
Comcast Swallows Delicious Regional Cable Companies

Comcast Swallows Delicious Regional Cable Companies

Its customers generate twice as much cash flow as the average subscriber, said Comcast spokeswoman D’Arcy Rudnay.

Get ready to be Comcasted! —MEGHANN MARCO

Comcast's CEO Makes $27.8 Million, Does He Deserve It?

Comcast's CEO Makes $27.8 Million, Does He Deserve It?

Members of the House Financial Services Committee, led by Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.), approved a bill last week that would give shareholders an advisory vote on pay.

Local Government Powerless Against Comcast, Tells Residents To Switch To Satellite

Local Government Powerless Against Comcast, Tells Residents To Switch To Satellite

“We’re between a rock and a hard place,” Gregor said. “We could drop the franchise, but then a lot of people won’t have television.”

A Closer Look At Comcast's Privacy Policy

A Closer Look At Comcast's Privacy Policy

The privacy policy starts off with the fine sentiment that: “Comcast is committed to maintaining your privacy and believes that, as a subscriber to its high-speed Internet service, you are entitled to know Comcast’s information practices.” The policy then goes on to state “We will not read your outgoing or incoming e-mail, video mail, private chat, or instant messages, but we (or our third party providers) do store e-mail messages and video mail messages on computer systems for a period of time.”

Squirrels 1, Comcast 0: Comcast Would Rather Let You Cancel Than Investigate Damage

Squirrels 1, Comcast 0: Comcast Would Rather Let You Cancel Than Investigate Damage

I’ve told them either they are throttling the bandwidth for my neighborhood or it’s a problem on the pole going to my house. They had found a problem there previously; apparently it looked like squirrels chewed through the box and severed components. Squirrels are apparently bad-asses when it comes to taking down infrastructures.

We suppose Comcast could have kept Rex as a customer if they’d bothered to just take a look at his potential squirrel damage. Comcast even promised that they would. They didn’t. Now Rex has Speakeasy. Sadly, when we told him that they’d just been purchased by Best Buy he said a word that nice ladies don’t type on the internet.

No Sopranos For You: Comcast Says Switch To Digital Or Lose HBO

No Sopranos For You: Comcast Says Switch To Digital Or Lose HBO

“I guess the thing that bothers me is, the service is bad and rates keep increasing,” said Alan Letofsky, one of many customers who recently received a notice from Comcast saying they would need a digital-cable box to keep HBO, which telecasts The Sopranos. “We just don’t want to give any more money to Comcast.”

UPDATE: "Comcast Bullies Customer for Cash, Breaks His Hard Drive, Drills Huge Holes In Walls And Baseboards"

UPDATE: "Comcast Bullies Customer for Cash, Breaks His Hard Drive, Drills Huge Holes In Walls And Baseboards"

Remember Jason? He had the Comcast tech from hell. The cable installation tech asked Jason for cash, drilled holes in his baseboards, broke his Media Center PC, installed the wrong router…

Get Comcast Internet Without $50 Activation Fee

Get Comcast Internet Without $50 Activation Fee

Blueprint For Financial Prosperity tells us how to get Comcast internet installed without paying a $50 activation fee.

Proposed FCC Rule Would Limit Comcast's Growth

Proposed FCC Rule Would Limit Comcast's Growth

FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin circulated the proposed ownership cap to other commissioners Monday, said Rudy Brioche, a legal advisor to Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein.

Comcast Sends You A $0.63 Check For No Reason

Comcast Sends You A $0.63 Check For No Reason

I’m not sure what to say about this check I got from Comcast, except that I almost framed it. But then I decided how much I hate Comcast, like many decent people do, and decided if I can take money from them, any amount, then I’d do it… then I’ll print a copy and frame it.

Colorado Police Looking For Comcast Imposter

Colorado Police Looking For Comcast Imposter

Colorado police are looking for man caught posing as a Comcast employee. The man had no identification and was holding photocopied Comcast brochures as he tried to gain entrance to a home.

Circuit City's Firedog Charges $169 For 'Home Theater Installation', Doesn't Hook Up HDMI Cable

Circuit City's Firedog Charges $169 For 'Home Theater Installation', Doesn't Hook Up HDMI Cable

•Demonstrate operation of system

Lawsuit Alleges Comcast Allowed Murder Suspect To Stay On The Job, Kill Again

Lawsuit Alleges Comcast Allowed Murder Suspect To Stay On The Job, Kill Again

A Polish immigrant was killed because a cable repairman was allowed to continue making house calls despite being a suspect in a murder investigation, the victim’s fiance alleges in a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Chicago.

Comcast Tech Bullies Customer for Cash, Breaks His Hard Drive, Drills Huge Holes In Walls And Baseboards

Comcast Tech Bullies Customer for Cash, Breaks His Hard Drive, Drills Huge Holes In Walls And Baseboards

Jason ordered something very simple from Comcast. He wanted cable service, internet, and a router. He wanted the internet hooked up to several computers. He wanted two regular cable boxes and one DVR. He wanted wall jacks installed in his home. Comcast, last we checked, offered all of these services. So why did Comcast’s installer show up without a router asking for $115.80 in cash? Why did he drill holes in Jason’s walls and baseboards, and unplug his HP Media Center PC Box (thereby breaking it)? Why was he rude to Jason, requiring him to “show the cash” to “make sure he had it?”

Comcast Leaves Customer Without Forty-Eight Channels

Comcast Leaves Customer Without Forty-Eight Channels

Comcast has left reader Laura without forty-eight channels since early February. Laura has replaced four cable boxes, and spoken with several technicians. Each one suggests the same diagnosis.

Shockingly, it is not a problem with the line or the box. It is a problem with the coding coming in through the line. The technician tells us that our line is showing both Adelphia codes and Comcast codes coming through it. When both sets of codes hit the box, the box shuts down.

Diagnosing the problem is not the same as fixing the problem. Though aware of the issue, Comcast has not offered a solution. Laura is still without forty-eight channels. Comcast is still billing her for full service.

1/4 Of HDTV Owners Do Not Realize They Are Not Watching HDTV

1/4 Of HDTV Owners Do Not Realize They Are Not Watching HDTV

Anyone who thinks consumers understand high-definition television should consider a recent survey by Leichtman Research Group.

Once Again, We Beseech You To Haggle With Comcast

Once Again, We Beseech You To Haggle With Comcast

• Know what the competitors charge. Print out competing packages to have at the ready. Also make sure to compare apples to apples. For example, basic cable is significantly cheaper than digital cable.

Ripped-Off Mom Gets Resolution From Comcast After We Intervene

Ripped-Off Mom Gets Resolution From Comcast After We Intervene

David’s Mom just got her refund check, nearly bringing her issue with Comcast billing and harassing her for cable that was never installed to a close.