Who says competitors can’t try to help each other out? Wayback Burgers is stepping up to help lure in the real life hamburglar who cooked himself up a snack in the kitchen of a closed Five Guys in Washington D.C. with what should be a tempting reward: free burgers for a year. [More]
five guys

Competing Chain Offers Five Guys Hamburglar A Year Of Free Burgers If He Turns Himself In

Police: Real Life Hamburglar Breaks Into Five Guys, Cooks Himself A Snack
In yet another episode that shows real life hamburglars are walking among us, police say a man made himself the sixth guy at a Five Guys restaurant, breaking into the joint at night and cooking himself a bite to eat. [More]

The Only Thing You Need To Know About Five Guys Testing Customizable Shakes Is That Bacon Is Involved
There are times when it’s good to keep a separation between your sweet and savory foods, probably, but once you bring bacon up, all walls can be torn down and it should be welcomed as part of any concoction. At least, that’s what was decided by the Famous Bacon Accords Of 1996. Which is why the most important part of Five Guys burger chains testing out customizable milkshakes is that bacon is an optional ingredient. [More]

Chain Storefronts With Slight Makeovers Continue To Not Fool Anybody
Last year, we lamented the long hiatus of one of our favorite sites, Not Fooling Anybody, which featured makeovers of former chain storefronts that were, as the name states, not fooling anybody. What we didn’t know was that the site has been revived, in the form of a community on Reddit. Let the yellow-painted Pizza Huts roll! [More]

Dear Five Guys: Don’t Copy Customer On E-mail Where You Call Him A “Douche”
Have you ever penned a harshly worded e-mail about someone and then panicked for a moment when after you hit “send” out of fear that you may have copied the target of your vitriol on the message? 99.9% of the time, you did not… but when it does happen — and when you represent a major fast food chain — the results make for good Internet. [More]

Five Guys Opened Four Times As Many New Restaurants As McDonald's In 2010
With surveys like Zagat’s and Consumer Reports’ putting Five Guys among the best-tasting burgers available, it’s perhaps not surprising that the chain is the fastest-growing hamburger shack in the country. In fact, a new report says that new Five Guys eateries outnumbered new McDonald’s by greater than 4:1 in 2010. [More]

Science Confirms In-N-Out Burger Is The Best And McDonald's The Worst
Almost a year ago, our survey-loving siblings at Consumer Reports asked several thousand readers to rate burgers from 18 burger chains and to no one’s surprise, McDonald’s came in dead last. Not satisfied with merely finding the best and worst beef-on-a-bun, CR decided to go for the super-sized option, rating 53 restaurants in five categories to find which ones provide the best food, service and value to customers. [More]

5,250 Pounds Of Potatoes, 1,700 Pounds Of Ground Beef & One Gallon Of Relish: One Week's Worth Of Stuff At Five Guys
Have you ever been chowing down on a burger and wondered about all the beef, bread, condiments and potatoes that the restaurant goes through in week? Well even if you haven’t, the people at Eater DC were curious enough to get a behind-the-scenes look at one Five Guys restaurant in our nation’s capital. [More]

Does McDonald's Really Have The Worst Burgers?
In the current issue of Consumer Reports, our science-minded siblings asked readers to rate the burgers at 18 different restaurant chains on a scale of 1-10. [More]

Five Guys Named Best Fast Food Burger In U.S. By Zagat Guide
Earlier this year, the burgers at quickly growing fast foodatrorium Five Guys made the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s list of most calorie-filled meals in the country. Perhaps that’s why the voters at the Zagat Guide recently chose Five Guys as the best burger in the country. [More]

The 8 Worst Meals (And 1 Dessert) In America For 2010
Every year, the Center for Science In the Public Interest releases their Xtreme Eating Awards list, where they single out the most carb-heavy, fat-saturated, salt-laden calorie bombs available on the market. This year’s round-up of gut-busters covers everything from breakfast through dessert and contains some items that may surprise you. [More]