Rick typed out his tale of Qwest/CenturyLink woe using the Consumerist Mobile Tipster app, and attached one of those pictures that has circulated online seemingly forever–a little boy sticking a butter knife in an electrical socket. That’s how this situation apparently makes him feel, and it’s easy to see why. He used to work for Qwest, and never really had any problems with them in seventeen years of service from them. When he finally canceled service, he was told that he was still under contract and owed an early termination fee. A twenty-year contract? [More]

Worst Company In America Round One: Charter Vs. CenturyLink (Qwest)
Here’s a pair of middleweight marauders that some of you may not be familiar with, but who still managed to engender enough ill will from Consumerist readers to earn a chance to prove their awfulness in the business world bloodbath called the Worst Company In America 2012 Tournament. [More]

Here It Is, Your Lineup For Worst Company In America 2012!
Welcome to Consumerist’s 7th Annual Worst Company In America tournament, where the businesses you nominated face off for a title that none of them will publicly admit to wanting — but which all of them try their hardest to earn. So it’s time to fill in the brackets and start another office pool. That is, unless you work at one of the 32 companies competing in the tournament. [More]

25 CEOs Who Made More Than Their Companies Paid In Income Taxes
The Institute for Policy Studies has just released its 18th annual review of U.S. executive compensation and found that 25 out of the country’s 100 highest-paid chief executives actually earned more in 2010 than their companies paid out in corporate income taxes. [More]

Couple Signs Up for $77.99 Verizon Bundle, Charged More Than Double
An Oregon couple signed up for $77.99 Verizon-Qwest bundle that included phone, internet and TV service, and were surprised to see the actual bill come to $158.49.

Mystery Solved? Using OpenDNS Results In Glacial YouTube Downloads For Qwest Customers
Earlier this week, we posted an email from a frustrated Qwest customer who said he couldn’t download YouTube and other online videos at a speed equivalent to the Qwest service he was paying for. Qwest wrote to us, and spoke to the customer, and swore they were not interfering with any download rates. Instead, it looks like the problem is with OpenDNS, a free service that usually speeds up downloading, but that seems to have an issue when it comes to certain video streams.

Reach Qwest Executive Customer Service
Got a Qwest issue stuck in the quagmire? Escalate it to executive customer service with these phone numbers and email addresses.

Qwest Has A Twitter Account, Wants To Hear From Customers With Problems
Monica, a Qwest representative, sent us an official declaration regarding yesterday’s post; she says that Qwest absolutely does not do any throttling. She also points out that if you have problems you can’t get resolved, try the Twitter route. Their official page is http://twitter.com/talktoqwest.

Qwest Says It's Throttling Customer's Online Video Streaming, Then Says It's Not
Update: It turns out the problem is with OpenDNS, not Qwest. The original post is below.

Secret Phone Numbers And Email Addresses To Reach Executives At 101+ Companies
Inside, email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses for over 100 different companies to inject your customer service complaints into their corporate executive offices, and get it well on the way to success.

Vindictive Qwest Employee Slashes Six Phone Lines
Janine Butler said, “This person could come into my home during the day, during the evening time. They could steal, rob, rape. We live in a scary time.”

Qwest Updates Contact Page To Explain Why They Don't Accept Emails
Yesterday we noted that Qwest has done away with their “email us” option on their contact page, and in a comical example of corporate doublespeak they’d printed, “Your questions and concerns are very important to us, however we are no longer able to respond to email.” Today it looks like Qwest has changed that pop-up window to provide a little more information.

Qwest Does Away With Support Via Email
Update: Qwest has updated their contact page to provide (slightly) more information.

Moving With Movearoo's Help? Hope You Like AT&T, Verizon, And Qwest
Movearoo.com is a new website that appears to offer free assistance with your move, helping you set up things like phone service, gas, and electricity at your new address. The site calls itself “Your Total Moving Resource.” It’s a helpful site, sure, but you should be aware that it’s funded by AT&T, Verizon, and Qwest, and exists primarily to promote their services. In other words, you won’t find a comprehensive list of competing phone service providers through Movearoo, only those offered by the three sponsor companies. A consumer advocate points out the drawback of making Movearoo your sole relocation resource:

Email Addresses For Qwest Executives
Update: Here’s a better list. One good thing about Matt’s troubles with his mom’s Qwest account is he was able to collect and test various email addresses for their executives. Here’s his list of the ones that work and the ones that don’t.

Qwest Sells Woman "Cheaper" Package That Costs More, Has Unmentioned 2-Year Commitment, And Requires New Modem
Matt’s mom, a longtime Qwest customer, called up the company to switch her long distance over from AT&T. The CSR suggested she switch over to a bundled package that would save her $11 a month and offer faster Internet connection speeds. What the CSR didn’t mention was that the new package required a 2-year commitment, that it wouldn’t work with her current DSL modem, and that it actually came out to about $3 more per month.

Qwest To Workers: Pee In A Urinal Bag
Union representatives are pissed that Qwest ordered field workers to pee in urinal bags so they wouldn’t waste time trying to find public bathrooms. The disposable urinal bags were distributed by a manager to 25 male field techs in Colorado.
A company spokeswoman told the Rocky Mountain News there’s no policy that requires field technicians to use urinal bags while they’re out on a job.