
Fine Art Friday: Burger King Gives Ronald McDonald A Beatdown

Fine Art Friday: Burger King Gives Ronald McDonald A Beatdown

Either this Burger King in Miami takes the competition really, really seriously, or the owner is into some pretty freaky s#@t. The store gets bonus absurdity points for framing it so handsomely.

This Discount Store Enjoys Messing With Its Customers' Minds

This Discount Store Enjoys Messing With Its Customers' Minds

Shelley just sent us this photo of a store she saw in New Jersey this afternoon. We particularly like that the neon signs in the window are just as contradictory as the roof signs. It’s like a decorating theme.

Target Is Losing Its Mind

Target Is Losing Its Mind

Taken with yesterday’s sign denying its own existence, we are worried that Target, or at least its labelmakers, might be having some kind of existential crisis. You’re freaking us out, Target. Thanks, Caitlin!

Domino's: Eat Your Pasta. In A Bread Bowl.

Domino's: Eat Your Pasta. In A Bread Bowl.

The booger-tainted pizza chain has taken this opportunity to introduce their newest food innovation. Pasta… in a bread bowl! Just in case there aren’t enough carbs in pasta… why not eat the bowl it comes in?

Please Do Not Expose Your Genitals To The Comcast Guy

Please Do Not Expose Your Genitals To The Comcast Guy

A [Howell, Michigan] man was ordered to stand trial on charges he exposed his genitals to a computer technician trying to fix his slow Internet service.

Dilbert Encounters The Rebate Monster

Dilbert Encounters The Rebate Monster

Your rebate frustration has a name, and it is apparently Rebaterus. (Full comic below.)

This Best Buy Survey Seems Suspiciously Biased

This Best Buy Survey Seems Suspiciously Biased

Sidd tried to fill out a Best Buy post-purchase survey online, but he suspects it might be skewed toward specific ratings. We know, it’s just a glitch, but this would explain that report that Best Buy is demoting 8,000 senior sales associates.

This Think Geek Sticker Clearly Wouldn't Fit In The Other Box

This Think Geek Sticker Clearly Wouldn't Fit In The Other Box

We may have to invent a new tag just to accurately describe how absurd Think Geek’s shipment to Micah in Ontario was. It was bad enough that the shipping was over $30, but that’s a consequence of stupid shipping options from the US to Canada. What really elevates this story to the top of the stupid shipping mountain is how they packed a sticker. But hey, at least the sticker didn’t get broken in transit. Update: Think Geek responds in the comments below (which is awesome because we felt kind of bad talking about a site we like so much).

Pop Quiz: How Much Is This Walgreens Mouthwash?

Pop Quiz: How Much Is This Walgreens Mouthwash?

Reader Travis is wondering if anyone can tell him how much this mouthwash costs? It is a mystery.

This Comcast Rep Should Probably Not Be Talking To Customers

This Comcast Rep Should Probably Not Be Talking To Customers

Hannah needs some more training, because her knowledge of Comcast’s bandwidth cap is less than Comcastic. We also think calling her an “analyst” is maybe stretching it a bit.

Probably At 4 Cookies The Real Savings Kicks In

Probably At 4 Cookies The Real Savings Kicks In

Edward found this sign at a Subway shop in NYC. We appreciate that they’re doing the addition for us.

The Design, Purchase, Or Wearing Of This Dress Should Probably Be Rethought

The Design, Purchase, Or Wearing Of This Dress Should Probably Be Rethought

We at Consumerist understand that there’s no accounting for taste, and we generally refrain from passing judgment on products for puerely aesthetic reasons. That said, we think this dress should probably never be worn by anyone, ever.

American Apparel Has Gone Too Far

American Apparel Has Gone Too Far

Disney Credit Union Sends Debit Card That Is Already Expired

Disney Credit Union Sends Debit Card That Is Already Expired

Poor Ruben just wants his Disney Credit Union card to work, but there appears to be no hope — unless he can stand to listen to an hour of the Main Street Electrical Parade Theme while on hold. If you’re not familiar with this particular composition, let us assure you that it is the kind of music used in interrogations to extract confessions.

Japan, Crazy For Bananas, Gets Crazy Bananaman Commercials

Japan, Crazy For Bananas, Gets Crazy Bananaman Commercials

A series of madcap ads for Dole bananas airing in Japan shows a Banana Man who grows CGI bananas out his head and hands and can shoot them at banana-loving bystanders. Why, oh why? The explanation, and more video, inside…

Has Comcast Hired ELIZA For Customer Chat Support?

Has Comcast Hired ELIZA For Customer Chat Support?

This English-as-a-second-language tech support guy just wants to help Noah out, but the weird combination of formal exchanges and misunderstandings make him sound like an AI program. We don’t think Jullan even realizes that his good-natured attempts to help are only annoying the customer more. In theory, we like the idea of a tech support guy “extending an extra mile,” but maybe next time he should stick to tech support and leave billing questions unto the billing department.

Smart Mop Holds Up To 20 Times The Crazy Of A ShamWow

Smart Mop Holds Up To 20 Times The Crazy Of A ShamWow

The people behind the new Smart Mop infomercial have clearly studied the success of the ShamWow guy, and they’ve taken the infomercial genre to a new level of silliness. Their new ad is so ridiculous that it seems designed more for YouTube than primetime, but since it’s funny and entertaining (for an infomercial) we’ll take the bait and post it.

The Verizon Website Is Surprisingly Honest About "Upselling" You

The Verizon Website Is Surprisingly Honest About "Upselling" You

Reader Beth is impressed with the honesty Verizon displays in the title of the webpage where they try to sell you bundled telecom packages.