
FedEx Package Signed For By Mysterious "LOLDLADY"

FedEx Package Signed For By Mysterious "LOLDLADY"

I’ve been waiting for a FedEx package and apparently it was delivered today while I wasn’t home and signed for by “LOLDLADY” (an abbreviation for little old lady maybe?). Either way, I just thought this was funny considering FedEx will usually enter the name of the person who signed for the package and not just a description like this.

FedEx Could Have Kicked This Package Once More

FedEx Could Have Kicked This Package Once More

[Utica, Michigan, July 20. Image via]

FedEx House Arrest!

FedEx House Arrest!

A heated discussion about FedEx is going on over at one of the Washington Post’s blogs, with people purporting to be FedEx employees leaving tips for consumers who are “stuck in FedEx house arrest.” Are they real? Who knows, but they do sound pretty accurate.

Geek Squad Opens Stores Inside FedEx Kinkos

Geek Squad Opens Stores Inside FedEx Kinkos

Apparently, FedEx Kinkos will not rest until it adds every possible name to its title, because now in addition to being a FedEx… and a Kinkos… it’ll be a Geek Squad. That is, if “Project Xerox” is successful.

DHL Wins Package Race, UPS Still In Transit

DHL Wins Package Race, UPS Still In Transit

Every year Georgia Tech’s Supply Chain and Logistics Institute holds a shipping race to see who can deliver packages to remote locations the quickest. Unbeknownst to the companies, they’re competing in the Olympics of shipping.

Shipping Showdown: What’s The Best Way to Ship?

Good Morning America tested all the major shippers from the USPS to FedEx. What did they find? The USPS took the longest, wasn’t guaranteed, but was the cheapest. Stores offering shipping services, like Mail Boxes Etc., were a rip-off, they charged an extra $8 to $15, and tagged on “Saturday Delivery” charges and fuel costs. Best to go straight to the source. —MEGHANN MARCO

Deaf Redskins Fans Suing for Closed-Captioning

Deaf Redskins Fans Suing for Closed-Captioning

Not to be outdone by the blind, the deaf are suing the Washington Redskins alleging “the team is in violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act for failing to provide captioning during games” live at FedEx Field.

Reader Informs Us That FedEx Continues To Be A Bunch Of Jerks

Reader Informs Us That FedEx Continues To Be A Bunch Of Jerks

What spontaneous wormholes open up beneath the packages at the FedEx head office, blinking them briefly out of existence only to regurgitate them again a month after they were due to deliver?

Ant-Like FedEx Airplanes Swarm Around Thunderstorms

We’re fascinated by this catchy video of FedEx airplane route variations, in which the planes weave ant-like through the small patches of clear skies as a massive Thunderstorm approaches Memphis. If you ever wondered why your delivery took so damn long, here’s your answer: like my aged mother, Fed Ex pilots don’t like driving in the rain.

UPDATE: Stolen FedEx Package

Last week, we wrote about a woman whose Tivo she ordered through HDEasy was missing from her doorstep after being delivered by FedEx.

Consumerist Complaints: Stolen FedEx Package

Reader Clare P. wrote in with her tale of anguish and woe after a Tivo that she’d ordered through HDEasy was stolen from her doorstep after being delivered by FedEx. Adding to the frustration, Clare’s been having an aggravating game of phone tag with the support lines for Tivo, FedEx and HDEasy, trying to figure out the process for filing her claim and getting a replacement.

Track Nearly Any Package on Google Maps

Track Nearly Any Package on Google Maps

Track your packages on Google Maps using this phat, free tracking tool, which handles UPS, FedEx, USPS, and Airborne/DHL.

For the Man Who Ships Everything: Delivery Livery

For the Man Who Ships Everything: Delivery Livery

We don’t know a thing about the purchase-ability of this shirt, but it’s clearly going to be the next must-have item for online shopping devotes.

FedEx Clamps Down On Online Cigarette Retailers

FedEx Clamps Down On Online Cigarette Retailers

Bad news for you Internet-shopping tobacco monkeys out there: Fed-Ex is clamping down on online tobacco merchants.

How FedEx Humps Ex-Pats

How FedEx Humps Ex-Pats

Consumers Speak: Fedex Follies

mortar mega-shops that come up with dubious if not devious ways to defraud their customers. Sometimes its the delivery service that turns the tricks.

Big Three Shippers: What Didn’t You Get from UPS, Fedex, and USPS?

Mr. Jarvis has had much in the way of Christmas-time delivery problems, with at least four packages having issues with both Fedex and USPS. Others in his thread have had plenty of problems with the big three shippers, as well.