Ten years ago today, Apple introduced a product that was designed to serve as not only a music player, but a phone that could go on the internet — the iPhone. In the decade since, the company has surfed some huge news waves, sometimes riding high, and other times, totally wiping out. [More]

Apple’s Future iPhones Might Be Bendy On Purpose
The iPhone 6 caught a lot of heat for being a bit more prone to bending than other phones before it. But in the future, iPhones might be super flexible on purpose. The Apple Insider blog reports that this week, Apple won a patent for “a flexible electronic device” that can fold up like a trifold wallet. In the future, perhaps bendiness will be a feature, not a bug. [Apple Insider] [More]

Teens Introduce Themselves On Camera, Try Bending iPhones At The Apple Store
While bendgate continues to swirl around Apple’s new iPhone 6 Plus, something else is being warped — the minds of today’s youth, who somehow believe committing criminal damage at a retail store is going to solve all bendy problems. It won’t — and showing your faces on camera and introducing yourselves before you do something like that is going to create an entirely different problem for you, kids. [More]

Consumer Reports Test Shows It Takes A Lot To Bend New iPhones
While there have been anecdotal claims of the new iPhone 6 Plus bending just from spending too much time in a user’s pocket and multiple videos of people showing that you can bend one of these phones with your bare hands, there hasn’t been much science done to determine exactly how much force is needed to get that undesired curve in your oversized phone (or is it an undersized tablet?). Thankfully, our colleagues at Consumer Reports have cool machines to figure this kind of thing out. [More]

Apple’s Visual Inspection Guide Says Bent iPhone 6 Not Covered By Warranty
Though some are claiming that Apple may do warranty repairs on the new iPhones and their apparently bendable bodies, it looks like the actual manual that Apple provides to authorized repair centers indicates that a bent device is not covered. [More]

Report: Apple Will Replace Some Bent iPhones After A “Visual Mechanical Inspection”
UPDATE: According to the most recent Visual Inspection guide from Apple, bent iPhones are specifically not covered by warranty, though Apple could always change its policy from what is stated in the guide. [More]

Here Are 9 Minutes Of The iPhone-Bending Guy Trying To Bend Other Phones
Yesterday, Lewis Hilsenteger of Unbox Therapy planted his flag in the Internet with his video demonstrating that the iPhone 6 Plus does indeed bend. But what about the less-huge iPhone 6 and countless other devices — would they bend too? Today, he found out. [More]

Watch A Dude Bend His iPhone 6 With His Bare Hands
Let us begin this post with the qualifying statement that it has never until today occurred to us to try to bend a cellphone, subsequently, we do not know how much bendy-type pressure one should expect to be able to apply on a phone without warping it. I probably could go downstairs to the labs and start bending Consumer Reports’ test phones to establish a baseline, but I suspect they’d be sort of angry, and I really want them to like me. So, let it be known that we don’t know if this video of a guy bending his phone on purpose represents evidence of an unacceptable performance from the phone. But it totally does bend. Yes, it does. [More]