Let’s face it: You want those Girl Scout cookies. Those Girl Scout cookies are going to be yours, and there’s nothing anyone can do to keep you from them. That’s why some cities might be seeing price hikes on Thin Mints and Samoas this year, as certain local councils adjust their prices for inflation. Because they can. [More]

Here Are Two Charts To End Your Day With A Frown (Even If You’re Exceedingly Wealthy)
Like many people in their late 30s, I sigh whenever I see some superstar athlete, billionaire, or Oscar winner who was born way back in 1989, when I was but a pimply adolescent with dreams of being chauffeured around in a stretch Porsche limousine. Know what else is depressing about 1989? The median household income in the U.S. was higher than it was in 2012. [More]

Even The Tooth Fairy Isn’t Immune To Inflation
Attention, all you Tooth Fairies out there: The kids you’re visiting are talking on the playground about what kind of haul you’re putting under pillows, and that’s not good for you. Inflation is hitting bedsides across the land, as kids are getting an average of $3.70 per tooth, a 23% spike over last year. All because parents don’t want their child to be the one with the smallest dental payout. [via the Associated Press] [More]

How Did A Coke Only Cost A Nickel For 70 Years? Because Coca-Cola Said So
We’ve all heard the stories from our elders about how things have changed since they were wee ones. There were five-mile hikes to school in the snow, mean nuns with rulers and a propensity to slap, and Cokes for only five cents. But hold up — how could I have heard the story of the five-cent Coke from my mother and her father? And if I spoke to my great-grandfather he likely would’ve said the same thing. How in the heck did a Coke cost five cents for 70 years? [More]

6 Everyday Food Items That Have Soared In Price
We all know about the huge recent price increases in bigger-ticket expenses like education, health insurance, and gasoline, but what about those items in your fridge and pantry that are chiseling away at your checking account? [More]

Aetna Hikes Health Insurance Rates For California Small Businesses
Health insurer Aetna has raised its rates for California small business clients considerably, making for an average increase of 8 percent, with some businesses seeing increases of as much as 21 percent. The California State Insurance Commissioner called the hikes “excessive.” [More]
Gas Prices Have Gone Up 18 Cents In The Past 2 Weeks
If you’re running a little low on gas but don’t need to fill up until a few days from now, you might consider gassing up anyway. The way things are going, pump prices will be much higher by the time your tank is almost empty. Prices have shot up 18 cents in the past two weeks. [More]
Blame The North Sea For Rising Gas Prices
Experts continue to point their fingers at Europe for rising gas prices. Last month the continent’s credit crunch was the culprit, and this month it’s rising prices of Brent crude oil in the North Sea that’s guilty of pushing gas prices up to an average of $3.51 per gallon as of the end of last week. [More]

Powerball Makes It "Two Dollars And A Dream"
Those whose retirement strategy is to buy a Powerball ticket and pray will have to double down on their investments. Starting Jan. 15, the multi-state mega-lottery will increase its ticket prices from $1 to $2. The price bump follows the lead of scratch-off tickets, many of which come in much larger denominations. [More]

5 Things That Will Cost More Next Year
The rough economy of the last few years has spoiled shoppers with low inflation, but there’s no guarantee that prices will continue to stagnate next year. As the calendar turns and we march into 2012, some items and services to which you’re accustomed to paying the same price could be more expensive. [More]

Enjoy Your Last Weekend Of $1 Redbox Rentals
The era of $1-per-night movie rentals was too sweet to last into November. Perhaps seeing some opportunity to up profits in the wake of Netflix’s bumbling, Redbox announced its nightly DVD rental rate will rise to $1.20 on Monday. For now, Blu-rays will stick at $1.50 and video games will remain $2 per night. [More]

College Tuition Has Risen 8.3 Percent This Year
College continues to get irrationally expensive, with tuition at public schools soaring 8.3 percent this year, while private nonprofit schools have upped their costs an average of 4.5 percent. According to College Board findings, the average college grad is saddled with $20,000 in loans. [More]

How To Track Your Personal Inflation Rate
National average inflation rates can rise or fall, but the only number that makes a difference in your life is one that’s hidden from you unless you do some legwork to uncover it. Tracking and categorizing your purchases over time allows you to get a handle on how your budget and priorities evolve over time in relation to the fluctuating market. [More]

If Inflation Droops, Federal Reserve May Pump It Up
It’s tough for consumers to rationalize how inflation could be a good thing, especially if they haven’t received pay increases in years, but increasing costs are believed by many to be a sign of a healthy economy. That’s why Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said Wednesday that the central bank will keep a close eye on inflation levels and may altar monetary policy to maintain the phenomenon if prices start to level off. [More]

Gas Prices Rose Almost 6 Cents A Gallon In Last Two Weeks
Gas prices are expected to rise during holiday weekends, but this year’s Labor Day price bump reportedly turned into a ramp. In the past two weeks ending Friday, the national average regular gas price crept up 5.76 cents to $3.667 per gallon. The increase echoes the rise in the cost of crude oil, and an ethanol price rise also was a factor. [More]

7 Months After Collapse, Metrodome Gets New Roof
Everything fell apart for the Minnesota Vikings last year, in a disastrous season that saw its star quarterback fall from grace and snow obliterate the roof of their home stadium, the Metrodome. It’s been more than half a year since the collapse, but the Metrodome finally has a new roof. [More]

Bacon Prices Expected To Surge This Summer
Your bacon budget may go bust this summer if analysts’ predictions come true. One indicator is pork belly prices, which have surged to $130 per 100 pounds and could top $150, which it reached last August. A factor contributing to bacon inflation is rising corn prices, which have caused hog farmers to pare their herds, making bacon cost $4.77 a pound in May. [More]

Indie Bookstores Starting To Charge Admission To Author Events
Literature lovers who are used to hitting up book readings and signings as free entertainment may be in for a wallet shock. Some independent bookstores, which are trying to scrounge up revenue in the tough economy, have taken to charging for the events. [More]