The good news was that no one was killed or injured when a fire destroyed an apartment building for low-income senior citizens in Battle Creek, Michigan last week. The bad news is that the seniors’ cable provider, Comcast, can’t rule out that they’re going to charge the residents for the Kabletown-owned cable boxes that were destroyed in the fire. [More]

Everyone At The FCC & DOJ Should Be Forced To Watch This “Comcast Doesn’t Give A F#!k” Video
In the debate over whether or not to approve the merger between Comcast and Time Warner Cable, there has been a lot of in-depth discussion of market share, divestments, fiber competition, and all sorts of other things the average cable subscriber doesn’t concern herself with because she has better things to do. What’s at risk of being overlooked is that Comcast is just a horrible company that really doesn’t care about its many millions of customers who have no other choice. [More]

Report: Comcast Sends Out Around 1,800 Copyright Alert Notices Each Day
It’s been almost a year since the nation’s largest Internet service providers began using the Copyright Alert System, better known as Six Strikes, which identifies potentially illegal file-sharing and sends a series of increasingly severe warnings before the ISP penalizes the user. According to a new report from TorrentFreak, in the short time since Six Strikes launched, Comcast has sent out at least 625,000 such warnings. [More]

Comcast Blasts My Apartment Building With Junk Mail, Hopes For The Best
How much junk mail from one company is too much? There is no universal number, but the limit is definitely smaller than this one-day crop of Comcast mailers at one six-household apartment building. Look, Comcast, maybe the residents of this building just aren’t into you. [More]

Man Pleads Guilty In Scheme That Scammed $2.4 Million In Free Comcast Service
Last year, police in Pennsylvania busted a ring of scammers — including some former Comcast employees — who had talked nearly 6,000 people into paying upwards of $200 to permanently have their Comcast cable bills reduced. Now the man described as being “second in command” of the ring has entered a guilty plea. [More]

Comcast Offers Broadband So Fast, The Promotional Price Ends 6 Months Early
Where are six months and twelve months basically the same thing? At Comcast, of course. The cable company/ISP/overlords of all media want to show us all that they have a poor grasp on math. We can laugh it up all we want, but the joke’s really on reader Bubbicito. It doesn’t matter how confusing he finds the deals in Kabletown, because he doesn’t have any other choices for high-speed broadband. He can still vent at Consumerist, though. [More]

Comcast Charges Me $40 For The Pleasure Of Letting It Fix Its Own Screw-Up
It’s bad enough that a Comcast tech futzed with the exterior connection to Consumerist reader Grant’s cable line, resulting in weak and dropped connections. But the folks at Kabletown never seem satisfied to stop at bad enough. [More]

Comcast Doesn’t Understand The Idea Of ‘Transferring Service,’ Shuts All Of Our Services Down
Brad is a longtime customer of Comcast, and he planned to take Comcast with him to his new home. This was a mistake. Not the part where he was going to keep using Comcast: in many areas, people who want cable don’t really have a choice. His mistake was letting Comcast know ahead of time that he planned to move. Things began to go terribly wrong within mere minutes, and he is still without any of his Comcast services, even though the move is weeks away. [More]

Comcast Sells Me Data Speeds It Can’t Possibly Deliver
Andrea needs high-speed Internet access to get her work done. Really high speed. Faster than your average DSL or satellite Internet connection; faster than what she gets once everyone in her town gets home from work or school and starts playing Facebook games or downloading torrents or whatever it is they do. She can get the level of service that she pays for and actually needs, but only for a few hours a day. [More]

Comcast Moves 1,000 Call Center Jobs Out Of California, Totally Doesn’t Blame State Government
Comcast customers in northern California who call in for help won’t be talking to their neighbors anymore. Kabletown announced yesterday that they plan to shut down call centers in Livermore, Morgan Hill and Sacramento in November. The 1,000 employees affected will have the opportunity to receive severance packages, or to follow their jobs as they’re transferred to call centers in Oregon, Washington and Colorado. The interesting part, though, is what Comcast had to say about why they’re moving the jobs, then later retracted. [More]

Comcast Installer Thought This Mess Of Cables Was Less Of An Eyesore Than Running Them Along Floor
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and everyone’s a critic. So while Consumerist reader Stephen looks at the black cables left on his wall by a Comcast installer and sees an ugly mess, others might see something that belongs in a museum. [More]

Comcast E-Mail Rep Needs A Lot Of Words To Say 'I Have No Power To Help You'
Tired of waiting around on hold when she called Comcast, Susan decided to just send them an e-mail with what she had to say. What she had to say to them was “Hey, why did you charge me $64 too much for installation?” The e-mail representative she talked to had an answer to this question: taking four hundred words to say, “I dunno, take some time off work to go to your local Comcast office and maybe they can give you a refund.” [More]

Comcast Launches Marketing Campaign To Get Across What The Heck Xfinity Is
Comcast is a cable company. But what is Xfinity? Initially, we thought it sounded like a great name for a porn company, but it’s actually the brand name of the various products that Comcast offers. Of course, there’s XFINITY Internet. (Yes, they use all caps.) Cable television is XFINITY TV. Home security systems are XFINITY HOME. Phone service is called XFINITY Voice. Despite Comcast spending $640 million in the last two years advertising the brand, experts say that most consumers still don’t really understand what “Xfinity” represents. Their solution? More ads. [More]

Comcast Might Get Your Last $70 Back To You In 4 To 8 Weeks
Reader D. is having a rough time financially right now. Technically, he’s homeless, but he’s staying with a friend while he gets his life back together. As you can imagine, he doesn’t have a lot of money to spare. Which is why he now is without grocery money after Comcast kept on auto-debiting his account even after he left his apartment and turned off his service. [More]

Comcast Rolls Out $10 Internet Access For Low-Income Families
As a condition of Comcast’s acquisition of NBC, the folks at Kabletown have created Internet Essentials, which offers internet access to low-income families for $9.95/month so long as they meet certain criteria. [More]

Comcast Makes Up Imaginary Residential Account, Harasses You To Pay For It
S. has a super-special type of Comcast business account called Teleworker Enhanced. This account allows him to have business-class Internet access in his home. The problem, as far as Comcast is concerned, is that he has a business-class account in his home, so they keep making up a phantom residential account to charge him for, then send him to collections. He’s had enough. [More]

Comcast To Give Shorter Windows For Its Service Techs To Not Show Up At Your House
Anyone who has spent a day, or two, or three, waiting for a cable service tech to show up knows that the “8 a.m. to noon” or “noon to 4 p.m.” window they were originally given is laughable. But Comcast says it has actually made improvements that will allow them to give customers two-hour windows during which its service techs will not show up. [More]

Family's Comcast Signal Obscured By Tangled Vines, Incompetence
David has finally reached the end of his cable when it comes to Comcast reception at his house. He has had multiple technicians out to help. He has contacted the executive customer service SWAT team. He has Twittered. His connection is still crappy, and he’s locked in a contract. He finally fired off this letter to company executives, hoping that people at or above the Jack Donaghy level can help him receive the service he’s actually paying for. [More]