Guy Gets His Stolen Laptop Back A Year Later When Suspect Calls Customer Service For Help

Not the suspect. Or the owner. (trucinette)
Little did he know that the original owner’s email address was on file, tipping off the owner when Apple emailed to thank him for contacting the company, reports WMUR 9 News in New Hampshire.
When his laptop was stolen from his home in February 2013, the owner chalked it up to a loss after handing over the computer’s serial number to detectives. They then shared information about the theft to Apple.
Months later, the owner received a surprise when Apple thanked him for calling customer service, but because he didn’t have the computer, a big lightbulb turned on above his head. Probably, because that’s what happens in cartoons and all cartoons are based in reality.
“It was sort of shocking,” the owner said of his unexpected reunion. “I guess luck was on our side that the guy who took it didn’t try to get rid of it, which was sort of strange. Then, all of a sudden, he decides in his infinite wisdom, ‘Well, I’ll just call Apple and see if they can help me unlock this thing.'”
Police say someone had called Apple and referenced the serial number of the stolen laptop, and arrested the suspected thief.
“It then took us a while to track down the individual who made the phone call, but we were able to put that together and ultimately come up with enough evidence to charge him with the original burglary and recover the computer,” said a police spokesman.
Computer support call leads to burglary arrest [WMUR 9]
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