Here’s a tip that we hope you never have to use: after a house fire, make sure not to hire just anyone who shows up at your doorstep and says that your insurance company sent them. One woman in California learned that the hard way, signing a contract with a dry-cleaning company that showed up claiming to be from her insurer. They weren’t. Instead, she got a $17,000 bill that her policy wouldn’t cover. [More]
after the fire

After Fire, Comcast Probaby Won’t Make Low-Income Seniors Pay For Burned Cable Boxes
The good news was that no one was killed or injured when a fire destroyed an apartment building for low-income senior citizens in Battle Creek, Michigan last week. The bad news is that the seniors’ cable provider, Comcast, can’t rule out that they’re going to charge the residents for the Kabletown-owned cable boxes that were destroyed in the fire. [More]

Is Amazon Working On A Cheap Smartphone?
Analysts at Citibank report that, based on their “supply chain channel” research, they believe Amazon is following up on its low-priced Kindles with a smartphone, which could be released next year. They speculate that Amazon could sell the phone at a loss, and presumably make up the difference by selling e-books, music and other digital media to mobile customers. [More]