You’ve got a computer in your pocket that works as a camera, a video recorder, an internet connection, a game console, and everything else. And odds are good there’s some data on there that you want backed up safely, and that you use a cloud storage service to do just that. But your smartphone is, indeed, a phone — and your good old-fashioned calling records may be going places and getting stored in ways you do not intend. [More]

Candle Claims To Offer That New Mac Smell Without The New Mac Price
If you’re the kind of person who takes long, deep whiffs when you unbox a new Mac computer, one company says it has just the product to fill your nostrils — without the hefty price tag. [More]

Apple Pulling The Plug On The Only Computer Monitor It Makes
It looks like Apple is done with the standalone monitor business: the company confirmed it won’t make any more Thunderbolt Displays, so once the existing inventory is sold, that’s all there is. [More]

Apple Pushes Its First Automated Security Update Ever For Mac Users
Mac users are seeing something they’ve never, ever seen before: Apple is pushing its first-ever automated security update to Mac computers this week, to address a flaw that could allow attackers to remotely access Mac computers. [More]

Guy Gets His Stolen Laptop Back A Year Later When Suspect Calls Customer Service For Help
In perhaps the only example of when a broken computer is a good thing, a man who had his laptop stolen last year was reunited with his property after the suspected thief called up Apple’s customer support. [More]

Does Our Love Of Tablets & Smartphones Signal The Beginning Of The End For PCs?
If college kids today could see the hulking mass of plastic and metal parts that comprised the PC I was required to buy from my college freshman year, they would probably never stop laughing. It used to be that to get by in the computing world, a personal computer was the necessary gadget. But as shipments of PCs are forecast to fall for the first time in 11 years, times could be a-changin’. [More]

Orbitz Thinks Mac Users Want To Pay More For Hotels
Travel reservation site Orbitz says it has data showing that customers who use Apple computers to book their hotel rooms have a tendency to go for pricier rooms, so Orbitz has just gone ahead and decided that when Mac users visit Orbitz, they will see more expensive options first. [More]

Fake iPhone 5 Emails Bear Malware
On the cusp of a big Apple event today where a new iPhone is expected to be announced, fake emails are going around purporting to give details of “the new Apple iPhone5GS,” featuring a see-through keyboard. Clicking on the links leads to a malware-laced website that targets PCs. Here’s the email and what to look out for. [More]

Apple Whisks Defective iPad Away, Leaving Me Without One
The problem with having the latest, shiniest, newest gadgets is that when something goes wrong and that shiny gadget sells out, there aren’t any others to exchange it for. That seems to be what happened to Nicholas, who bought an iPad 2 at Target, and shipped it off to Apple after had screen problems after only a few hours of use. [More]

Don't Worry About What The iPad Costs, You Can't Afford The Apps
One of the cool things about the iPhone ecosystem is there are nearly 17 quintillion apps available for it, and although many of these are crap, the good ones frequently cost only a dollar or two. Even the premium-priced “productivity” apps–things like note pads and to-do lists–rarely cross the $10 threshhold, which means you can load up your iPhone or Touch with a lot of cool stuff on a modest software budget. But if a leaked video of the iPad app store is accurate, you can expect to pay 200-500% more for simple things like 99-cent games, and PC-level prices for more robust apps, on your fancy new iPad. [More]

The Story Behind The Man Who Designed Apple's Glass Cube Store
It’s not often that a retail store becomes an icon even before it opens for business, but Apple managed to pull off this weird architectural/cultural feat with its glass box Apple store in NYC in 2006–it’s the 5th most photographed landmark in the city and 28th worldwide according to a new study of Flickr images. The man who designed it, 70-year-old Peter Bohlin, has been awarded the 2010 gold medal from the American Institute of Architects for his entire body of work, and he doesn’t like computers and had never designed a retail environment before the Apple store. [More]

Amazon Releases Kindle For Mac
Until now, if a Mac owner wanted to read a Kindle e-book on his computer, they were out of luck (or used something like Parallels and had the Kindle for PC app running on Windows). But that all ended today, with the release of Kindle for Mac. [More]

Decent Video Games Coming To Macs This Spring
It’s been rumored for weeks, but finally confirmed today that Steam, the hugely popular gaming service for PC users, will indeed be available for use on Macs starting in May. [More]

Will The iPad's "Magic" Be Enough To Beat Netbooks?
When Apple launched their much-hyped iPad device a few weeks ago, the first thing naysayers asked — after they finished giggling over the silly name — was “What makes the iPad anything more than an expensive netbook without a proper keyboard?” Well, party-poopers, Apple COO Tim Cook has your answer: “Magic.” [More]

Hey, Is This An Apple Store, Or A Computer School?
Mark tells Consumerist that he noticed a disturbing trend while shopping at his local Apple Store this weekend. While using the display models and contemplating a purchase, he and his son were displaced twice to make room for a customer training session. Does the Apple Store still exist to sell computers, Mark wonders, or is it now primarily an educational institution? [More]