Someone Invent This Electronics Company

After watching this 60 Minutes clip about how thanks to crappy and complicated technology, geeks will rule the earth, we got to thinking.

Best Buy Emails To Let You Know They Won't Be Honoring A Mistake In Their Ad

Best Buy Emails To Let You Know They Won't Be Honoring A Mistake In Their Ad

Several of our readers received this email from Best Buy, explaining that they won’t be honoring a mistake in the upcoming September 23, 2007 Best Buy ad.

When Should You Buy New Technology?

When Should You Buy New Technology?

The short answer: when it’s no longer new, of course—early adopters are the pawns in the great game of consumer electronics, easily sacrificed by both sides in order to fuel product launches, establish word of mouth, and help discover any 1st-gen bugs. (*cough* iPhone *cough*) SmartMoney says on average, wait six months after a product is released before buying it, but they also provide a list of specific advice for things like cellphones, computers, and cameras.


This 60 minutes bit on the rise of “geek” tech support service companies confirms one thing: if you don’t know how to use electronic gadgets, maybe you shouldn’t be buying them. [60 Minutes]

1,300 Unopened Rebate Applications Found In Dumpster

1,300 Unopened Rebate Applications Found In Dumpster

This is a picture of the 1,300 unopened rebate forms a Mercury News reporter found in a dumpster near Vastech, a rebate processor for Fry’s Electronics.

If You Buy Expensive Electronics, Be Careful. You Might Be Being Followed…

If You Buy Expensive Electronics, Be Careful. You Might Be Being Followed…

Hey there, he’s a tip from our good friends up in Canada: If you’re buying expensive electronics don’t assume you’re not being followed to your next destination!

TigerDirect Apologizes For Unlawfully Detaining Customer For Refusing To Show Receipt

TigerDirect Apologizes For Unlawfully Detaining Customer For Refusing To Show Receipt

The manager of the TigerDirect that unlawfully detained reader Shaneal Manek for his refusal to show a receipt called him this afternoon and apologized for his store’s behavior. Shaneal told The Consumerist by phone that Tony, the store manager, pledged to retrain his staff on proper procedures and that they wouldn’t retain the services of the security guard involved in the dispute.

TigerDirect Unlawfully Restrains And Verbally Abuses Customer For Not Submitting To Receipt-Showing Demands

TigerDirect Unlawfully Restrains And Verbally Abuses Customer For Not Submitting To Receipt-Showing Demands

I was visiting a Tigerdirect (Large Electronic Retail Store) in Naperville, IL today (8/23/07)(8/22/07). All was going well until after I had paid for my merchandise and tried to leave.

Best Buy Making All Service Departments Geek Squadified

Best Buy Making All Service Departments Geek Squadified

If you love the great porn-stealing and privacy-invading services currently offered by Geek Squad’s in-store and in-home tech support, have cheer: Best Buy is rebranding all its service departments into Geek Squads, according to an inside source. They’re testing it out in the New York metro area in preparation for a possible nation-wide rollout.

Yes, You Can Insure Your iPhone Against Accidental Damage And Theft

AppleCare’s iPhone coverage is limited to hardware issues and technical support; if you drop your iPhone on the sidewalk, you may be out $600, unless you have insurance against accidental damage and theft.


LAX recently introduced free charging stations in eight terminals for phones, laptops, and personal electronics.

Fewer Consumers Buying Extended Warranties For Electronics

Fewer Consumers Buying Extended Warranties For Electronics

Best Buy recently disclosed in its annual report that extended warranty sales as a percentage of revenue fell 12 percent during the past fiscal year. At Circuit City, warranty sales last year fell 8 percent as a percentage of revenue.

How To Protect Electronics At The Beach

How To Protect Electronics At The Beach

If the elements do manage to breach your defenses, send them on their way with a can of compressed air.

Sony Cuts PlayStation 3 Price

Sony Cuts PlayStation 3 Price

Poor Sony. Despite telling Reuters on July 6 that they had no plans for a price cut, they’ve cut the price of the Playstation 3 by $100.

Electronics Retailers Are Angry After iPhone Snub

Electronics Retailers Are Angry After iPhone Snub

“We sell elaborate home networks and people view their homes or their kids with the babysitter when they are out to dinner. Because of the iPhone’s large screen, it works fine with that application, and our customers want to put it on the network.”

Wait, you can watch your baby monitor on the iPhone? It’s a brave new world.

Dell Admits Error In Asking Consumerist To Remove Post

Dell has said it was wrong for trying to get The Consumerist to remove a “confessions” post from a former Dell worker.

Dell Demands Takedown Of Our "22 Confessions Of A Former Dell Sales Manager"

Dell Demands Takedown Of Our "22 Confessions Of A Former Dell Sales Manager"

UPDATE: Dell Admits Error In Asking Consumerist To Remove Post

Kodak To End Flash Photography?

Kodak To End Flash Photography?

Kodak’s new proprietary technology adds “clear” pixels to the red, green, and blue elements that form the image sensor array, collecting a higher proportion of the light striking the sensor.