Rick typed out his tale of Qwest/CenturyLink woe using the Consumerist Mobile Tipster app, and attached one of those pictures that has circulated online seemingly forever–a little boy sticking a butter knife in an electrical socket. That’s how this situation apparently makes him feel, and it’s easy to see why. He used to work for Qwest, and never really had any problems with them in seventeen years of service from them. When he finally canceled service, he was told that he was still under contract and owed an early termination fee. A twenty-year contract? [More]

Man Threatens To Kill Employee Who Won't Accept Cell Phone Return
No matter how angry you’ve gotten when denied at the return counter, it’s doubtful you’ve sunk to the level of a Seattle man who allegedly threatened to kill an employee who wouldn’t let him return his cell phone. [More]

Dear Coke: Your Stupid New 2 Liter Design Doesn't Fit In My Fridge
Reader Eric wants to comment about the new design for the 2 liter Coke bottle. It’s a little thinner and taller and doesn’t fit in his fridge. [More]

Amazon's Frustration Free Packaging Still Not Quite Working Out For Electronics
Tom wishes Amazon would use better packaging when it comes to shipping things like hard drives. Their “frustration-free packaging” is meant to save shoppers from dealing with blister packs and unnecessary boxes. For the Western Digital hard drive Tom was trying to buy, it meant bouncing around a half-empty box from the fulfillment facility to his doorstep, where it arrived broken. Twice. [More]

Nexus One Users Getting The Runaround From T-Mobile, HTC
So if your Nexus One isn’t working… Who do you call? We think the answer is Ghostbusters, because it’s sure as hell not Google — and according to InformationWeek, it is also not T-Mobile or HTC. [More]

Help Us! Tell Us What You Hate About The Holiday Shopping Season
Attention Shoppers: We’re interested in your opinions about the upcoming holiday shopping season. What drives you up the chimney? Is it the music? Black Friday? Rebates? Christmas Creep? Let us know!

Guess What Happens When Amazon Keeps Sending Shampoo In Same Box With Book
Reader Len recently found out that it’s sort of impossible to order shampoo and a book from Amazon at the same time. They’ll just keep sending you a shampoo-covered book until they eventually give up and refund your money. Trouble is, Len didn’t want a refund. He wanted a shampoo-less book.

Hey Verizon, My 5th FiOS DVR Sucks As Much As The Last 4
Reader David’s FiOS DVR really sucks. Since it’s his 5th one — he’s starting to suspect that they all suck.

Sears Customer Service Runaround Results In New Sander
Can we tag a story “above and beyond” if the customer service cycle is so screwed up that it eventually works out in the customer’s favor? When jpodbuild tried to get his Craftsman sander repaired or replaced, he couldn’t get anyone on the phone who could actually help him—eventually he would end up back at the first number he’d called. He decided to show up in person and let the store manager handle the phone calls. New sander!

No Power On Earth Can Compel FedEx To Actually Deliver Your Package
Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but reader Robbie has done everything short of hire someone to wait for his package, and still FedEx will not deliver it. Instead, despite Robbie’s best efforts, they keep leaving “Sorry you weren’t here” notes outside his door.

Verizon's OneBill Service Is A Nightmare
Reader Laurynn wants to warn Verizon customers to stay away from “OneBill,” because according to several of the 7 different CSRs she talked to today, it’s “not ready yet.”

POLL: Are You Fed Up With Flying?
The Austin Business Journal says that a new survey shows Americans are fed up with flying and have been avoiding it — and hotels and restaurants are suffering.

Time Warner Cable: "Why Do You Feel Like You're Being Double Billed?"
Reader Dave is not having a good day. Time Warner Cable is being spectacularly unhelpful. First they changed the name of his company to his wife’s name. Then they double billed them. Then they sent a guy out to his house to physically disconnect his internet. Then another guy came to disconnect someone else’s cable and disconnected Dave’s instead. Finally, while he was trying to fix the double billing issue he got a TWC CSR that kept asking him why he “felt” like he was being double billed. What a mess!

The 10 Most Annoying Airline Fees
Forbes Traveler has put together a list of the top 10 most annoying airline fees, and it’s a good one — or is it a bad one? Airlines are feeling the effect of skyrocking oil prices and they’re trying their best to pass the costs along to you, their customers, without driving down demand. The result? These delightful fees. Gotcha!

T-Mobile: We Can't Help You, Sell Your Brand New Defective Phone On eBay
A link to the following letter to T-Mobile’s president just popped into our inbox. It seems that if you receive a T-Mobile Sidekick for Christmas and it’s defective… your options are fairly limited. T-Mobile’s best solution to your broken phone? Sell it on eBay.

HP Denies Your Warranty, Accuses Amazon Of Selling You A "Fake" Laptop
There’s something deeply wrong with HP these days. It seems that instead of just fixing your laptop’s overheating issue, they’d rather accuse Amazon.com of selling fake HP laptops and deny your warranty. Reader Floria says that even though she got a letter from Amazon stating that there’s no possible way they sold her a fake or refurbished laptop, and then escalated her complaint to a “senior case manager” who approved the repair, HP still hasn’t fixed her computer. Is anyone in charge over there?