consumers union


Get answers to your credit-card reform questions. We’d like to think we’ve already answered just about any question you may have about the new credit card reform law. But just in case, the experts at Consumers Union are on hand to cover anything we might have missed. Post your questions on their DefendYourDollars site, and they’ll do their best to provide an answer. [DefendYourDollars]

Intern for Consumers Union in Austin

Intern for Consumers Union in Austin

Apply now for a great internship with Consumers Union, the publisher of Consumerist and Consumer Reports. This is a part-time, year-long internship with the Share Your Story team, based in CU’s Austin, TX, office. Responsibilities will include reading through stories submitted by consumers, writing case studies for CU sites, and helping to identify ways to solve consumer problems. Applicants should live in the Austin area. Apply here.

Giant Pills Exercising In Train Station

Giant Pills Exercising In Train Station

There’s some human-sized pills working out at Union Station in DC. It seems the mad scientists at Consumers Union have trapped them and forced them to undergo fiendish exercise experiments in front of commuters and passersby to see which drugs work best. Their findings are documented in the new publication “Best Drugs for Less” which is being handed out for free in front of these not jagged, not little, pills. Video here.

Intern For Consumers Union

Intern For Consumers Union

Apply now for a great summer internship with Consumers Union, publishers of Consumerist and Consumer Reports. Consumer journalism couldn’t be more important or relevant than a time like this. Now is the time to get involved. Openings are available for editorial, general intern work, advocacy, and engineering (technical division).

Don't Worry, Reselling Children's Clothing Isn't About To Become Illegal. Probably.

Don't Worry, Reselling Children's Clothing Isn't About To Become Illegal. Probably.

Reselling your kid’s used clothing could soon violate federal law. Come February 10, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act will prevent retailers from selling children’s products that haven’t been certified as lead free. Old hand-me-downs, of course, haven’t been certified for anything more than running around the yard. Parents are worried, petitions are being drawn up, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission isn’t doing much to clarify the law.

Consumers Union Asks Nancy Nord, CPSC To Do A Better Job Explaining These New Toy Testing Rules

Consumers Union Asks Nancy Nord, CPSC To Do A Better Job Explaining These New Toy Testing Rules

In this letter (PDF) sent to CPSC chair Nancy Nord, and released to the public, Consumers Union and a bunch of other consumer interest groups ask the CPSC to please do its part to clear up all the confusion over the coming Toy Testing Apocalypse. Don’t want to read the whole thing? Here’s a much shorter summary:

Time To Bring Back The Consumer Czar

Time To Bring Back The Consumer Czar

Last month, several consumer groups sent President-elect Obama a letter detailing a pro-consumer agenda for the new administration and Congress. One of those suggestions, supported by an editorial in today’s New York Times, is reinstating the position of special assistant to the President on consumer affairs, also known as the consumer czar.

Consumer Reports: Why Are Companies Lying About Putting Nanoparticles In Your Sunscreen?

Consumer Reports: Why Are Companies Lying About Putting Nanoparticles In Your Sunscreen?

Little is known about how nanoparticles — ultra-small particles that are so teeny that they can have different physical properties than “macro” sized particles. For example, says Consumer Reports, carbon becomes 100 times stronger than steel, aluminum turns highly explosive, and gold melts at room temperature. What do titanium dioxide or zinc oxide do? Well, whatever it is — it may be in your sunscreen without your knowledge.

Genetically Engineered Foods Edge Closer To Dinner Plate, FDA To Develop GE Rules

Genetically Engineered Foods Edge Closer To Dinner Plate, FDA To Develop GE Rules

FrankenChicken moved closer to your dinner table after the FDA announced they’re going to begin developing the procedures and guidelines that will allow farmers to genetically engineer animals to have more desirable traits and then sell them to you in the supermarket. For instance, featherless chicken or faster-growing fish. They will not require food to be labeled as genetically modified as long as there’s no change in the final product, a move Consumers Union called “incomprehensible.”

FTC: Protect Gift Card Holders When Companies Go Bankrupt

FTC: Protect Gift Card Holders When Companies Go Bankrupt

Consumers Union (CU) filed a petition with the FTC Thursday to protect consumer gift card holders more when retailers go bankrupt. For as long as the stores remain open, CU wants companies to have to hold gift card funds in a secure trust, unless bankruptcy courts say otherwise. Currently…