If you balked at the $100 million price tag on Neverland Ranch, also known as the former home of Michael Jackson, perhaps you’d be interested now that the California estate is being “reintroduced” to the market at just $67 million. [More]
michael jackson

If You Have $100M To Spare, Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch Could Be Yours
If you don’t know who Bubbles the Chimpanzee was, you should probably just stop reading now. For the rest of you who may have a spare $100 million burning a hole in your pocket, Michael Jackson’s famed Neverland Ranch is on the market under a new name. [More]

Michael Jackson Fans Attempt To Crush Book With Negative Amazon Reviews
Is it an exercise of free speech — or an attempt to quiet someone else’s speech — to express your opinion on a book based solely on its subject matter and what you’ve heard is contained therein? This question certainly predates the Internet, but it’s the issue surrounding the response by some to a recent Michael Jackson biography. [More]

Sony Doesn’t Want Kids Encouraging Reading If It Means Using A Michael Jackson Song
What could possibly be bad about teenagers trying to convince others to get into reading? Well, everything, if you’re Sony-ATV and the kids are parodying Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” and turning it into “Read It.” The company, along with Jackson’s estate, have blocked a group of teens at a Pennsylvania library from posting their video on YouTube. [More]

Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' Jacket Is Worth $1.8 Million To Someone
One week after Marilyn Monroe’s dress from The Seven Year Itch fetched a whopping $5.8 million at auction, the iconic red and black zipperiffic calfskin jacket from Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video managed to scare up $1.8 million from a buyer. [More]

Michael Jackson Had Bad Credit
It was apparently the least of his problems, but the late King of Pop had less than stellar credit, says TMZ.

Estate Planning Lessons from Michael Jackson
Let’s face it, Michael Jackson had a spotty record when it came to managing his money. Sure, he earned a gazillion dollars making music and was savvy enough to buy rights to Beatles’ tunes, but in his latter days he also spent lavishly, millions more than his annual income, and he racked up a sizeable debt. In other words, you wouldn’t want him as your financial advisor.

WSJ: Jackson Collectibles Are A Poor Investment
First, let me say that I am furious that I ate my Cheetos from my collectible Cheeto experiment a while back, because Chuck Jaffe at the Wall Street Journal says one with an MJ likeness just sold for $35 on eBay. What that really underscores, though, is the only surefire way to make any money on Jackson memorabilia is to be the one selling the crap to unwise shoppers.
Ticket holders for the late Michael Jackson‘s planned 50-concert series in London will receive either full refunds or “souvenir tickets.” We’re not sure what the latter means. Maybe they’re bronzed? Laminated? Holograms? [New York Times]
Pepsi’s Nostalgic Moonwalk
Ah memories. Michael Jackson was still black and Pepsi’s “New Generation” premise was accepted without ironic interpretation. No one could see the darkness falling as the prince of pop converted prepubescent youth to his soulful freak-beat. The dancing kid is apparently “Carlton” from Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Michael Jackson Pro-Pedophile Poster Boy in Hungary
Poor Michael Jackson. Although found not guilty of molesting a child over at the Neverland ranch, he can’t quite get over the stigma of being an accused child molester. Not only have the authorities shut down Neverland, but now Hungarian political parties are featuring his unique, ghoulish visage on candidacy posters, accusing their opponents of being pro-pedophilia.