with them! Microsoft has lowered their prices in China in an attempt to thwart pirating.

CCIA Starts Online Petition Defending Fair Use

CCIA Starts Online Petition Defending Fair Use

The CCIA, an industry trade group representing the interests of the likes of Google and Microsoft, asked us to let you know they’ve started an online petition at

Meet The "CCIA": Google, Microsoft's Industry Group Attacks Copyright Bullying

Meet The "CCIA": Google, Microsoft's Industry Group Attacks Copyright Bullying

Google, Microsoft, and others speaking through the Computer and Communications Industry Association or CCIA, have announced their intention to file a complaint with the FCC accusing copyright holders such as Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the MPAA and the RIAA of “overstating” their rights in various consumer warnings.

Coca-Cola Is The "Best Brand," Microsoft Beats Apple

Coca-Cola Is The "Best Brand," Microsoft Beats Apple

Coca-Cola has come out on top of the “Best Brands” Harris Poll for the first time ever. Sony, the leader for the past 7 years slipped to number 2.

Lawsuit: XBOX 360 Scratches Discs?

Lawsuit: XBOX 360 Scratches Discs?

Brouwer said his Xbox 360 scratched two of his games, “Gears of War” and “Madden NFL 07,” and that Microsoft offered to replace the games for a $20 fee. He is seeking more than $5 million in damages, according to the court filing.

We’re assuming the $5 million is to replace everyone’s games (class action) and not just for him. This lawsuit deals only with disc scratching, an entirely separate issue from the “general hardware failure” that prompted Microsoft to extend the XBOX 360 warranty.

XBOX 360 Failure Rate As High As 33%

XBOX 360 Failure Rate As High As 33%

The failure rate nearing a third of all Xbox 360 consoles was found at other retailers too. A Best Buy customer service department manager, who wished to remain unnamed, said that failure rates for the console were “between a quarter to a third” of all units sold.

XBOX360 Consumer Pwns Microsoft Using Level 34 American Express Powers

XBOX360 Consumer Pwns Microsoft Using Level 34 American Express Powers

Remember Richard? Microsoft and numerous commenters mocked him for trying to get his XBOX360 fixed under warranty repair because he had a random tech pry open the box, thus voiding the warranty.