An Ohio school district sent a letter home to parents informing them that cafeteria staff had found boll weevils inside bags of dried eggs noodles that were to be served for lunch. The workers removed the weevils, boiled the noodles, and later served the noodles. [More]

Domino's Booger Woman Gets Sentenced
On Friday the woman who narrated the Domino’s booger video that made national headlines plead guilty and received sentencing. [More]
My Hotel Room Has Bedbugs — What Do I Do?
Rick woke up in his hotel bed to find he’d been joined by several unwanted strangers for some dirty exchanging of bodily fluids. That’s right, he’s got bedbugs. He’s freaked out and doesn’t know what to do. [More]

63% Of Restaurant Workers Admit To Serving While Sick
Waiter! There’s a phlegm in my soup! And it’s yours! 63% of restaurant workers in a new survey said they had cooked and served food while sick, putting consumers at risk, and also being just gross. [More]

Watch A Man Eat As Much Sugar As Is In A 20 Oz. Soft Drink
Well, this is gross. It’s the sequel to the notorious “Man drinking fat” commercial from the New York City Department of Health. [More]

Kid Gets Herpes From Condom He Found In Hotel Room
Last month we wrote about the 4-year-old boy in Atlanta who mistook a used condom in a hotel room for a balloon and put it in his mouth. An STD test confirmed the family’s suspicions that the boy contracted herpes from the condom. [More]

Man Arrested For Spilling His Midichlorians On Star Wars Toy In Florida Walmart
The Smoking Gun website has posted an affidavit describing a particularly skeevy toy aisle incident in a Florida Walmart. A man allegedly took a copy of the February Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue over to the toy aisle, then masturbated to it in front of the Star Wars toys. When he was done, according to a Walmart employee who witnessed the incident, he wiped his hand on a nearby toy; a police source who spoke with TSG says it was a Star Wars lightsaber. [More]

Passenger Spews On Greyhound, No One Mops It Up
Anyone who has taken the bus cross-country has some kind of unsavory story, but Angela’s got something that hopefully tops anything you’ve experienced. While riding on a Greyhound from Atlantic City to the New York Port Authority, someone yacked all over the floor and no one cleaned it up. [More]

Fast Food Ads Are Often Opposite Of Reality
Last week the overwhelming majority of readers told us that while fast food ads needn’t match the actual product exactly, but the food should at least be recognizable. Dario submitted a project showing cases in which fast food companies most definitely didn’t live up to this standard. [More]

Bedbugs Use People As Popcorn At NYC Theater
When you’re trying to enjoy a movie, getting munched on by tiny, parasitic insects ranks right up there with suffering through Stephen Sommers’ filmmaking skills in terms of dampening the experience. [More]

Chef Fined For Licking Toads In The Kitchen
The chef at a Japanese restaurant in Iowa was fined $335 after health department officials watched a video of him licking and kissing toads, then putting them in his mouth and then back on the prep table, in the restaurant’s kitchen. His brother taped the stunt and posted it on Facebook. [More]

Crazed Ice Creampreneur Keeps Inventing Horrific Flavors, People Keep Buying Them
If you were tricked into volunteering for a Big Brothers Big Sisters-style program, and you live in San Francisco, here’s an easy way to get out of the job. Take your kid to the Humphry Slocombe ice cream shop in San Francisco’s Mission District and order her some Coconut Candy Cap Caramel sorbet–the “candy cap” is mushroom! Or try the Salted Licorice, which Elizabeth Weil in the New York Times says her kids threw on the sidewalk. Or leave the kids at home and try the Secret Breakfast, which contains so much bourbon that “the scoop always runs soft.” [More]

More Freaky Fried Foods From San Diego
Your eyes do not deceive you. Wade shot this photo at the San Diego County Fair, proving that deep fried butter and chocolate covered bacon are out there somewhere, just waiting to invade your arteries in a combo that can be yours for a down payment of $9.20 followed by countless dollars in future hospital bills. [More]

This Fair Will Fry Anything And Everything For You
Glenn writes to us after surviving a San Diego fair that’s gone a little wild with the fry vat. As if a sandwich with Krispy Kremes as the bread wasn’t deadly enough on its own, the carnie folk have gone and fried it good. [More]

Rent Enterprise Car At Twice The Rate, Get Free Dentures (Check Under Floormat)
Timothy rented a car from Enterprise last month when he flew into Newark Airport in New Jersey, and he was forced to pay almost twice the amount quoted in his reservation because of problems with a coupon code and an uncooperative manager. But there’s good news: the rental came with a special, stinky surprise that he and his wife didn’t find until the second day of the rental. (Warning: there’s a big close-up photo below.) [More]

Kraft's Amusing Capri Sun Mold FAQ
Last week we told you how Melissa found a giant scary mold in her Capri Sun juice pouch. After she posted pictures on her Facebook, sections of the internet went totally apesh*t. This is probably because the mold looked like a giant horse eyeball and Kraft’s initially slow response only fueled the flames of hysteria. As part of getting up to speed, Kraft even put up a whole FAQ devoted specifically to this one issue. Between its lines, though, you can read their frustration with the blowup. Their answer to the last question “What kind of mold is it?” is both honest and funny: [More]

What's This Giant Mold Monster Melissa Found In A Capri Sun Pouch?
Melissa found a nastiness in her pouch of Capri Sun, a nastiness even nastier than Capri Sun. A giant mold monster that grew inside the pouch after it was punctured slightly, perhaps? UPDATE: Kraft’s Amusing Capri Sun Mold FAQ [More]

Save Money On Head Lice Removal
You’re a good Consumerist. You make your own kids at home. You grow your own lice in a coffee can you found on the street. You dump the lice on the kids’ heads before you send them off to school. After all that, the last thing you want to do is spend a fortune on lice removal treatments, right? You’re in luck: the New York Times says you don’t have to spend a lot of money de-lousing your itchy little child. [More]