
Seven Signs that an Employer Just is Not that into You

Seven Signs that an Employer Just is Not that into You


My Best Financial Advice: Consumerism Commentary


Be Careful How You Seek "Extra Attention" When Job Hunting

Be Careful How You Seek "Extra Attention" When Job Hunting

Ever have a desire to really separate yourself from the pack when trying to get a job (or even an interview?) We’re not talking using creme paper for your resume versus standard white, but something much more extreme.

My Best Financial Advice: Wise Bread


4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Relocating For A Job

4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Relocating For A Job

Before you tell an employer you’re willing to move to another job in another city, CareerJournal says do some soul-searching and ask yourself the following questions:

My Best Financial Advice: All Financial Matters


My Best Financial Advice: Five Cent Nickel


Meet Chris, Guest Blogger

Meet Chris, Guest Blogger

Chris Walters is a veteran shopper who enjoys being outraged by mismanaged customer service experiences. Why, just last week he was treated rudely by an employee at the Nokia flagship store in midtown Manhattan, but then the store manager swooped in and replaced his malfunctioning headset without further problems, which is why there’s not a post on the Consumerist about Nokia refusing to replace faulty Bluetooth headsets.

Meet Amy, Flickr Intern #2

Meet Amy, Flickr Intern #2

We hired Amy Adoyzie to help out with our tagging photos in our Flickr pool, a magical place where readers submit photos for possible use in our posts.

Introducing Shannon

Introducing Shannon

We’ve hired Shannon to help tag our pictures and those in our Flickr pool (which now has 576 members and 7493 photos, wow!). She takes neat photos, loves Flickr, lives in Japan and was recently bitten on her left foot by a spider!

Seeking Email Intern

Seeking Email Intern seeks to add an email slave to its staff. We need someone to help us respond the growing number of letters and complaints that increasingly swell our email box.

Wal-Mart Refuses Anonymity For Whistleblowers

Wal-Mart Refuses Anonymity For Whistleblowers

I just love sticking it to Wal-Mart. What crime hasn’t this mega-corporate SPECTRE-wannabe been accused of? Anyway, they may not have even done anything wrong in this case; after all, the accuser, Chalace Epley Lowry, is not yet entirely out of the company and the accused might actually be innocent. Nonetheless, shouldn’t companies be required to allow anonymous reporting of ethics violations?

America's 25 Best and Worst Paying Jobs

America's 25 Best and Worst Paying Jobs

Forbes has put together a list of America’s Best and Worst Paying jobs. The best? Anesthesiologists with a mean annual wage of $184,340. The worst? Food prep and Fast food workers: $15,930.

Reader Lured Into 2 Different DS-MAX Interviews Via Job Listings

Reader Lured Into 2 Different DS-MAX Interviews Via Job Listings

Morris had an encounter with two different DS-MAX type places last December when he was looking for a job. In both instances, he was lured in through postings on advertising entry-level marketing full-time jobs with full benefits.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Life as a Boomerang Kid [Kiplinger’s] “Dirt-cheap housing. Home-cooked meals. A full-time housekeeper. The catch: sleeping in your old room.”

CEO Pay Up 298%, Average Worker's? 4.3% (1995-2005)

CEO Pay Up 298%, Average Worker's? 4.3% (1995-2005)

There’s been a lot of ballyhoo lately about ballooning executive pay, so here’s a look at how CEO incomes rose over the years in relation to Joe Blow’s paycheck.

How To Get A Raise

5. Get it in writing.

What The IRS Sends Employers Who Forget To Send W-2s

What The IRS Sends Employers Who Forget To Send W-2s