Hey, AT&T customers: be very, very careful when dialing three-digit numbers. If you’re trying to dial, say, 211 or 311 (local government information), 611 (AT&T Wireless customer service) or 711 (TTY relay), and you dial 411 for directory assistance by mistake, you’ll be charged for it even if you realize the mistake and hang up immediately. And you’ll need to live with the consequences of your error, since, according to reader Stephen, AT&T will not refund these charges.

AT&T Has A Message About Your iPhone Shipment
Bill thinks that AT&T might have a message for him. “Here is a rather unfortunate captcha I received tonight when I logged in to AT&T Wireless to check on the shipping status of my new iPhone 3GS,” he wrote. AT&T, do you serve captchas to your mother with that mouth?

This Bank Of America Sign Is Woefully Honest
Or as Holly, the tipster who took the photo, writes, “[there are] so many things right with this picture.”
When international product naming goes wrong. (Thanks to Seth!)