
Make More Money by Working at Night

Make More Money by Working at Night

Here’s another idea to add to the list of how to make more money: start working the night shift. Yep, simply by changing work time from 8 am to 5 pm to evening hours, you can add a significant amount of money to your annual income:

Intern For

Intern For

It’s time to get some fresh slaves in here. Ideal candidates for email internsare college student who, in order of decreasing importance:

Secret Document Reveals How To Be A Taco Bell Superstar!

Secret Document Reveals How To Be A Taco Bell Superstar!

If you, like so many grade-school children, dreamed of one day working at Taco Bell, but worried whether you had the technical aptitude to master their complex procedures and delicate processes, study this Taco Bell insider document, snagged by ANIMAL, and possibly the most scintillating of all the leaked materials we have ever posted, and you’ll have a leg up on all the former i-bankers clamoring for the same position. Flowchart in full glory, inside…

Make More Money by Getting Plastic Surgery?

Make More Money by Getting Plastic Surgery?

Without a doubt, your career is your most important financial asset. As such, most financial experts will suggest you should do all you can to make the most of it and maximize your compensation. But is there a limit to what you can and should do to make more money? Blogger Penelope Trunk cites a new book that says good-looking people make more money than not-so-good-looking people. And well they should. The facts suggest that good-looking people make more for their companies and thus deserve higher pay…

What Should We Do With 125,000 Out Of Work Mortgage Bankers?

What Should We Do With 125,000 Out Of Work Mortgage Bankers?

Today CNNMoney profiles an out of work mortgage banker who has been sending out 10 resumes a day since he was laid off in Feburary. He just got his first interview.

AT&T Says It Can't Find Enough Skilled US Workers To Fill 5,000 Jobs

AT&T Says It Can't Find Enough Skilled US Workers To Fill 5,000 Jobs

Here’s some depressing news. AT&T’s CEO says his company is having trouble finding enough skilled workers in the United States to fill the 5,000 jobs he promised to bring back to this country.

Allen & Associates Promises Professional Career Help, Delivers Questionable Results

Allen & Associates Promises Professional Career Help, Delivers Questionable Results

Jeff sent us the following story of how Allen & Associates, a subsidiary of Workstream, Inc., sold him a comprehensive job-placement service package last fall, then short-changed him on the actual services.

How To Recession-Proof Your Career

How To Recession-Proof Your Career

With the economy on the brink of recession, many folks are concerned about their jobs. Will the company downsize or have temporary layoffs? Will employees be asked to forego raises or (gasp!) take pay cuts? The Wall Street Journal addresses this issue head-on and lists eight tips for recession-proofing your career. They offer some good suggestions, but here are two we especially like:

12 Signs Of A Mystery Shopping Scam

12 Signs Of A Mystery Shopping Scam

Common sense will go a long way in protecting you from scammers masquerading as mystery shopping companies, but here’s a list of warning signs just in case you’re feeling especially gullible the next time you come across a mystery shopper ad and think, as you stare across the cubicles at all the assface jerks you work with, “This might be my ticket out of here.”

86,000 Mortgage Related Jobs Cut In 2007

86,000 Mortgage Related Jobs Cut In 2007

A new study says that 86,000 mortgage related jobs were cut due to the weakening housing market, says CNNMoney. Diabolical mustache-twirling evidence-forging lender Countrywide unburdened itself of the most workers, cutting 11,665.

Job Ideas For 2008

Job Ideas For 2008

If you’re looking to increase your salary, change or start a career, or just get a new job now that your old one has dried up and blown away, MarketWatch has a list of job growth areas and trouble spots for 2008.

12 Signs Of A Mystery Shopping Scam

12 Signs Of A Mystery Shopping Scam

If you’ve ever been curious about becoming a “mystery shopper,” a person paid by a company to check in on a store’s performance, you should know there’s lot of fraudulent mystery shopping companies out there. Bargaineering has 12 warning signs to look out for if you think one of these jobs is a good way to pick up extra cash, like:

Intern For

You rock Gmail and Gmail macros. You feel uncomfortable going to bed with an umemptied inbox. You will help sift out the best stories and tips from the tipline.

Employers Can Reject New Hires Based On Low Credit Scores Credit History

Employers Can Reject New Hires Based On Low Credit Scores Credit History

A friend of ours recently took his Air Force application tests and was told he qualified for every job, except those with Top-Secret classification, because his credit score was too low.

Four Steps to Take If You Hate Your Job

Four Steps to Take If You Hate Your Job

Financially speaking, your career is your biggest asset and you need to do all you can to maximize the financial benefits from it. Furthermore, most people also want to enjoy what they do for a living since a good part of their lives is lived at work. So if you’re in a dead-end position or if you really hate what you’re doing, Yahoo offers some concrete steps you can take to make a change:

Things I Have Learned From The Consumerist

Things I Have Learned From The Consumerist

So long, Consumerist readers! The past week has been a blast – We (okay, okay, “I”) posted over 40 different items and learned as much from reading the comment threads as I did from writing the posts. Here are my takeaways from this experience:

My Best Financial Advice: The Simple Dollar


My Best Financial Advice: Blueprint for Financial Prosperity