The crew got their orders from the bank: a house was getting repossessed, and it was their job to clean it out. They did. What they didn’t know was that they had the wrong house. The real target was a home on a street with the same name in a different town. Who screwed up? The repo crew? The bank? The person who named the streets? [More]
wrong house

Company Does Roof Work On Wrong House — Then Comes Back, Does It Again
This must’ve been a particularly confusing summer for roofers. Not only did we hear about one company that pulled up to the wrong house and pulled off half a roof before realizing their error and abandoning the project, but it happened to another set of homeowners in an entirely different city. And it happened twice to them in just a few weeks. [More]

Same Crew Demolished Wrong House Two Days In A Row
Everyone makes some mistakes at work sometimes. Usually, though, someone else catches the error before something catastrophic happens. That wasn’t the case in Fort Worth, Texas, where the crews hired to demolish condemned buildings knocked down the wrong one. Worse: they did it again the following day. [More]

Package Mauled By Puppies After Fedex Delivery Error
Jill is annoyed at Fedex. First, they delivered her package to the wrong house. Normally, this is a minor error and an opportunity to visit with your neighbors, but Fedex didn’t deliver it to just any house. They opened the gate and put her package inside the fenced-in yard where two evidently bored puppies were hanging out.