If your fantasy is to engage in all manner of sexual relations while waiting for your pizza order, just be aware that there may be repercussions for your public display of intimacy. [More]

Firefighters In Michigan Delivering Free Pizza To Folks With Working Smoke Alarms
Sure, we all put off certain household tasks like changing the battery in the smoke alarm — but what if you could score a free pizza just for keeping things in working order? [More]

Domino’s Self-Driving Delivery Cars Means Having To Retrieve Pizza Yourself
Maybe you’re not ready to hop into a driverless taxi cab, but what about having your pizza delivered by a self-driving car? [More]

Bloodhound Sniffs Out Pizza Thieves Who Lured Delivery Driver To Abandoned House
It’s not an episode of Scooby-Doo* but a recent crime caper in California does sound pretty darn close: A police bloodhound came to the rescue after teens lured a Domino’s delivery driver to an abandoned house and then robbed him of both money and pizza. [More]

7 Things We Learned About The Improbable Comeback Of Domino’s
Domino’s committed sins against food, but now the chain has atoned for them, and the market has rewarded the chain. It has improved its pizza and come out with ordering and delivery innovations that are mostly gimmicks for publicity, but they do their job and gain publicity. [More]

Domino’s Must Pay $480,000 In Restitution To Underpaid Employees
Last May, the Attorney General in New York State filed suit against Domino’s franchisees for underpaying their workers, and the state also included Domino’s corporate in the suit. This was controversial, since the corporate office insisted that paying restaurant employees was franchisees’ business. Now the case has been settled for $480,000, to be paid by three franchisees who own the ten restaurants that were part of the suit. [More]

30 Times Pizza News Made Us Really, Really Happy
While there is absolutely no reason not to celebrate the cheesy glory and wonder that is pizza any and every day of the year, the Department of Arbitrary Holidays has decreed that today is National Pizza Day. What better occasion to remember all those times pizza made us happy? [More]

Domino’s Worker Fired For Writing Racist Joke Inside Pizza Box
It’s one thing to ask for a funny joke to go along with your dinner delivery, but when one customer received a pizza box with a very unfunny racist comment written inside, a franchise owner in Massachusetts says he fired the worker responsible. [More]

Sorry, Rudolph Fans: Domino’s Giving Up Reindeer Pizza Delivery Dream
We know you might have been excited to hear that Domino’s was attempting to deliver pizzas in Japan with reindeer. Alas, the chain has shattered that vision, announcing that it’s giving up on that dream in favor of more traditional delivery vehicles. [More]

Domino’s Training Reindeer To Deliver Pizzas
When the weather gets rough, you may be more tempted to order food for delivery. But what about the delivery person left battling the elements to bring you your grub? Domino’s Japan thinks it has just the antlered, four-legged solution. [More]

Domino’s Has To Pay Customer $910 For Pizza That Was Never Delivered
It’s bad enough when you’re forced to wait an entire hour for pizza delivery — but can you imagine waiting 18 months for your food to show up? The horror. [More]

Domino’s Customer Gets Year Of Free Pizza For Returning $5K She Found In Wings Box
No good deed goes unrewarded, or so they say, and if you’re lucky, that reward might just come in the form of free pizza. For a year. [More]

Domino’s Is Adding Salads To The Menu Nationwide
Though it might be hard to believe that not everyone enjoys eating pizza, Domino’s has decided to get in on this whole healthy food trend consumers have been into for the past few years, and will now be offering salads on all its menus nationwide. [More]

T-Mobile Will Give Away Free Lyft Rides Instead Of Pizza After Domino’s Struggles To Keep Up With Promo
It sounded like a great idea — free Domino’s pizza for T-Mobile customers every Tuesday. But just two weeks into T-Mobile Tuesdays, the company says Domino’s was overwhelmed by the demand, so it’s nixing pizza in favor of free Lyft rides for next week’s giveaway. [More]

Domino’s Workers Come To Customer’s Rescue After Noticing He Hadn’t Ordered Pizza Recently
Maintaining a good relationship with loyal customers is always important for businesses, but workers at an Oregon Domino’s took that closeness a step further, stepping in to save a customer’s life when they realized that he hadn’t been ordering pizza like he usually does. [More]

Domino’s New “Zero Click” Ordering App May Be A Butt-Dial Disaster Waiting To Happen
We get it, everyone loves pizza, and everyone loves ordering said pies with as little hassle as possible. As if calling, going online, Tweeting, texting, or ordering Amazon Echo’s Alexa to place your order wasn’t easy enough, Domino’s has another option: just open an app. [More]

Domino’s Testing Pizza Delivery Robots In New Zealand
If the robot revolution is going to come eventually, at least our future overlords may arrive to enslave us bearing pizza: Domino’s is trying out a battery-powered delivery robot in Wellington, New Zealand, calling it “the world’s first autonomous pizza delivery vehicle.” [More]