Gwyneth Paltrow’s “modern lifestyle brand” Goop offers customers a range of tips, tricks, and products to make their lives better and healthier — some which are polarizing or just plain weird. For instance, the Goop website sold “healing” stickers that it claimed were made from material designed for NASA space suits. But the folks at NASA say that’s all a bunch of overpriced hooey. [More]

Twitter Thinks You Might Like To Slap Brands’ “Promoted” Stickers All Over Your Photos
If you looked at the last Twitter you shared on Twitter and thought, “You know, I could really use some more corporate branding on here,” you’re in luck: the social media platform says its teaming up with companies to offer “Promoted #Stickers.” [More]

Buy These Suitcase Stickers If You Want To Get Frisked
If you want to get an equal amount of eye-rolls, giggles and terrified looks from those standing around you in airport security lines, affix one of these security-provoking decals to your luggage. [More]

Chicago Provides City Vehicle Stickers That Lack One Important Feature
First New York’s vehicle inspection stickers lacked enough stickiness to actually stay stuck and now the disease has infected Chicago. Yes, it’s the same company making the stickers. I know. We’re shocked too. Who could have predicted this? [More]

This Verizon Store Provides Weird Repair Services
Some Motorola Droid phones are having problems with the battery cover coming off too easily. That’s what was happening to Chris’ Droid, so he and his girlfriend brought it into a Verizon store in Pleasant Hill, CA. His girlfriend brought along her defective enV Touch for service as well.
When they left, Chris had a sticker stuck to the back of his Droid, and his girlfriend was told to stop wearing makeup because makeup ruins the enV Touch.

Applebee's Food Comes With Delicious "Use By" Sticker
Reader Jamie’s Applebee’s dinner came with an interesting ingredient: an expiration date sticker. Understandably grossed out, Jamie asked Applebee’s for some new food. They agreed, fished out the sticker and brought the old food back. Ick.

Toys "R" Us Carries Lower Back Tattoo Stickers Perfect For Your Trampy Kid
Got a trampy little kid that isn’t quite ready to get inked? No problem. Toys “R” Us has lower-back tattoo stickers for little miss thing.

Amuse Yourself And Others With Merchandise Stickers
We don’t actually recommend you go into stores and put these stickers on merchandise you haven’t bought, or outdoors on poster ads that you didn’t place. But it’s still fun to look at them and imagine all the great places they would add value to a merch display. The “Actual Size!” stickers are more absurd, but their potential for hilarity is much higher: “80% of public advertisements would be greatly improved by an ‘actual size!’ claim, from 8.5×11 “Regina Spektor Live In Concert!” flyers to ten-foot PS3 banners to airline ads in the subway with pictures of 747s.”

Use Rust Stickers To Make Your Stuff Seem Like Junk?
Here’s a clever idea: Rust stickers that you can apply to your car or bike to make it seem crappy… even though it’s secretly awesome.

Confessions of a Generic Magazine
Rony over at Are You Generic? sent us a link to these disestablishmentarianist stickers he hopes you’ll print out and plaster all over those three hundred page advertisement magazines conservatively injected with gray pablum content that people — for whatever incredible reason — actually pay good money for.

How To Read Your Fruit Stickers
Meg Hourigan, co-founder of Blogger, has posted a methodology for decoding fruit labels to discern whether or not it is conventional, organic or genetically-modified.