Do you often have to make the decision between going out for fast food fried chicken and charging your phone? Thanks to this new-fangled box from KFC, you may never have to make the choice between greasy fingers and updating your Instagram. [More]
gotta have a gimmick

Punch Up Your Real Estate Listing By Posing In A Panda Costume In Every Photo
If you’ve ever spent hours online looking for a home — especially in a region where most of the properties have similar layouts and designs — your eyes might glaze over as you skim through countless nearly identical photos. Then, wait — was that a woman in a panda suit? [More]

British Airways ‘Happiness Blanket’ Makes Passengers Look Like Idiots From The Future
Which gives you more anxiety: Flying across the Atlantic or looking like an extra from Logan’s Run? If you chose the former and you like to fly first class, then British Airways has a “Happiness Blanket” for you to try out. [More]

Sacramento Kings Make Full-Court Press For Geek Fans, Will Shoot Game Video Via Google Glass
At 14-25, the Sacramento Kings’ season is all but over, but that hasn’t stopped the NBA team from continuing to make a push for relevance among its fans in nearby Silicon Valley. Only days after becoming the first team to accept Bitcoin currency at its games, the Kings have announced that their games will be using live video captured on Google Glass devices. [More]