UPDATE: It appears as though the original listing has been taken down, as eBay says the seller has taken the listing down because the item is is no longer available. [More]
iphone 6

Alleged iPhone 6 Prototype That Definitely Wasn’t Supposed To Be Shipped Hits $94K On eBay

iFixit Declares iPhone 6 Most Repairable iPhone Ever, Which Isn’t Saying Much
You can save money and extend the useful life of your out-of-warranty gadgets by repairing them yourself, but should you? iFixit, provider of free repair guides and seller of parts and tools, buys the latest devices and tears them apart, assigning them a “repairability score.” They report that some design changes make the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus the most repairable iPhones ever. [More]

UPS Says My New iPhone Is Almost Here — Oh Wait, They Left It Back In Korea
Like lots of people who ordered their new iPhone from the Apple store, Consumerist reader Clint has been tracking the impending delivery of his new device. Over the course of the last week, it’s gone from China to South Korea to Alaska to Kentucky and was set to be delivered to Clint in Seattle today. Except UPS has bad news. The tracking info was slightly off. [More]

Teens Introduce Themselves On Camera, Try Bending iPhones At The Apple Store
While bendgate continues to swirl around Apple’s new iPhone 6 Plus, something else is being warped — the minds of today’s youth, who somehow believe committing criminal damage at a retail store is going to solve all bendy problems. It won’t — and showing your faces on camera and introducing yourselves before you do something like that is going to create an entirely different problem for you, kids. [More]

Consumer Reports Test Shows It Takes A Lot To Bend New iPhones
While there have been anecdotal claims of the new iPhone 6 Plus bending just from spending too much time in a user’s pocket and multiple videos of people showing that you can bend one of these phones with your bare hands, there hasn’t been much science done to determine exactly how much force is needed to get that undesired curve in your oversized phone (or is it an undersized tablet?). Thankfully, our colleagues at Consumer Reports have cool machines to figure this kind of thing out. [More]

Apple Apologizes For iOS 8 Problems, Releases New Fix
Last night, a day after the botched release of an update to its iOS 8 iPhone operating system, Apple released a new and hopefully improved version that upgrades the software without crippling users’ devices. [More]

Apple’s Visual Inspection Guide Says Bent iPhone 6 Not Covered By Warranty
Though some are claiming that Apple may do warranty repairs on the new iPhones and their apparently bendable bodies, it looks like the actual manual that Apple provides to authorized repair centers indicates that a bent device is not covered. [More]

Here’s How You Can Roll Back The Unfortunate iOS 8.0.1 Update
Millions of people worldwide rushed out to purchase the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus last week, and Apple immediately pushed out an early operating system upgrade to fix a few minor problems with the phones. Unfortunately, this update caused other problems in turn, like, um, losing their cellular service. Or the use of the phone’s thumbprint sensor. You know, minor stuff, but it still moved people to commemorate the update in song. [More]

Report: Apple Will Replace Some Bent iPhones After A “Visual Mechanical Inspection”
UPDATE: According to the most recent Visual Inspection guide from Apple, bent iPhones are specifically not covered by warranty, though Apple could always change its policy from what is stated in the guide. [More]

Here Are 9 Minutes Of The iPhone-Bending Guy Trying To Bend Other Phones
Yesterday, Lewis Hilsenteger of Unbox Therapy planted his flag in the Internet with his video demonstrating that the iPhone 6 Plus does indeed bend. But what about the less-huge iPhone 6 and countless other devices — would they bend too? Today, he found out. [More]

This Is Probably The Best Pop Song Ever Written About Today’s Failed iOS 8 Update
The songbook of history is filled with countless odes written in response to this morning’s disastrous update to Apple’s iOS 8 operating system, but this one has to be the catchiest of them all. [More]

Apple Pulls Latest iOS 8 Update After Complaints About Lost Phone Service
Thank god no one actually uses smartphones to make calls anymore. Apple has been pushing out an update to its new iOS 8 operating system for iPhones that fixes some bugs from the initial release, but is leaving some people without phone service. [More]

Apple Sold More Than 10 Million New iPhones In Three Days
Have you heard of this iPhone thing? It’s the sixth of its kind, and one of them is really big and apparently, people are buying them: Apple says that in the first three days the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus were on sale, the company sold more than 10 million of the new devices. [More]

Some iOS 8 Privacy Settings You Might Want To Tweak
If you got a new iPhone today, or you’re one of the many millions of people with older iPhones and iPads that have now been updated to iOS 8, here are some new privacy settings that you should probably check out sooner rather than later. [More]

Updating To iOS 8? Remember To Turn Off Your Bluetooth Afterward
In advance of the new iPhones coming out this week, Apple has begun rolling out iOS 8, the latest iteration of its operating system for iPhones and iPads. With some who’ve updated their devices already complaining about inefficient battery use, we wanted to remind you of a power-draining annoyance that occurs with every recent update of iOS. [More]

Verizon Allowing Some Early Upgrades During iPhone 6 Frenzy
Verizon is trying to sweeten the pot in its bid to retain customers looking to upgrade to one of the new iPhones. The nation’s wireless company has confirmed that it will allow customers who are on the precipice of upgrade eligibility to take advantage a couple months earlier than their contracts allow. [More]

Didn’t Want That U2 Album On Your iPhone? Now You Can Remove It
More bad news for U2. Not only did the band find out that it can’t make the Billboard charts by having Apple put it on every iPhone user’s iTunes account, but it turns out that a bunch of people aren’t U2 fans and don’t want their new album even if it’s free. After hearing from a few of these folks Apple has decided that maybe you should have a way to remove the tunes from your account. [More]

The Only Way To Avoid Paying A Fee For iPhone Upgrade Is To Pay Full Price
Earlier this week, we looked at the various offers being thrown out by the four major wireless carriers in their attempts to attract people switching to the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus. What was left out of that discussion — and which seems to be catching a number of customers by surprise today — is that some of them must pay a fee to upgrade. [More]