Markus, the first legal male prostitute in the U.S., hung his shingle at the Shady Lady Ranch in Nevada in January. Since then he’s had “fewer than 10 paying customers” according to the Associated Press (which seems to imply there were some free samples maybe?), so he’s quitting and going back into porn. In other words, there’s a new opening at Shady Lady, gentlemen. Wait, that totally didn’t sound right. [More]

Here's A Shock: Fewer People Are Quitting Their Jobs
NPR’s Planet Money blog alerts us to the existence of a statistic called the “quits” rate — which, you guessed it, monitors how many people are quitting their jobs. You’ll be shocked to hear that for months the quits rate has been at the lowest point since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking it.
Everyone Wave Goodbye To Outgoing FCC Chief Kevin Martin
FCC Chairman Kevin Martin is calling it quits as of inauguration day. The Chairman, who could have served for three more years, is heading to the Aspen Institute, a preserve for endangered spectacles masquerading as a “nonprofit leadership group.” Martin’s tenure was a mixed bag for consumers…