
Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Bank crisis: 10 things to know now [MSN Money] “If your bank goes bust, how do you get your money out? Are credit unions protected? What about investments? It’s time to get your ducks in a row.”

This Is Probably Not A Good Place To Look For A Job Right Now

This Is Probably Not A Good Place To Look For A Job Right Now

Sidd snapped this photo at the Palisades Mall in West Nyack, NY over the weekend. “Flexible hours” in this case might mean a lot of free time very soon.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

5 Simple Steps to a Successful Cover Letter [Yahoo Hotjobs] “[Here’s] an easy-to-follow, five-step formula for cover letter success”

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

6 Ways to Save on Beer, Wine and Liquor [Smart Money] “Here are six ways to save on your favorite vintage, malt or brew.”

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Four Ways to Improve Your Resume [Yahoo Hotjobs] “Here are four tips on how you can power up your resume for today’s more competitive job search arena.”

You’re dead: Where’s your 401(k)? [MSN Money] “If you should die before spending all your hard-earned retirement savings, any number of things could happen to the remaining money. Don’t let it fall into the wrong pockets.”

7 Secrets to Picking Great Funds [Kiplinger] “These methods will help you choose wisely and give your portfolio a boost. Some may surprise you.”

When Should You Downgrade Your Car Insurance? [The Simple Dollar] “How do you know when the time is right to downgrade your car insurance?”

4 Ways to Reduce a Gadget’s Power Drain [Smart Money] “Here are four ways to cut your gadgets’ energy consumption.”

FREE MONEY FINANCE (Photo: PaulBarwick)

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

When should you spend to save? [MSN Money] “Are warehouse store memberships a good deal? How about extended warranties? It all depends on the products — and on you, the shopper.”

Your Best Investment: Your Health

Your Best Investment: Your Health

It’s been suggested that your career is your biggest financial asset because it fuels all of your financial progress — it grows your net worth, pays for your living expenses, sends your kids to college,funds your retirement, and the like. That’s why we protect our careers with products like disability, medical, and life insurance, because without the ability to work — even for a limited amount of time — most of us would experience severe financial hardship.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

The Promotion That Got Away: 5 Ways to Bounce Back [Yahoo HotJobs] “Nearly everyone has been passed over for a job they ‘deserved.’ If and when that happens there are five important steps to take.”

Unemployment Seeps To 5.7%

Unemployment Seeps To 5.7%

The light in the American economy grew murkier in July. Real wages remain stuck in a fetid mire, up only 2.8% from a year ago, while methanous pockets of inflation bubble floated above to 5%. Rubbing up against declining consumer spending, the economy shed 51,000 jobs in July. The unemployment rate slinked up to 5.7%, a four-year high. However, that was 24,000 fewer jobs slithering away than economists, licking their lips and blinking their eyes, expected.

Time For Plan B? Top 10 Recession-Proof Jobs

Time For Plan B? Top 10 Recession-Proof Jobs

Forbes has a list of the (supposedly) most recession-proof jobs, and oddly “funeral home director” isn’t among them. How strange… The list is very heavy with accounting work and jobs that require computer skills with a little nursing and sales thrown in for variety. Seemingly missing from the list is the guy who “deals with the goddamn customers so the engineers don’t have to.” Oh well.

7 Scam Warnings For Online Job Hunters

7 Scam Warnings For Online Job Hunters

According to legends we’ve heard, it’s possible to find a job by searching online. Flimflammers are also looking for you, looking to defraud job seekers. The BBB has 7 red flags to should watch out for that could indicate that job opportunity is just a scam.

7 Steps To Developing A Strong Network In Case You Get Fired

7 Steps To Developing A Strong Network In Case You Get Fired

Financial blogger Brandt Smith at Get Rich Slowly suggests that your first step should be to contact your network, and he backs up his assertion with a real-life success story. He also shares seven keys to developing a strong network:

Ask For A Raise At The Right Time

Ask For A Raise At The Right Time

Personal finance blog Free Money Finance suggests that employees can improve their incomes by asking for a raise, but you have to make sure to time it right.

8 Things You Shouldn't Say In A Job Interview

8 Things You Shouldn't Say In A Job Interview

Most of us know that looking for a job can be a job in itself, but there are few things in life more dreaded than the job interview. Even if you remember to spit out your gum and offer a firm and confident handshake, there is a myriad of conversational land-mines which must be avoided. CNN in partnership with CareerBuilder has assembled 8 things that you shouldn’t say during a job interview. The list, inside…

Four Ways To Make The Most Of Unemployment

Four Ways To Make The Most Of Unemployment

With unemployment rising to 5.5%, more Americans are finding themselves with more time to catch up on their daytime TV or put in some serious time on World of Warcraft. Others see unemployment as an opportunity to begin a new career, take a mini retirement, invest in yourself, or find other sources of income. Their perspectives, inside.

10 Jobs That Pay $20 An Hour

10 Jobs That Pay $20 An Hour

The nation’s unemployment rate has reached 5.5%, a half-percent increase from last month, which is the largest increase in 2 decades. If you are “between gigs” or simply looking to upgrade, CNN Money in partnership with Careerbuilder, has put together a list of 10 jobs that pay $20 an hour or more. Check out the list, inside…

Want To Spy On Comcast Subscribers? Comcast Has The Job For You!

Want To Spy On Comcast Subscribers? Comcast Has The Job For You!

If you’d like to help Comcast eavesdrop on its own subscribers, you’re in luck: Comcast has posted a job listing for an “intercept engineer” on a headhunter site, according to Wired. Want ad for position of The Man, inside.

Instead Of One Big Retirement, Take Mini-Retirements!

Instead Of One Big Retirement, Take Mini-Retirements!

Personal finance blogger JD Roth at Get Rich Slowly has been interviewing Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, about a new concept of retirement: the mini-retirement. Ferriss suggests that instead of working and saving during our careers to eventually retire and enjoy life, that we instead plan regular times of “retirement” throughout our lives. He deems these “mini-retirements.” Mini-retirements seem like they could be the same as either sabbaticals or vacations, but they differ in the following ways: