You know the feeling: you’re stranded in line at the arena/stadium/field waiting to get a beer and a hot dog while your team is out there kicking butt and taking names. It’s a waste of time that one NBA team is trying to prevent with a new system that takes photos of concession stand lines and directs fans to the shortest queue. [More]

Guy Using $25K In Savings To Attend Every Knicks Game This Season “Never Thought It’d Be This Bad”
The dream of splashing out the big bucks to follow your favorite sports team around might sound like a crazy idea, but one guy managed to make the whole thing crazier by spending $25,000 of his life savings to attend every single one of the New York Knicks’ 82 games this year. The team is currently 5-35 for the season. [More]

Phillies Fans Impression Of Atlanta Pitcher Is Highly Amusing
There are plenty of sports fans out there we’ve written about who do bad things during games, these Philadelphia Phillies fans are pulling off an impressive — and pretty darn funny — combination of a taunt and team spirit. No one is too dignified to mimic Atlanta Braves pitcher Craig Kimbrel’s bird of prey moves, and to be honest, it looks like a blast. [More]

Rankings Confirm What Chicago Bears Fans Refuse To Admit: Green Bay Packers Fans Are The NFL’s Best
It is under the pall of my unnamed coworker’s* great distaste that I must emerge triumphant to report the best, and yet most unsurprising news I’ve probably ever read: A study looking at the fans of all the National Football League teams says what Wisconsinites have always known to be the truth is a fact**: Fans of the Green Bay Packers are the best. [More]

Lightning Fan Outsmarts HOA's No Sign Rule
A Tampa Bay Lightning fan showed his support over his team getting into the Eastern Conference finals by putting a sign on his lawn that said “Go Bolts!” which was unfortunately in violation of his Homeowner Association’s “no signs” rule. They informed him of this violation via a letter with a picture of his house, a letter that also revealed a caveat. Security signs were allowed. So at the top of the sign he wrote in small letters, “Protected by:” and at the bottom he wrote “security.” Nice deke! [More]

Vomiting Phillies Fan Sentenced To At Least 30 Days In Jail
For better or worse — and for most of my life, it’s tended toward the latter — I am a Philadelphia Phillies fan. That being said, I was just as horrified as everyone else when a drunk jerk at a Phillies game intentionally vomited on an 11-year-old girl back in April. Thus, I’m happy to report that he is now behind bars… and that he’s really from New Jersey. [More]

Dyson's Freaky Air Multiplier Really Works
Dyson claims that its Air Multiplier, which looks sort of like an interdimensional portal from a bad sci-fi movie, can “generate smooth, uninterrupted airflow with no unpleasant buffeting” and “amplify the surrounding air.” And according to the lab geeks at Consumer Reports, it really works. Too bad that, at $300, it’s priced closer to an interdimensional portal from a bad sci-fi movie. [More]

17-Year-Old Philly Fan Runs On Field Gets Tasered In Front Of 44k
A 17-year-old Philly fan ran onto the field and was tasered by police, says the Philadelphia Inquirer. A crowd of 44, 817 (or is that 816…?) watched as the fan ran out onto the field in the 8th inning and was tasered. This is apparently the first time such a thing has happened in Philly, though it has apparently also happened in Oakland. [More]

Intentionally Vomiting On Children Is Not A Good Way To Express Love For The Phillies
Oh Philadelphia, we know you love the whole “we boo Santa” image, but we must say that intentionally vomiting on an 11-year-old girl is a bit much, even for you. [More]

WSJ: Jackson Collectibles Are A Poor Investment
First, let me say that I am furious that I ate my Cheetos from my collectible Cheeto experiment a while back, because Chuck Jaffe at the Wall Street Journal says one with an MJ likeness just sold for $35 on eBay. What that really underscores, though, is the only surefire way to make any money on Jackson memorabilia is to be the one selling the crap to unwise shoppers.
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How To Properly Work Your Ceiling Fan. Yeah, You Read That Right
Ceiling fans aren’t just on/off affairs, and it’s possible you could be using yours incorrectly. According to Consumer Reports, people get tripped up by the ability to reverse the direction of the blades…

Class Action Targets Ticket Resellers
Remember RMG Technologies, the horrible little company that made five-year-olds cry by snatching up all the Hannah Montana tickets? Boaz Lissauer, a New Jesery plastic surgeon, recently sued them and other ticket resellers after paying $195 for nosebleed seats worth $63 to see the Police in Madison Square Garden. Lissauer is now asking a Pittsburgh court for class action status.

French Nab 16-Year-Old Harry Potter Fan For Posting Translation Online
In the U.S., teens blithely record movie clips; in France, they produce “near professional” translations. A 16-year-old French kid translated the final Harry Potter book and posted it online within days of its late July release, and now could face a heavy fine as well as charges for violating intellectual property rights. Police are also questioning other minors who may have helped.

Above And Beyond: Here's Looking At You, Casablanca Fan Company
Cheers for Casablanca!
There is nothing about Arthur’s story we don’t love. The quick service, the free replacement, the fan older than us that is still going strong. Casablanca Fan Company, we congratulate you. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

True Love:
We’re not really in a position to mock people slavishly devoted to unhealthy obsessions with consumer brands. (It took us three Star Wars prequels to finally turn our anger to hatred.) But we have to admit to cocking our middle knuckle up in the traditional nougie-giving position before we realized that soda pop fans at were our people.
And the citrus flavor was just AWESOME… I fell in love. I used every chance I got to buy it. My school had a vending machine that contained SURGE… I ended up spending the majority of my lunch money buying SURGE from that machine. I talked my mom into supporting my SURGE habit by buying two liters of the wonderful citrus soda for me to enjoy once I got home. It was rare that someone saw me without a two liter or can of SURGE grasped snugly in my hand.
Bear in mind, this isn’t regular astroturfing (we think), because Surge doesn’t exist anymore.