
Coke Finally Removes "Classic" From Its Label

Coke Finally Removes "Classic" From Its Label

In 1985, Coke added the word “classic” to its label when it brought back the original formula of the soft drink following the abject failure of its “New Coke” experiment. Now, finally, they are getting rid of it.

Some SuperBowl Ads Up Online Already

Some SuperBowl Ads Up Online Already

Why wait until the actual Superbowl to start showing your Superbowl ads? Due to this crazy concept called “strategic leaking,” AdWeek already has some of the SuperBowl ads up online, with spots from Coke,H&R Block,, Careerbuilder, GoDaddy, and Pedigree. Nothing blowing my socks off so far, the interstitial game has a good chance of being as lackluster as the one on the ground. [AdWeek]

Robo Calls Die Fiery Death With Your Opt-Out

Robo Calls Die Fiery Death With Your Opt-Out

Asta la vista, robo callers! As of December, all pre-recorded sales calls need to have a way for consumers to opt-out of their mailing lists, either by pressing a button or saying something.No doubt this will happen at the end of the call. So the good news is that you have a way to get off their list. The bad news is…

There Are Other Sizes Besides Medium And Large, Wendy's

There Are Other Sizes Besides Medium And Large, Wendy's

Jeff says the Wendy’s he goes to is getting a little tricky with their upselling, creating the appearance of a universe where the only sizes are medium or large.

Family Receives 23 Pounds Of Credit Card Applications In A Year

Family Receives 23 Pounds Of Credit Card Applications In A Year

I guess on some level we were all wondering just how many credit card offers we get in a year, but one Chicagoland family decided to count them. And weigh them.

How To Tell If A 'Business Opportunity' Is A Multi-Level Marketing Scheme

How To Tell If A 'Business Opportunity' Is A Multi-Level Marketing Scheme

Kevin’s been invited to his friend’s house to hear about a great new business opportunity! He writes, “I did a quick Google search and… while the company appears to be legit, it seems that their way of marketing their products [is] almost pyramid scheme in nature.” The problem for Kevin, and anyone else researching this sort of thing, is it can be hard to tell how much you should trust any specific page of reviews or feedback. Here’s a clear 5-step evaluation to determine whether or not the next big thing is really a multi-level marketing (MLM) scheme.

Don't Worry, Chrysler Will Still Be Paying To Put Their Cars In Terminator Movies

Don't Worry, Chrysler Will Still Be Paying To Put Their Cars In Terminator Movies

Despite taxing $4 billion in emergency aid from the U.S. government, Chrysler’s product placement deals are not in danger. Phew.


This terrible, terrible commercial for Lenovo’s new laptop is clearly meant to go viral a la Songsmith, but someone forgot that it should be amusing and not just cringe-inducing. You got your viral on, Lenovo, but now your new slogan is “That’s What She Said.” [YouTube via Engadget]

Chinese Companies Want To Sell Cars, But Are Still Learning The Language

Chinese Companies Want To Sell Cars, But Are Still Learning The Language

This year’s Detroit Auto show was apparently much more subdued than in previous years. Automakers have scaled back, allowing room for Chinese car companies to peddle their wares. Consumer Reports says that the quality of the vehicles, and of the marketing material, has improved — sort of.

Why We Lust For Products

Why We Lust For Products

Why do we get hot and heavy to acquire certain physical objects? Very Evolved has an explanation of product lust, in two parts: dopamine, and reinforcement.

Persona Razors, Now! With The Same Amount Of Razors!

Persona Razors, Now! With The Same Amount Of Razors!

Companies are scrambling to make their products seem more affordable in this economic climate, and, in some cases, are resorting to simply making it up. Reader Ben sent in this picture of Personna razor blades. The old pack is on the left, containing 12 razors. The new one is on the right, also containing 12 razors, but it boasts a scratched out 10 and a big 12 and now it’s a “Value Pack.” You get the same number of razors, pay the same, but now you get the added bonus of feeling like you’re a savvy shopper.

Dell Settles With 34 States Over Anti-Consumer Practices

Dell Settles With 34 States Over Anti-Consumer Practices

A $3.35 million settlement has been reached with 34 states in the suit against Dell alleging deceptive practices like misleading consumers about financing terms, rebates, and warranties. The states are…

The 10 Most Reliable Car Brands VS Your Preconceived Notions

The 10 Most Reliable Car Brands VS Your Preconceived Notions

Consumer Reports just did a study about car brand perceptions, so we thought we’d compare the top 10 most highly perceived brands to their list of the most reliable car brands.

Lost Your Job? Hyundai Lets You Return Your New Car

Lost Your Job? Hyundai Lets You Return Your New Car

To crowbar open the pocketbooks of newly thrifty shoppers, carmakers are getting more creative. For instance, if you finance a new Hyundai after Jan 3 and lose your job, supposedly the car maker will let you return your vehicle, with no further financial obligation, and no damage to your credit. Intriguing, but definitely one to scour the fine print on.

Giving The Phone Book Spammers What For

Giving The Phone Book Spammers What For

How can you tell the number of vacant houses on a block? Easy. Just look for the houses with phone books piling up on the porch. The phone book spammers count those property-value killers into their circulation numbers, which is how they sucker businesses into buying listings in the yellow pages. Minnesota blogger Ed Kohler is even angrier about phone book spam than I am, and is on a bit of a mission to never have a phone book on his property again. So he got a little pissed when Verizon, a company he has no business relationship with, tossed one on his steps.

Why Do We Make Things That Look Like Other Things?

Why Do We Make Things That Look Like Other Things?

What is this obsession with making products look like other products? 1-800Flowers has a bouquet of white flowers in a special basket so it looks like a cupcake. It’s called, “Cupcake in Bloom.” Then you have those tiny “just for decoration” presents with nothing inside. Discovering these at my grandma’s house as a kid, I first began to truly appreciate the world’s cruelty and caprice. There’s doorstops that are made to look like it’s a little kid reaching up for the doorknob, and pencil sharpeners that look like hotdogs. This trend strikes me as disturbing, even perverted…

Drug Makers Say Goodbye To Swag In 2009

Drug Makers Say Goodbye To Swag In 2009

Beginning tomorrow morning, drug companies will stop peppering doctors’ offices with branded pens, bandages, tongue depressors, stethoscopes, calipers, mugs, prescription pads, soap dispensers, and t-shirts.


When international product naming goes wrong. (Thanks to Seth!)