Here at Consumerist, we’re fans of Jeeps, especially those of us who are named Meg. Jeeps aren’t the only four-wheel-drive vehicles that you can take off the road, but they are a worldwide icon of outdoorsiness and badassery, both of which should be actual words. When it came time to sell his Jeep, an Oklahoma man opened up a Craigslist posting window and knew exactly what to do. [More]

You’re Having A Baby! Or At Least, The Woman Who Sold Her Pregnancy Test On Craigslist Is
Need to play a hilarious (read: Maybe not actually funny) joke on your significant other? Want to freak out that guy who dumped you via Twitter? Or maybe you’re trying to find a cash-friendly way to recycle your positive pregnancy test. There’s apparently a flourishing online market for those little sticks saying you’re about to become a parent, which is either chuckle-worthy or really troubling. [More]

How To Get Your Stolen Bike Back? Find The Guy Who’s Selling It & Take It For A “Test Ride”
First and foremost, we here at Consumerist would like to warn our readers that while taking matters into your own hands sounds like “Hurrah! Vigilante justice is so awesome!” it might not be the safest idea, so just exercise caution. That being said, one woman pulled the same trick a DC fellow did last year, after locating her stolen bike in a for-sale post on Craigslist. She simply took it on a test ride… and didn’t stop pedaling. [More]

Newsflash: Trying To Sell A Woman’s Baby On Craigslist Is An Awful Dating Technique
Know why there’s no “infants” section under the For Sale category on Craiglist? That’s easy, silly — it’s because you’re not allowed to sell people, not on Craigslist, not anywhere. That’s news to one guy who was reportedly so jealous of the attention his new lady love lavished on her two-month old, he listed her for a paltry $100 on the online marketplace. He got a bite, too! From the cops. [More]

Undercover Sting Catches Man Selling Catfish On Craigslist
People familiar with the newest definition of the term “catfish” might think that a story about catfish and Craigslist might involve some unlucky romantic being hoodwinked via the site’s personal ads, but this is a story where a Michigan man was arrested for attempting to sell actual catfish through the website. [More]

Tricks Of The Trade From A Craigslist Appliance Salesman
It’s a good thing there are go-getters out there willing to not only put some elbow grease into running a successful business, but then also offer up tips for anyone else who might want to become an entrepreneur in the same vein. To wit: A guy who’s managed to develop a profitable career buying and selling appliances on Craigslist. And he’s willing to share how he does that. [More]

Scammer Uses Counterfeit Cash To Buy Motorcycle, Calls Victim To Warn Against Using Bogus Bills
Most people who end up with a wad of counterfeit cash don’t find out until they take it to the bank or try to use it at a store that checks for funny money, but a woman in the St. Louis area says the man who bought her husband’s motorcycle using bogus bills later called to let them know they’d been had. [More]

Restaurant Has 44 Requirements For Wannabe Line Cooks And Making Fun Of The List Isn’t One
As someone who has never worked professionally in a kitchen but who has watched plenty of restaurant reality TV, let me be the first to say that being a cook/chef seems like an incredibly tough and demanding job. Customers want to be fed tasty things and restaurants want them to be happy. But there’s demanding, and then there are lists of 44 requirements for a line cook job posted on Craigslist. [More]

Don’t Buy Computers Off Craigslist When The Seller Has Suddenly Left For Toronto
Z. found a great deal on an Asus notebook computer on his local Craigslist in Florida. “I am now in Toronto,” the seller explained before going through with the transaction. Z. and his mom ignored every anti-scam warning posted on Craigslist, and just sort of assumed that this meant the seller was on a trip to Toronto and had taken the computer with her. Z. is underage, and his mom used Western Union to wire the money. They waited. No computer came. [More]

Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places? Try Walmart
Are you tired of heating up a microwave dinner for one? Is there an empty spot on the pillow beside you just waiting to be filled? Do you need to stock up on toilet paper? Perhaps you need to head to Walmart for some love at first sight action. A study claims that the big box retailer is the most popular place for people to meet and fall in love at first glance, so what do you have to lose? [More]

Sleeping In This Guy’s Car For $1,800/Night Might Be A Better Deal Than Other Super Bowl Rentals
Though this year’s Super Bowl is irrelevant because of its lack of Eagles, there are apparently still enough people out there who want to attend the festivities that the illegal short-term lease market is booming in New Orleans. [More]

Consumers Now Feeling The Pain Of Post-Holiday Gift Card Scams
Back in December, we told you about how scammers could take money from your gift card before you even get a chance to use it. Now that people are trying to cash in those cards, they’re feeling the sting of finding out they have a zero balance. [More]

Posting An Item On Craigslist As “Free” Before You Steal It Doesn’t Mean It’s Actually Free
When I was two years old and sitting in my stroller while my mom checked out at the grocery store, I did not tell her, “Hey, Mom? I’m about to grab this candy bar and shove it in my mouth,” because that is an easy way to get caught. Police in New Hampshire say three thieving suspects weren’t so smooth, and instead would post items as up for grabs on Craigslist that they intended to steal, and then went out and stole them. [More]

Finding Or Being A Loan Co-Signer On Craigslist Doesn’t Sound Like The Best Idea
Asking strangers to help you in exchange for money always carries a bit of risk, but for those people who don’t have good enough credit to qualify the loans they need, sometimes it seems there’s no other choice. In a sign of continued hard times, some cash-strapped folks are posting ads on Craigslist seeking a loan co-signer to help them out of a jam. [More]

Bar Owner Buys Entire Texas Town, Renames It “Bikinis, TX”
The man behind the Texas-based Bikinis Sports Bar & Grill chain of eateries — so named for its servers’ barely-there attire — has purchased an entire abandoned town off Craigslist and named it after the restaurant, all with the goal of transforming the ghost town into a tourist destination. [More]

Craigslist Shuts Down Services That Make Craigslist More Useful
Padmapper is a site that takes housing listings from Craigslist and other sites and plots them on a map. That sounds like a very simple thing, but it makes searching for a new home easier by many orders of magnitude. Craigslist, though, doesn’t like people scraping its data and monetizing it–even if the use of that data sends lots and lots of traffic right to Craigslist. [More]

Man Steals His Bike Back From The Guy Who Stole It From Him
A vigilant vigilante went after his property with a vengeance in Washington, D.C., after a thief made off with his bike. Police couldn’t respond fast enough, so this guy did what any bicycle-loving property owner would do — he tracked his bike down and took back what was his. Turnabout is fair play, right? [More]
Scammers Using Real Vacation Rental Info To Trick Victims Out Of Thousands
As people have gotten wiser to the obvious hallmarks of online scams, the scammers have had to step up their game in order to keep making a dishonest buck. And now that people begin thinking about their upcoming summer vacation rentals, these scammers are prepared with the latest in darned-close-to-realistic-but-still-fake realty listings. [More]