Would you consider getting a cable-replacement TV service from a cable company? If so, Comcast has a proposal for you. [More]
to xfinity and beyond

Ad Watchdog: Comcast Should Stop Claiming “Fastest Internet In America”
If you live in one of the many parts of the country served by Comcast, you’ve likely seen the company’s nearly endless ads claiming that its Xfinity broadband “delivers the fastest internet in America,” and the “fastest, most reliable in-home WiFi.” However, an ad industry watchdog group has asked Comcast to rein in its bragging. [More]

Amazon Really Does Sell Everything, Opens Cable Store To Resell Comcast
Someday, you will be able to buy your house and everything in it from Amazon, much like Sears a century ago. Perhaps to prepare for that day, Amazon is now selling Comcast’s Xfinity bundles in its new Amazon Cable Store, and the store setup implies that they’ll be adding carriers in other areas soon. [More]

Comcast Customer’s Data Cap Meter Counts Gigabytes He Couldn’t Possibly Use
In just the few months since Comcast began expanding its cash-grab data cap program, which hits customers with overage charges for exceeding an arbitrary allotment of 300 gigabytes each month, thousands of customers have already complained to federal regulators. Some claim that the Comcast-supplied online “meter” intended to help keep track of users’ data simply doesn’t work. One customer, after being told that he was repeatedly going over the monthly limit, has shown just how broken Comcast’s system really is. [More]

Comcast Rings Out 2014 With Yet Another Tape-Recorded Customer Service Disaster
It’s been a bad year for Comcast’s customer service image — probably not what the company wants to hear when it’s trying to convince federal regulators to let it swallow up millions of Time Warner Cable customers — and while many consumers are taking this week off from work, the folks at Kabletown know that bad service doesn’t take a holiday. [More]

Comcast Customers Complain About E-Mails Pushing Modem Upgrades
It’s nothing new for a cable company to send out e-mails urging customers to upgrade to the latest technology. It’s another for those e-mails to include links that automatically opt you in to that upgrade without warning. [More]

Comcast Introduces Talking TV Guide For Visually Impaired
Fifteen months ago, we told you that Comcast was developing a talking version of its TV listings for use by visually impaired subscribers. Today, the company announced that it will be introducing the feature to users on its X1 platform. [More]

Comcast Commercial Claims Their Fast In-Home WiFi Can Make Your Offline Game Work Better
Comcast’s been irking a large segment of the internet again this week. This time, though, it doesn’t have anything to do with their pro-merger mania, their stance on net neutrality, or the problems with their actual service. The latest kerfuffle is all about a thirty-second commercial — one that doesn’t even seem to get the basics of its own technology right. [More]

Is Comcast Considering $6/Month Fee For Out-Of-Home WiFi Access?
Comcast recently began a large-scale expansion of its out-of-home WiFi network to give subscribers Internet access via hotspots when they are away from their home network. Right now, the cost for accessing these hotspots is included in a user’s monthly subscription, but does market research recently done in the name of Comcast foretell a fee to come? [More]

Dear Atlanta: Comcast Now Hates You Too
Comcast’s slow but determined expansion of its plan to enact data caps and collect overage fees from subscribers has hit its biggest city yet, as the company has decided that Atlanta subscribers should now be hemmed in by these restrictions. [More]

Comcast Tests Talking TV Listings For Visually Impaired Customers
In an effort to appeal to visually impaired consumers — and possibly get ahead of looming regulatory requirements — Comcast has been testing a version of its channel guide that actually speaks the titles of shows and movies available for watching. [More]

Are You Okay With Comcast Sharing Your Home Wi-Fi With Everyone?
As a child, how were you at sharing your toys with other kids, friends and strangers alike? If you rent Xfinity equipment from Comcast, you’re going to have to share your toys–and by “toys” we mean “wireless router”–with everyone in Kabletown. Understandably, some people do not like this idea. [More]

I Pay $250/Month, Get Useless DVRs, And Comcast Doesn’t Care
Adam has Comcast’s fantastic new X1 DVR, but isn’t enjoying it very much. He keeps having to swap out his boxes, and the ones he has don’t work. Our usual stable of contacts, the Comcast Cares team, aren’t able to help him, either. [More]

Comcast Offers Broadband So Fast, The Promotional Price Ends 6 Months Early
Where are six months and twelve months basically the same thing? At Comcast, of course. The cable company/ISP/overlords of all media want to show us all that they have a poor grasp on math. We can laugh it up all we want, but the joke’s really on reader Bubbicito. It doesn’t matter how confusing he finds the deals in Kabletown, because he doesn’t have any other choices for high-speed broadband. He can still vent at Consumerist, though. [More]

Comcast Testing Out Prepaid Internet Access
Given that millions of consumers choose to use prepaid wireless plans for their phones, is it that much of a stretch to think the prepaid model will work for home Internet access? That’s what Comcast is trying to figure out with its new Xfinity Prepaid service. [More]

Comcast To Remove 250GB Data Cap. Don't Celebrate Just Yet
Following the recent news that Comcast would not count any of its own Xfinity streaming video services against Internet customers’ 250GB data cap, the folks at Kabletown have announced they is doing away with that cap — and replacing it with tiered data plans. [More]
Comcast Launching Subscription Streaming Service For $4.99/Month
Comcast has officially declared war on Netflix, announcing the launch of its Xfinity Streampix subscription video service that is cheaper than Netflix but which will only be available for Comcast customers. [More]

Comcast Keeps Calling About My Appointment, Except I'm Not A Comcast Customer
Even though Comcast recently announced it would be be shortening the time windows given to customers for installation and repair appointments, many of you expressed the sentiment that this won’t do anything to improve service if the rest of Kabletown remains broken. You may be right. [More]