If You Buy Expensive Electronics, Be Careful. You Might Be Being Followed…

Hey there, he’s a tip from our good friends up in Canada: If you’re buying expensive electronics don’t assume you’re not being followed to your next destination!

According to the Mississauga News, there has been a rash of vehicle break-ins following expensive purchases at electronics stores. The police think that a group of thieves are watching the stores for potential targets, then following customers who buy “big ticket” items to their next stop—where they then break into the hapless consumer’s car and steal their brand new gadget.

Sneaky! Maybe it’s a good idea not to stop for Ketchup Flavored Potato Chips on your way home after buying a laptop. Actually, maybe you should try driving 2 hours out of your way to shake the thieves off your trail, that way they won’t know where you live… Um. Or maybe you should just avoid leaving expensive electronics in your car. Even in Canada.

Thieves target computer buyers
[Mississauga News]

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