
Do Not Sign For Your Neighbor's Packages, Then Pawn Them

Do Not Sign For Your Neighbor's Packages, Then Pawn Them

Fedex delivered a Florida woman’s new laptop computer when she wasn’t home. It was okay, though—her neighbor signed for it. Then, allegedly, he pawned it. Somehow, authorities tracked him down. Maybe it was the part where he signed his name.

Why Does The UPS Store Ship Packages With FedEx?

Why Does The UPS Store Ship Packages With FedEx?

Alex shipped two packages to San Francisco from the UPS store in Boston. One was delivered, the other wasn’t—until without any explanation or notification, it arrived back at Alex’s house in Boston on a FedEx truck. Huh?

Package Mauled By Puppies After Fedex Delivery Error

Package Mauled By Puppies After Fedex Delivery Error

Jill is annoyed at Fedex. First, they delivered her package to the wrong house. Normally, this is a minor error and an opportunity to visit with your neighbors, but Fedex didn’t deliver it to just any house. They opened the gate and put her package inside the fenced-in yard where two evidently bored puppies were hanging out.


Today only, FedEx Office (formerly FedEx Kinko’s) will print up to 25 copies of your resume for free. You can submit as a digital file or in person, but must pick up the resumes at a FedEx Office location. [FedEx] (Thanks to ingaraundquist !)

FedEx Rep Steps Up, Makes Buying Car 1000% Easier

FedEx Rep Steps Up, Makes Buying Car 1000% Easier

Jeff has a big sweaty hug to give FedEx after their customer service rep Leslie personaly intervened and saved his car-buying transaction from getting 1000% harder. Read his happy tale, and another addition to the “ABOVE AND BEYOND” files, inside…

Overnight Shipping Battle! FedEx Vs. USPS Vs. UPS

Overnight Shipping Battle! FedEx Vs. USPS Vs. UPS

In the battle of the overnight shipping, which service reigns supreme? Is it FedEx? Or UPS and its long-haired whiteboard dude? Or the folks in blue at the Postal Service?

No Power On Earth Can Compel FedEx To Actually Deliver Your Package

No Power On Earth Can Compel FedEx To Actually Deliver Your Package

Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but reader Robbie has done everything short of hire someone to wait for his package, and still FedEx will not deliver it. Instead, despite Robbie’s best efforts, they keep leaving “Sorry you weren’t here” notes outside his door.

FedEx Turns Shipment Of DVDs Into Can Of Old House Paint

FedEx Turns Shipment Of DVDs Into Can Of Old House Paint

John at writes that he’s come to expect the occasional “damaged in transit” theft of items from packages he ships or receives, at least through the U.S Postal Service. With private carriers, however, he notes that he’s always had better luck. But last week he opened a box of DVDs shipped to him via FedEx to discover a rusty can of $5 house paint.

Kinko's Is Dead, Long Live "FedEx Office"

Kinko's Is Dead, Long Live "FedEx Office"

FedEx announced yesterday that they would be renaming Kinko’s “FedEx Office”

UPDATE: Reader Receives Apology For Foul-Mouthed FedEx Employees

UPDATE: Reader Receives Apology For Foul-Mouthed FedEx Employees

You may remember reader Matt from the story “No Proof Of Address? FedEx Curses You Out” in which he was treated very rudely by FedEx employees when he could not produce a utility bill needed to pick up his package. We were happy to hear that after our story ran, FedEx contacted Matt and had his package swiftly delivered to him at work. Additionally, he learned that the Maspeth location already had over 50 similar complaints filed, and that FedEx is now diligently trying to update their door tags and email with current information regarding “proof of address.” Matt’s comment, inside…

No Proof Of Address? FedEx Curses You Out

No Proof Of Address? FedEx Curses You Out

What started as a routine trip ended in verbal fisticuffs when reader Matthew went to go pick up his package at a local Fedex receiving center in NYC. He thought that his door ticket and identification was enough to get his package but Fedex said he also needed “verification of address” in the form of a utility bill or something similar. Matthew had never heard of this before, but when he questioned this new policy he received a barrage of foul language from an employee and her manager. His letter, inside…

Dear Steve Jobs: FedEx Stole My Mom's Mother's Day iPod, Please Help!

Dear Steve Jobs: FedEx Stole My Mom's Mother's Day iPod, Please Help!

Reader Matt CC’d us on this sad email to Steve Jobs. It seems that some #$!@#$ at FedEx stole his Mother’s Day gift right out of the box. Now he’s asking Steve Jobs to help him get the stolen iPod replaced in time for Mother’s Day.

Halve Your Shipping Costs With Amtrak

Halve Your Shipping Costs With Amtrak

Express shipping from Amtrak is a cost-efficient way to ship packages between cities, sometimes costing half the price of UPS or FedEx.

FedEx Breaks Your MacBook, Doesn't Deliver It, Says Your Questions Are Irrelevant

FedEx Breaks Your MacBook, Doesn't Deliver It, Says Your Questions Are Irrelevant

We get that accidents happen. What we don’t get is why FedEx won’t tell this guy what happened to his laptop—why it went out for delivery, why it got returned back to the warehouse, why it was then reported damaged and undeliverable, and finally why the person he was sent to for help keeps stonewalling him by responding that his questions are irrelevant.

I have found the thief and its name is kitty

Microsoft Keeps Your Repaired XBox For 4 Months, Calls You A Thief For Wanting It Back

[protected-iframe id="b8f18f624db3162ddc3edeca28b1ece8-40783744-40309798" info="" width="55" height="82" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"]Microsoft hasn’t returned Tiffany’s XBox 360 for four months because they think she is a thief, even though she has her original receipt and a credit card statement proving that she is the console’s rightful owner. Microsoft repaired the XBox back in January and tried to return it via FedEx, but a shipping snafu landed the box back at Microsoft’s service center. Tiffany has called repeatedly. She even sent a letter to Microsoft’s legal department, after sending her receipt and statement, asking how else she could prove ownership. That was 22 days ago. She has yet to receive a response.

FedEx Kinkos Is Confused By Your Request To Overnight A Letter

The workers at the FedEx Kinkos in Astor Place didn’t know how to react when reader Eric asked to overnight a letter. They were apparently trained to handle only the Kinkos side of the store, and weren’t sure how to ship Eric’s parcel—a school board election ballot—to Hackensack, New Jersey. Their solution was both innovative and idiotic: they told Eric to write his credit card info on a slip of paper, and promised to take care of everything the next morning.

Email Addresses For A FedEx EECB

Email Addresses For A FedEx EECB

Should you have just cause to take your complaint with FedEx to the highest levels of the company, load these email addresses into your Executive Email Carpet Bomb (EECB (Confused? Here’s How To Launch An Executive Email Carpet Bomb)).

What Part Of "Must Obtain Signature" Did FedEx Misunderstand?

What Part Of "Must Obtain Signature" Did FedEx Misunderstand?

Frank told FedEx to require a signature before delivering his skis, instructions FedEx found vague and confusing. When Frank complained, FedEx said that in order to deliver the increased volume of goods over the holidays, they reserve the right to essentially chuck your delicate gifts from a speeding truck.