consumers union

Consumers Union Asks You To Say No To Comcast/NBC Deal

Consumers Union Asks You To Say No To Comcast/NBC Deal

With the clock still ticking on the proposed purchase of NBC Universal by Comcast, our benevolent benefactors at Consumers Union has launched a new website and advertising campaign to step up its efforts to alert the public to the perils of the deal. [More]

Is Bank Of America's $0 Liability Guarantee Any Different
Than What You Already Have?

Is Bank Of America's $0 Liability Guarantee Any Different Than What You Already Have?

If you’ve lost your remote and been unable to fast-forward through your DVRd shows — or heaven forbid you’ve had to watch something on live TV — in the last two months, you might have seen one of Bank of America’s commercials touting its “$0 Liability Guarantee” for all its credit and debit cards. But is all this just window decoration on guarantees you already have? [More]

So You Think You're A Filmmaker? Enter Consumers Union's New Video Contest

So You Think You're A Filmmaker? Enter Consumers Union's New Video Contest

In an effort to both educate younger people about health care reform and engender the creative spirit in our readers, Consumers Union has announced its So You Think You’re Invincible? video contest. [More]

Do Pay-By-Smartphone Systems Put Consumers At Risk?

Do Pay-By-Smartphone Systems Put Consumers At Risk?

As smartphones like the iPhone or Droid become more popular and more sophisticated, developers are finding new ways for consumers to use these mobile devices to replace existing items like airplane boarding passes, coupons and now credit cards. Soon, smartphone owners will be able to pay for purchases with a wave of their phones, but they should first be aware of the possible risks involved. [More]

15 Ways To Kick Ass When Testifying

15 Ways To Kick Ass When Testifying

If you are victimized by corporate behavior and asked to testify before a legislative body in order to tell your story and help get a pro-consumer bill passed, it can be really scary. You only have a few minutes to make your case. Are you gonna choke it, or clinch it? Just follow these 15 tips I just learned in a Consumers Union Activist Summit workshop: [More]

Snag Last-Minute Seat To CU Activist Summit

Snag Last-Minute Seat To CU Activist Summit

There’s still a few seats left that you can snag for the Consumers Union Activist Summit in Washington DC, next week, June 9-11. [More]

Facebook's Privacy Settings Are Actually "Evil Interfaces"

Facebook's Privacy Settings Are Actually "Evil Interfaces"

Facebook is in a quandary: they want to sell their users’ data for cash, but they don’t want to look like doucheshnozzles. What’s a social network to do? Design a byzantine apparatus for opting out of the privacy-invasions that confuses and discourages the user from using it effectively, while still appearing to be user-friendly and functional. That way they can have their cake and eat it and sell it too. In other words, it’s an “evil interface,” and Facebook’s privacy settings are full of them, argues the Electronic Frontier Foundation: [More]

Giant Banker To Devour Innocent Consumers Tomorrow

Giant Banker To Devour Innocent Consumers Tomorrow

Consumers Union, the benevolent entity that publishes Consumer Reports and parent company of our own little operation, would like to warn all of you that a giant banker will be devouring innocent consumers on “The Hill” Wednesday. [More]

Toyota Stops Selling Lexus SUV After Consumer Reports Says "Don't Buy"

Toyota Stops Selling Lexus SUV After Consumer Reports Says "Don't Buy"

It’s a big deal when Consumer Reports awards a “Don’t Buy” rating to a vehicle, and when it announced earlier today that the 2010 Lexus GX 460 should be avoided because of safety risks, the story started popping up all over the web. Now only 12 hours later, Lexus has announced that it is asking dealers to temporarily stop selling the vehicle while it looks into the situation, and that it’s taking the Consumer Reports claim “very seriously.” [More]

Tell Your Senator To Rollback Unfair Interest Rate Hikes

Tell Your Senator To Rollback Unfair Interest Rate Hikes

Before a new law went into effect in February to clamp down on their abusive tactics, credit card companies jacked up interest rates, putting the squeeze on already strapped consumers. But that same law can still help as. In it, Congress told the banks to review those spiked rates, and, for responsible cardholders, bring them back down to normal levels. Of course, the banks are working feverishly to make sure they don’t have to live up to the law. As the Senate considers Regulation Z; Docket R-1384, be sure to grab their ear and say hey! Gimmie back my rates! Contact your rep now. [More]

FCC Asked To Address Misleading And Confusing Billing

FCC Asked To Address Misleading And Confusing Billing

In August, we wrote about upcoming investigations and possible actions by the FCC on several different areas of the consumer telecommunications experience. Several consumer groups filed comments on the first issue, truth in billing, this week, and we wanted to share some of their concerns and suggestions.

Join Us At The Consumers Union Annual Meeting

Join Us At The Consumers Union Annual Meeting

Want to meet Ben and Meg, get a preview of our new design, tour the Consumer Reports labs, and have a chance to take home a brand new Consumerist t-shirt? You can do all of that and more at the Consumers Union annual meeting, on October 17th. Admission is free, but space is limited, so if you’d like to join us, read on.

How Would Health Care Reform Affect You?

How Would Health Care Reform Affect You?

Consumers Union has put together a breakdown of the health care bills in Congress to let you see how they would affect you, based on your age and what kind of insurance you currently have (if any). It’s an interesting tool to see what the various proposed changes are.

Get Your Piece Of The Dell Fraud Settlement

Get Your Piece Of The Dell Fraud Settlement

Inside: Video – Cuomo and plaintiff Cary Lou Canfield lay down the law at Consumers Union earlier this week, and more info on getting some bucks from Dell.

Have Your Say About Credit Card Reform

Have Your Say About Credit Card Reform

We’ve been keeping you posted about the progress of credit card reform, and sharing stories of readers who have already been affected by credit card companies‘ policy changes. Now the nice folks at Consumers Union want to hear about what kinds of stunts credit card companies are trying to pull on their customers. Won’t you share your stories with them?

Consumer Advocate/Plastics Industry Showdown In California

Consumer Advocate/Plastics Industry Showdown In California

Ten years ago, Consumers Union (publisher of Consumer Reports and owner of Consumerist) warned us all about the potential danger from bisphenol A (BPA) leeching from plastic containers into our food. It’s only in recent years that municipalities got around to banning the chemical—at least in containers designed for use by infants and small children.


idk y txts r so $$. Consumers Union‘s Joel Kelsey says what all already knew—text messages are way overpriced—only he got to say it during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights. [Consumer Reports Electronics]

Intern For Consumers Union In Austin

Intern For Consumers Union In Austin

No, you’re not seeing double! In addition to the Intern positions we posted last month, Consumers Union — the publisher of The Consumerist and Consumer Reports — is looking to fill another position in its Austin, TX, office. This is a part-time, year-long web-development internship. Responsibilities will include uploading content, and working on database upgrades. Applicants should live in the Austin area. Apply here. (Photo: treasuresthouhast)