Kentucky Fried Chicken wants customers to know that it hasn’t created mutant chickens with eight legs and six wings to fill its big ol’ buckets. While one might think the notion of a chicken with more than two wings and two legs is a bit farcical, a rumor of such genetically modified birds has been circulating in China, leading KFC’s parent company to file lawsuits against three Chinese businesses for allegedly concocting and publicizing fabricated stories about the chain’s products on social media. [More]
kentucky fried chicken

KFC Creates Tray Keyboard, So Your Greasy Fingers Don’t Smudge The Smartphone
For many consumers sitting down for dinner now includes an extra guest: their smartphone. But sometimes the meal can get a bit messy. To keep your grubby fingers off your pristine mobile device, Kentucky Fried Chicken has created the Tray Typer; a bluetooth keyboard that keeps you connected even with the greasiest of fingers. [More]

Another Kentucky Fried Kidney Pops Up In California
A high school student in California encountered something unexpected in his lunch at KFC. While it’s not entirely unexpected that you would find chicken body parts mixed in with other chicken body parts, most diners don’t anticipate finding what looks like a bird brain attached to their lunch. He snapped a picture, tweeted it, and then threw the scary thing away. [More]

Chain Storefronts With Slight Makeovers Continue To Not Fool Anybody
Last year, we lamented the long hiatus of one of our favorite sites, Not Fooling Anybody, which featured makeovers of former chain storefronts that were, as the name states, not fooling anybody. What we didn’t know was that the site has been revived, in the form of a community on Reddit. Let the yellow-painted Pizza Huts roll! [More]

Family Not Terribly Freaked Out When 7-Foot-Tall KFC Bucket Ends Up In Front Yard
Most people don’t like pulling up to their houses and seeing fast food refuse sitting in the grass. But what about when that tossed-off trash is actually a mammoth bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken? [More]

KFC Franchise Exec On Rotten Chicken Allegations: We Had Some Expired Meat But I'm Not Saying We Cooked It
Back in April we reported on a lawsuit brought by a KFC manager in Oregon alleging that he was fired by a franchisee for refusing to serve rotten chicken, and instead throwing it out past its expiration date. In another case involving former employees crying foul fowl, Texas health officials found no evidence that chicken past its “kill date” was served to customers, even if the franchise’s owner says such expired meat has been on the premises. [More]

User-Generated KFC Ad More Likely To Inspire Serial Killers Than Sales
I kind of love this very unofficial ad for KFC made by comedian Peter Serafinowicz. It juxtaposes a loop of a 70’s father cutting a chicken for his family with a staticy voiceover instructing how to serve a chicken. An ominous drone pulses underneath. At the end you feel like you’ve just witnessed the mental filmstrip of a serial killer right before he creatively dismembers his latest victim. Pass the mashed potatoes! [More]

The Colonel Is Kicking Ronald's Ass In The China Fast Food Wars
Though KFC is struggling stateside, in China it is dominating over all other fast food rivals, even global juggernaut McDonald’s. In some parts of the country, the image of Colonel Sanders is more ubiquitous than Mao’s, reports Bloomberg Markets magazine. That’s no mean feat in a country that has proven resistant to foreign penetration. The secret, is in the sauce, using local ingredients in the food as well as its management team, building up partnerships with local suppliers and catering menus to include regional dishes. [More]

The KFC Double Down: What A Restaurant Does When It Gets Desperate
It seems like the best promotional campaigns for KFC in the past few years have been on South Park, and that’s despite the fact that Cartman is the chain’s most vocal supporter. An AdAge article today points out that Chick-Fil-A has been eating KFC’s lunch for a while now, and so far every stunt KFC has pulled–name changes, PR-engineered recipe events, botched giveaways, getting Oprah’s blessing–hasn’t stopped the restaurant from losing customers.That’s right: your lack of interest in KFC is what created this bundle of cheesy fried-fried in the first place. [More]

KFC Offers $500 Worth Of Free Chicken For Safe Return Of Col. Sanders
Colonel Sanders has gone missing. Okay, not the actual man — he died in 1980 — but a bronze bust of the goateed Kentucky Fried Chicken founder has disappeared from its hallowed position outside a KFC in Berea, KY. The statue, valued at $1,200, is now the target of a police manhunt and the subject of a reward: $500 of free chicken. [More]

Do Not Back Your Car Into A KFC Employee Because She Forgot Your Condiments
Here’s some advice for you. If the KFC employee forgets your condiments, do not back your car into her. This is an overreaction on your part.

KFC Free Meal Rainchecks Come With Generous Helping Of Potatoes
You forgot about the free grilled chicken meals from KFC, didn’t you? Well, I did. Melissa in Maine reported that she was able to use her raincheck coupon, and was satisfied with her meal. Or at least the side dishes.

KFC On Oprah: Everybody Gets A Chicken! Everybody Gets A Chicken!
Oprah is promoting KFC’s grilled chicken, and has hooked the entire Internet up with a coupon for a free grilled chicken meal.

KFC Wants To Fix Chicago's Pothole Problem
Will sponsored pot holes sell chicken? KFC seems to think so. They’ve asked the City of Chicago if they can fix potholes — in exchange for including a white stencil saying the spot was “Re-freshed by KFC.”

Which Restaurants Are Making Your Kids Fat?
Subway’s kids’ meals came out on top. Only a third of its Fresh Fit for Kids meals, which include a mini-sub, juice box, and one of several healthful side items (apple slices, raisins, or yogurt), exceed the 430-calorie threshold. Subway is the only chain that doesn’t offer soft drinks with kids’ meals.
So how do you improve the nutrition of your kid’s meal the next time you eat at a restaurant? A spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association gave the following advice:
“Don’t be too alarmed even when [studies] come out and seem hopeless,” said Dawn Jackson Blatner, an American Dietetic Ass>ociation spokeswoman. “With a few swaps and switches, people really can make healthier choices at these fast-food joints, especially when the decisions are made before going in.

KFC's "Vegetarian Sandwich" Isn't, Stop Kidding Yourself That Fast Food Restaurants Have Vegetarian Options
In an effort to appease PETA and other angry vegetarians, KFC recently began selling a vegan, “Unchicken” sandwich in its Canadian locations. Guess what? It’s not vegetarian.

KFC = Kentucky Fried Chicken
Thank god for small favors, “KFC” is back to Kentucky Fried Chicken after over a decade of trying to make us forget the “fried” part. Or, come to think of it, maybe it was the “Kentucky” they were worried about. Anyway, it’s back, and the Colonel himself has undergone a bit of a redesign. He now sports an apron, which is a nice touch.