Now that California has proposed rules intended to make it easier for tech companies to test self-driving vehicles on public streets, those companies are calling on the state to make additional changes that would further favor the industry. [More]

Apple, Uber, Tesla Ask California To Revise Rules For Self-Driving Cars

Popularizer Of ‘Designated Driver’ Concept Can’t Get Drivers To Put Phones Down
Jay Winsten is not a household name, but everyone recognizes the term “designated driver,” which the Harvard professor brought to the United States, popularized, and turned into a social norm back in the ’80s. Now Winsten is trying to address the driving danger of our time: Why won’t drivers put their phones down? [More]

Audi Launches Red Light-Sensing Car Technology In Las Vegas
Back in August, Audi announced that it was working on technology that would let cars communicate with traffic lights so drivers know when the lights will turn from red to green. The carmaker is now ready to roll that tech out onto real streets, starting in Las Vegas. [More]

Can You Be Arrested For Not Showing Your Driver’s License?
Imagine you and your friends are driving somewhere in two cars. Your friend in the other car gets pulled over for a minor traffic violation, so you pull over to wait. Then an officer comes to your door asking to see your license. If you refuse to produce the license because you’ve done nothing wrong, can you be arrested? Depends on which judge you ask. [More]

Tesla To Make New Cars Self-Driving, Won’t Actually Turn The System On
Tesla’s vehicles already come with Autopilot, a semi-autonomous, assisted steering feature that is not fully hands-off. But in the not so distant future, the electric carmaker plans to equip all of its cars with fully autonomous driving capabilities. [More]

AAA: Basically Everyone Has Experienced Road Rage
You grip the wheel a bit harder, you huff, and puff, and threaten under your breath to do awful things to the stranger who just cut you off, and then “HOOOOOOONK,” you lay on the horn for a solid 10 second. It’s called road rage, and most American drivers have experienced it, according to a new research report from AAA.

Police Arrest NJ Driver Accused Of Skipping Tolls More Than 500 Times
There’s the one time you realize too late that you’re in the wrong lane/don’t have your E-ZPass or otherwise fail to pay a toll as you should, and then there’s blowing through tolls 500 times before the police catch up with you. [More]

The Way You Drive, Not Just Where, Is Yet Another Piece Of Totally Identifiable Personal Data
“Individuality” does not exactly spring to mind when you’re in the middle of the workday commuter crush, trawling the same roads at the same time as every other 9-5 worker who has to get to work and pick the kids up from school. And yet it turns out that you — yes, you — have a unique way of approaching that commute. So unique, in fact, that it only takes a few minutes of driving data for you to be completely identifiable. [More]

State Farm Patents Wearable Device System That Could Poke Drowsy Or Distracted Drivers
Unfortunately, we don’t all carry little elves on our person who can administer a hefty poke when we need to snap to attention. State Farm is working on a way to solve that issue with a patent for a wearable device system that can alert drivers who might be nodding off, distracted, or intoxicated behind the wheel. [More]

Lyft Launching Carpool Service In San Francisco Area
If you live in a big city, you might dream of a slightly faster, less crowded commute to work via the carpool lane. While some consumer have gotten creative in their mission to use said lane — and subsequently been caught — the idea of actually carpooling to and from work can be an awkward and stressful endeavor when it comes to scheduling. Lyft’s latest service hopes to alleviate some of that pain. [More]

Holiday Travel Predicted To Hit Record High With 100 Million People Planning A Trip This Season
Santa Claus isn’t the only one polishing up his ride for the season: more than 100 million travelers are expected to take a trip for the holidays this year, which is a record number for the travel-heavy season. And, of course, it means sharing the roads and skies with more people than usual, which is always fun. [More]

42 Million Drivers Likely Grateful They’ll Be Paying Lowest Thanksgiving Gas Prices Since 2008
The roads are going to be crowded this Thanksgiving, with 42 million drivers expected to travel the highways and byways of the U.S. According to AAA, they’ll be enjoying the lowest prices at the gas pump for the holiday since 2008. [More]

Study: Car Infotainment Systems Remain A Distraction, Despite Voice Command Functions
While it’s handy to use voice commands to make phone calls or change the radio station in your car — instead of taking your hands off the wheel to do so — according to a new study, infotainment systems still provide a distraction for drivers. [More]

Fiat Chrysler Recalls 7,000 SUVs, Tells Customers To Immediately Stop Driving Them
About 65 Jeep and Dodge SUV owners can expect to receive a phone call from Fiat Chrysler telling them to stop driving their vehicles. [More]

Indiana Passes Law Aimed At Slow Drivers Clogging Up The Left Lane
We have all been there, either as the red-faced person gripping the wheel muttering, “Just. Get. Out. Of. The. Left. Lane” or perhaps, as the oblivious driver happily tootling along, unaware at the line of cars backed up in our wake. Lawmakers in Indiana want that to change with a new “slowpoke” law aimed at clearing out that left lane on the highway. [More]

Google Issues First Monthly Report On Traffic Incidents Involving Its Self-Driving Cars
Before Google’s self-driving cars become an everyday reality for consumers, the company not only needs to test the vehicles extensively, but it also has to make sure the public isn’t put off over concerns that the technology is unsafe. Amid recent reports that they’ve already been in minor accidents, Google has now started releasing public reports detailing traffic incidents involving its driverless cars. [More]

Distracted Drivers Admit To Playing Guitar, Taking Selfies Behind The Wheel
Texting while driving isn’t the only distracting activity drivers are partaking in behind the wheel while they should be paying attention to the road, according to a new survey. There are people primping, changing clothes, going to the bathroom, taking selfies and even strumming away on the guitar while driving, making the roads more dangerous for the rest of us. [More]