If you’ve scoffed in the past at stories of visitors to Arkansas’ Crater of Diamonds State Park who have walked away with valuable gems, maybe this will blow your jaded mind: A 14-year-old found a 7-carat diamond there last weekend just half an hour after he arrived. And as big as this diamond is, the park says the stone isn’t even in the top five of the largest diamonds found there. [More]
i want to go to there

Father-Daughter Duo Finds 2-Carat Diamond At Arkansas Gem Park
Nature’s bounty is always a rewarding experience when you’re visiting one of the nation’s many parks, but one tourist destination can be particularly lucrative for visitors: an Arkansas gem park that lets people keep whatever valuable stones they find. In the recent case of a father-daughter duo, that turned out to be a 2.03-carat diamond. [More]

Nation’s First Pizza ATM Proves Dreams Really Can Come True
Someone at Xavier University in Cincinnati must have a direct line to the gods of pizza (who rule our desires from atop their throne of cheese on Mount Pepperoni) because the Cincinnati place of higher learning is getting the country’s very first pizza ATM. [More]

Behold: There Are Magical Places In This Country Known As “Pizza Farms”
Of all the dreams I’ve dreamed in all the nights of sleep I’ve had, never have I believed that a pizza farm could be a real thing. While this popular new form of agritourism might not feature fertile fields fairly bursting with hot, cheesy pies right off the vine, pizza farms have proven to be a popular way for those in the farming business to sell directly to customers looking for that “farm-to-table” situation. [More]

Calories Will Never Matter Again Now That Genius Person Has Invented A Dessert Lasagna
If you’re the kind of person who enjoys a well-crafted pile of cheese, sauce and noodles and also happens to indulge in eating chocolate hazelnut spread straight from the jar, you might as well give up on any hope you had of living a normal life, unburdened by extra calories. That’s because some incredibly smart/possibly crafty villain person has invented a dessert lasagna called the Nutellasagna. Pass me the spoon. You know the one. [More]

Glorious Restaurant Serves Only Macaroni And Cheese
I once thought that I was alone in my dream of a restaurant that served nothing but grilled cheese sandwiches, but I was wrong. The Melt opened in 2011 and continues to thrive and expand. Surely, though, there aren’t enough cheese-obsessed Americans to also support a restaurant specializing in macaroni and cheese, right? I’m probably alone in that dream. [More]

Red Robin Fulfills Dreams, Offers Bacon Caramel Bourbon Milkshake
2014 hasn’t been a great year for our planet overall, but here’s one bit of great news in our otherwise gloomy world. Following the news that Five Guys plans to offer bacon as an ingredient in their new customizable shakes, even wackier burger chain Red Robin has announced that they’ll be offering bacon shakes with bourbon, caramel, and a strip of candied bacon to stir the whole thing with. [More]

Teen Sells 3.85-Carat Yellow Diamond She Found At Gem Park For $20,000
First of all, before we get into money talk, color me flabbergasted by the fact that there’s a park where apparently you can find free gems, take them home at your leisure and then sell them. Crater of Diamonds State Park exists, and it’s made one 14-year-old girl way richer than most kids her age. [More]

McDonald’s And Ferrero Offer Fancy McCafe Drinks And Cakes In Hong Kong
While we Americans are here drinking our McCafé caramel mochas and blueberry pomegranate smoothies like a bunch of suckers, over in Hong Kong, McDonald’s customers get to experience a magical pairing of two of my favorite food groups: caffeine and candy. And cake. There is also cake. [More]

Starbucks Testing Two New Seasonal Coffee-Flavored Sugar Bombs
Not satisfied with the current assortment of holiday beverages at your local Starbucks? You’re in luck, maybe. The chain is testing two new flavors of their traditional seasonal sugar bombs in different markets. [More]

Magical Vending Machine Makes Fries For You In 90 Seconds
Want a snack? Vending machines that cook various foods for you are existed for years, but outside of a grocery store in Brussels, there is a machine that cuts and cooks French fries for you in only 90 seconds. The fries cook in beef fat and vegetable oil, since Belgium is the land where French fries were invented and anything not cooked in beef fat is a waste of perfectly good potatoes. [More]

Jack Daniels Whiskey Chocolate Bars Are A Thing
The world is still full of magical surprises: today we learned that Jack Daniels-branded whiskey-filled chocolates are a thing. They’re made by Swiss chocolatier Goldkenn, and the worst things that any Amazon reviewers can say about them are that they’re “not for everyone” and that they melted in transit during some unseasonably hot weather. [Foodbeast] [More]

Some KFC Japan Combo Meals Now Come With Mini Hand-Crank Ice Cream Maker
Maybe this wonderful product won’t launch here in the United States just yet because more ice cream is the last thing we need. Over in Japan, though, KFC combo meal diners can get their fried chicken dinners with a side of “I make my own ice cream at home.” [More]

This Burger Has Deep-Fried Lasagna Slices For Buns
Americans have turned a number of things into glorious, glorious buns for our burgers and sandwiches, like grilled cheese sandwiches and pieces of fried chicken. This week, the restaurant PYT in Philadelphia has deep-fried slices of lasagna to use as hamburger buns in their aptly named “Lasagna-Bun Burger.” [More]

All The Cool Adults Apparently Heading To Grown-Up Summer Camps
Anyone who’s spent the intervening years since the dawning of adulthood and its subsequent loss of a guaranteed three-month vacation, dreaming of bunk beds and bug juice, you might think all hope of going back to camp is lost. But it ISN’T! You can still go canoeing and make lanyards, or be an actual adult about it and go to wine camp. There’s something for everyone these days. [More]

We Don’t Know How To Hold This KFC Streetwise Cheese Top Burger But We’d Like To Try
Ah, to be able to instantly teleport anywhere in the world. We’d be asking Scotty to beam us on over to the Philippines right about now, to have a face-to-face meeting with KFC’s new “Streetwise” burger it’s peddling there. Looks like a normal chicken burger, no? But wait, what’s that orange blanket atop the bun? [More]

Of Course Edith Is Totally The Worst At Downton Arby's, Too
What’s a nation obsessed with British import Downton Abbey to do while waiting for the third season to land on our shores? Why, indulge in fast food parodies of the show, of course. And even in the land of Downton Arby’s, ugh-inducing Edith is the utter worst and Bates just can’t catch a break. [More]